Can Fonts Evoke Feelings? By Jenna Erickson, Codal Inc
__________________________________________________________________________________________ In web design, content can be just as important as visual elements, such as infographics, images, and even the fontography. Along with these visual marketing tools like infographics, fonts also serve as a marketing tool for journalists and writers when creating their content. Ultimately, your choice of font is part of how a message is conveyed to a user. As a u ser experience company, this is something that cannot be overlooked. A few years back, a study was conducted by the Software Usability Research Lab, by Wichita State University, about how some types of fonts evoke specific emotions for the end user. Turns out, it is quite interesting! The study had the participants organize different types of fonts into categories, such as: All Purpose, Traditional, Happy Creative, Assertive Bold, and Plain. The well-known fonts that were organized included: Cambria, Constantia, Corbel, Candara, Calibri, Consolas, Times New Roman, Arial, Verdana, Comic Sans, Century Gothic, Courier New, Impact, Kristen, Rockwell Extra Bold, Gigi, Georgia, Agency FB, Monotype Corsiva, and Rage Italic. Below are some the top fonts that were associated with certain emotions: ● ● ● ● ● ●
Unstable: Gigi, Kristen, and Rage Italic Passive: Kristen, Gigi, Comic Sans Unimaginative: Courier New, Arial, Consolas Elegant: Monotype Corsita, Rage Italic, Gigi Assertive: Impact, Rockwell Bold, Georgia Formal: TNR, Georgia, Monotype Corsiva
When designing a website, it is absolutely critical to keep the fonts in mind. If you are a creative company offering U I design services, you probably would want to steer away from the font’s that are considered “unimaginative,” considering you are trying to portray the company as being creative. The same goes for the opposite, if a UX design company is designing a website that is targeted for a bride-to-be, you would want to stay away from the fonts in the “unstable” category, and choose something more formal and elegant. If a doctor's website is using the “Gigi” font, I don’t think that visitors will consider the website, or the doctor as a trustable source. Most companies that conduct UX UI research should be well-aware of what types of fonts are considered to be trustable, and which are not. Why care about emotions when designing? Every day, we make decisions around how we feel. Triggering emotions will increase motivation, and affect a user's memories. Eventually (and ideally) the users emotions will become actionable and they will perform the actions or tasks that you want to. Choose your fonts wisely, as they have a huge impact on your customer's experience while they are using a website. Most web development agencies will take this into consideration during the u ser experience and interface design stage.