The Usability of PostIt’s During the UX Research Phase Author: Jenna Erickson, Codal Inc ____________________________________________________________________________ As a UX Design and Development Agency, our office walls, whiteboards and desks are consistently filled up with bright and informational postit’s, not because it’s colorful and cheering, but it is part of our user experience designer’s overall strategy. In fact, post it notes are a very common tool in the use of UX Designers of all kinds. A UX process is typically to explore and iterate ideas as a team. Post it’s allow a team to collaborate their ideas on paper, seamlessly.
Post it notes can be used in a variety of ways scenarios and user flows, card sorting, ideation sessions, user testing, and identification of patterns. Yes, this can all be done in a different manner, however the post it notes brings a whole new level of collaboration to the table and allows a great “movearound nature,” letting the whole team critique without damaging any previous work. “My favorite time to use post it notes are during user research, specifically in the user testing stage. During user testing sessions, the clients and observers write down their observations on a note, then our team organizes the notes on the board to get a larger picture of the main findings of the session. The
collaboration between the users, and the UX designer, and even between the UX designers is substantial.” Brienne Moore, UX Researcher, Codal In the user research phase, the notes can also be used to analyze and visualize the indepth interviews, after the user testing is completed. After the organization of the research from the interviews and user testing, personas are created to fit the platform . Codal’s UX team also likes to use post it notes for card sorting exercises, besides just the information on the note, the colors are an additional way to sort through the information. In ideation sessions for the information architecture stage, designers are able to organize the notes, mix them up and reorganize them in order to see different patterns and insights of IA emerge.
Strategy | User Experience | Development