Experts Advise On Exercise For Knee Joint Care
When most people start to feel pain in their joints, especially the knees and hips, they naturally stop doing whatever activity is causing the pain to stop any further injury. Although that seems sensible it is not necessarily the best course of action. If you are experiencing joint or any other pain, see your local Physio on the Gold Coast. They will be able to advise you on the correct way to go about dealing with your particular problem. Everyone’s posture and the way they move is unique, your Physio on the Gold Coast is trained to recognise the reason for your pain and develop new movements or patterns of movements that will help overcome the pain and help in full recovery. Often people start exercising later in life because of suggestions from their doctor to reduce weight or to improve your overall health. Often when first starting out on a particular exercise that causes your joints to move or take pressure in different ways can cause discomfort or pain. Physiotherapists are now using sensible exercise to reduce joint and hip pain, with results that are equal to or better than using dangerous prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs or over the counter painkillers. Many people have found enough pain relief from specially devised exercises that they have cancelled their planned hip and knee surgery’s. What the Pain Means Over the last twenty years research has discovered that exercise is one of the best methods for the treatment of the majority of joint pain found in middle age and older people. The biggest problem is to convince people in pain that by doing sensible exercise your body will respond and reduce your pain levels. Joint and movement pain is often a sign you’re using your joints, muscles, bones and cartilage in an unusual way. The emphasis is on sensible exercise, the best person to advise you on the correct exercise and how to do it correctly is your Physio on The Gold Coast.
Our bodies are designed to adapt and improve with a wide variety of movement and exercise. The amount of pain relief you get is directly related to how much exercise you do as well as the way you do your exercise. It has been shown that exercising while being supervised by your Physio either on a one to one or in group sessions has a much higher success rate than trying to go alone at home. The reasons for this are probably because in a group session you are more inclined to put in that little extra effort and you have the special knowledge of your Physio helping you. Getting the Best Benefit from your Exercise When you exercise you should work at a rate that causes you to be slightly out of breath and begin to perspire a little then gradually increase the amount of effort and duration of your exercise, but when you exercise the pain level should always be tolerable. Properly supervised exercise that is tailored to meet you pacific and individual needs can control and remove your pain as your body learns to move in new ways and develop strengths to compensate for age related wear and tear as well as accidental and arthritic related damage.