How Mobility App Can Help In Improving Your Health
Many people do not understand that their body is really a very complex living machine that like your car, bike or sewing needs to be well maintained so that it stays in optimum condition. Having the right nutrition is vital for the smooth operation of the human body as so is exercise, but many people neglect mobility which is also a key part of body maintenance. There are two aspects of mobility one part is doing exercises so you are ready and able to perform a specific task or function such as playing your chosen sport, but it also means being ready to do anything that life demands of you without undue stress or damage When we talk about Mobility exercises as opposed to other forms of exercise we are talking about our ability to improve all our movements which in turn assists us to improve our overall health because our bodies are performing in the way that it was designed by “Mother Nature� and perfected over the last million or so generations to become what it can be today. We were never designed to spend 8 hours plus sitting at a desk or driving a car. Our bodies need to have the full range of movements on a regular basis the be totally healthy
Starting Exercise Lots of people take up an exercise regime such as running or gym classes and although their heart and cardiovascular systems quickly become accustomed to these forms of exercise, their joints such as ankles, knees and hips are not ready which is why 4 out of 5 runners develop some form of pain from running often to the extent that they cannot run anymore. The reason for these injuries or pain is that the “engine”, the “heart is fine” but the rest of the body is not able to handle the strain because of a lack of mobility. Most people can run or do some form of strenuous exercise, but they neglect to do the required warm up and cool down exercises, they do not perform the proper maintenance their bodies require. Our bodies Our bodies are not designed to use the sinews, ligaments, tendons and the soft tissues in our joints as a cushioning area for our activities. Our muscular system is the mechanism designed to absorb all the shocks and knocks our bodies receive, just like the springs and shock absorbers in a car. Without these, our cars would be smashed to bits or be so uncomfortable it would be hard to drive. Just like the car, we have limitations of where we can travel and if we want to go off road, then we need to strengthen our body’s suspension, namely our muscles and mobility. Mobility training is all about building your body so it is ready for all the actions you will do and to prevent injury doing them.