Comparison Between Hashgraph & Blockchain | India | USA | U.K | Singapore | Canada | Norway
Hashgraph Hash graph is superior consensus mechanism/data structure alternative to block chain A decentrali zed platform w ithout servers built of hash graph technology w il l enable block chain use cases to run
H undred thousand transactions per sec (pre-sharding)
Mathematicall y proven fairness (via consensus ti me stamping)
B ank grade security (A synchronous B yzantine F aul t tolerance)
Public netw orks are expensive to run and have performance constraints resulting from P roof of Work (agreeing to the order in w hich transaction can occur. On the other hand, H ash graph is 50,000 Times Faster: limited only by bandw idth— 250,000+ Transactions per S econd (P re-S hardi ng)
More Fair Consensus time stamping available wi th Hash graph offers a solution to this probl em. It prevents an indi vidual from affecting the consensus order of transactions by denying any sort of manipulati- on of the order of the transactions.
ABFT (Asynchronous Byzantine Fault Tolerance) Hash graph i s proven to be full y asynchronous B yzanti ne. T his means it makes no as sumptions about how fast messages are passed over the internet. T his capabili ty makes i t resili ent agai nst DD oS attacks, botnets, and firew al ls.
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No M i ner neede d It w ill not use any proofs li ke P oW (Proof of W ork) or P oS (P roof of stake) S ince all nodescontribute, there i sn’t much need to i ncentivize through fees. This w ill al so make Hashgraph viable for micropayments, as the fees wil l be minimal.
Blockchain A blockchain i s a tamper-evident, shared distributed digital ledger that records transactions in a public or private peer-to-peer netw ork. Di stributed to all members nodes in the netw ork, the ledger permanently records, in a sequential chain of cryptographic hash-l inked blocks, the history of asset exchanges that take place between the peers in the netw ork.
Consensus ensures that the shared ledgers are exact copies, and lowers the risk of fraudulent transactions, because tampering would have to occur across many places at exactly the same time. Blockchain cannot be controlled by any single entity. Second, it has no single point of failure.
Advantages Remove duplication & discrepancies:
All participants maintain their own ledgers with duplication and discrepancies that result in disputes, increased settlement times, and the need for intermediaries with their associated overhead costs.
Save time & cost:
Blockchain-based shared ledgers, where transactions cannot be altered once validated by consensus and written to the ledger hence save time & cost.
Increased Trust & Integrity:
Immutability mechanisms of blockchain technologies lead to lowered cost of audit and reg- ulatory compliance with improved transparency. Businesses benefit from increased speed of execution, reduced costs, and less risk.