2 minute read
from Sustainability Report 2020
by Mobimo
When choosing its suppliers and partners, Mobimo looks not only for quality standards and value for money but also for a common understanding of sustainability.
Mobimo operates exclusively in Switzerland, meaning that projects are always realised in line with Swiss standards. The suppliers and partners involved generally come from the corresponding geographical regions (100 km radius), in other words from the Zurich metropolitan area, from Central Switzerland or, in the canton of Vaud, primarily from the Lausanne region. According to a rough analysis, more than 2,000 partners and suppliers work for Mobimo.
Suppliers are selected on the basis of criteria such as local connections, short distances (70 – 80% of purchases are from regional and national suppliers) and compliance with quality and sustainability requirements. The quality of the cooperation, reliability and experience are also every bit as important.
As a principal, Mobimo requires its contracting partners, especially general contractors, to comply with all current and applicable laws, standards, regulations and requirements relating to safety and employment law and to adhere to the provisions of the Gender Equality Act and the Posted Workers Act. The relevant standards governing sustainable building must also be met. Mobimo refers in particular to the latest recommendations issued by KBOB/IPB (the coordination conference of construction and property bodies of public principals and the interest group of private/professional principals), such as “Building construction materials” and “Conditions for planning services (building construction)” (within the meaning of SIA recommendation 112/1).
Portfolio management and administration: main activities
Portfolio management Construction/ refurbishment, maintenance, operation
Finance and controlling
Facility management
› Building technology providers › Construction and environmental technology › Developers › Door and gate providers › Electricians › Environmental service providers › Furniture providers › Interior designers › Landscape gardeners › Lift providers › Lighting experts › MetalworkersSignwriters › Providers of locking systems › Sanitation providers › Telecoms and IT providers › Tradespeople (frontages, roofs, windows, carpentry, joinery, etc.) › Ventilation and air conditioning technology providers
Development and realisation: main activities
Planning Implementation Operation
Legal Finance and controlling Important supplier groups and external services (not exhaustive)
› Architects › Artists › Building technology providers › Developers › Electrobiologists › Engineers › General contractors › Interior designers and colour consultants › Landscape gardeners › Market researchers › Marketing consultants › Notaries and legal advisors › Planners › Sociologists › Sub-contractors (all trades) › Tradespeople