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Totally Wilde By Collette Saunders
"Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else’s opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation." Oscar Wilde, De Profundis
Yes Mr Wilde! Annoyingly you’re probably right. Or did you have way too much time on your hands over thinking things? Are our passions a quotation? Do we live our lives mimicking? Is what we think merely a product of someone else’s opinion. It may appear so!
Creativity! To have the mind and the talent to create beautiful things and express ourselves. What is it for and where will it take us? And in the pursuit of that, what influences our direction. Do we merely get herded along with what has fed us or do we take the road less travelled? That bumpy, overgrown, potholed track that jolts and shakes, throwing our thoughts into everything from ego boosted elation to crippling self-doubt.
We all love a good success story. There is so much to be inspired by. Stirs us up to be our “best selves”. We take what we need and become. Become what someone else is with our own twist. Mimicry! We all become impressionists. So how do we become creatives and influence those around us without ending up as a living breathing quotation? It’s a hard gig because we know that most of everything has been done before. Unless of course you are hurtling into space with NASA to find the end of the universe while trying to not be sucked into a black hole. Whatever we do seems to be watched these days. We influence without even realising. Opinions are everywhere.
If you’re feeling like a performer pushed in front of a crowd before you expected to be put on stage then there’s nothing left to do than put your best foot forward, even though you felt you needed more time to prepare. Interesting though, how we shine more than we might have done when put in that situation. Embrace the pressure when you sense it!
I’ve been watching some people do just that lately. Jumping in wholeheartedly with serious planning, yet also the uncertainty of will it go “alright in the night”. When the wheel of fortune turns in our favour many projects can enjoy great success and we do reap what we sow. When things emerge positively the opportunity brings exciting new energy. Planning, skill, years of dedication and an eye on the prize pay off. So too being involved in or a part of bigger things. All it takes is one confident step. It can carve out a pathway to places we never thought we’d be. Australian Modern Barber Awards entries have just closed and I’m looking forward to scrutinising this year’s submissions alongside all the other judging team. Last year saw the inaugural AMBA’s which was a visual feast that caught us all by surprise. The presentations of the winners were out of the box. Inspiring a new flow of genderless style. A way of re-introducing an almost renaissance style which is a new theme current in men’s styling.
With it came thought provoking challenge which is something I truly applaud being spotlighted in our industry. If you are an emerging talent who likes the idea of change, compromises, and adjustments to a more scenic route for the barbering industry then get on board for 2023. Summon that courage and who knows where you’ll land! Use impressions you can take that give you the desire to reflect your own definitions in creativity. Become someone’s inspiration.
Inspiration was everywhere when we were in Sydney in June. What a brilliant time we had at Hair Festival with Area Academy, Jack Reed Foundation and Barber Academy Australia. Eoin McCarthy’s vision for Barber Hub became reality, and it made the Barber Hub stand officially the most visited one in the entire weekend at Carriageworks. The emerging artists who supported by cutting on the stand, the spectator interest, the involvement of sponsors, the generous donations of the public to the charity behind the event, and the relaxed feel of the weekend made it a true success.
There’s something tangible in the air when creatives get together. It’s palpable and it drives. That’s what makes what goes on behind the scenes worth it. And believe me the time, effort, expense, physical and mental drain is real. Just ask Eoin! It came together perfectly, and it was “alright on the night”. The responses and interactions of the public proved a real need and interest in what the barbering industry, and the people who are passionate about it, bring to the table. Create the platform and the people will come. It is a strong reminder that within our communities the grass roots level, is where it matters. People walk away inspired. They go back to their creative spaces, replicate, and bring together their own impressionism. Call it mimicry, call it a mirroring of ideas, call it whatever you think it is. It’s passion. It’s quotation. It may have been done before or it may have not, but in every way it’s totally wild.
Collette Saunders @collettesaundershair Founder of @australianfemalebarbers @afb_recruit Board Director of @jackreedfoundation