1. Bump-in your guideline in with the Libertas T-Trimmer starting at one side, in this instance, just above the temple and moving around the head to the other side.
2. Remove the bulk with the Sirius on the highspeed setting and the 00000-cutting head.
3. Perfect your baseline accurately with the Libertas T-Trimmer.
4. Using the Pegasus Midi start fading down with the 12 comb - 8 comb - 4 comb and then no comb using the adjustable lever to get to zero.
5. Using the Pegasus Midi with no guard and just the adjustable lever flick upwards first flush against the scalp and then tilted sideways using the first 2
6. Remove weight lines and blend the sides with Clipper – over – comb using the Pegasus Midi.