3 minute read
Is the art of scissor cutting gradually fading?
By Frank Ciccone
Yes, I thought that was a cool intro as well.
But it’s a serious question. A question tackling the future of barbering:
When does education take centre stage? How can we (us older barbers) show the young kids the right way to cut hair? Are we too focused on doing the perfect fade that we have forgotten about the art of scissor cutting?
I have seen many amazing fades by barbers. But when it comes to scissor cutting and blending, I feel as if the art is “fading” away.
There are many amazing barbering schools across the country whom I communicate with regularly. They are creating fantastic barbers: barbers who will become our future.
My question is: do we have a universal system with a national curriculum to maintain a high standard for every aspiring student, and what do we need to do to improve our system moving forward so that we can enable young barbers to learn the art of old and new barbering skills ?
We need a system that allows us to assist and educate our educators to keep the art of barbering on a progressive path that is both exciting and shows all the fundamentals of haircutting.
I have spoken to some incredible educators and asked for their input:
“Having a National qualification like Certificate 3 in barbering can boost your credibility and skills significantly. It’s important to keep the industry professional. Would you take your car to an unqualified mechanic? “ - Rocco, Trainer and Assessor in Certificate 3 Barbering at TAFE NSW
“Working with industry partners and hosting regular industry collaboration events, ensures our students a seamless transition into the industry and equips them with the essential skills in men’s cutting and grooming.” - Bree Mangione-Lead Educator Hairdressing and Barbering.
This article won’t have the answers, but hopefully it will be the catapult into addressing the issues at hand with barbering education and spark a conversation.
I honestly believe that there should be a forum or community of some sort that can bring together industry leaders, educators, and current students from each state and allow them to come up with a system that works for all. The next Barber’s Expo could be a great opportunity for this connection and union to happen.
I have been operating my salon for over 28 years and have had several apprentices come through the doors. They have all gone through the TAFE system here in Victoria which has been great for their skill building and theory education.
With more education facilities popping up all over the country recently, now is the time to unite and work together to give our future barbers the right tools physically and emotionally to have the best chance in this cutthroat industry: to allow them the freedom to master the art of barbering.
Frank Ciccone is the owner of Hair by Ciccone, SMASH IT and founder of Barbers of Australia Facebook Group. www.smash-it.com.au Phone: 0402085648