5 minute read
By Angela Sanchez
With the Fast Pace of the digital world, it is important to make sure you are building an email list of raving fans that your social media followers are sent to sign up to so they can become part of your VIP LIST.
I’m a social media guru for beauty business owners and have been for the last 4 years, but one thing that hasn’t changed since social media started is that YOU DONT OWN YOUR FACEBOOK AND INSTAGRAM. In fact, it could disappear in an instant. Speaking from experience here but more on that another time.
The fact that you spend countless hours posting content, creating reels, educating through Facebook live and you are not converting that viewer or follower into a paying customer, then you need to think smarter in a way that you can nurture them through email marketing.
I know you have a client list that you may be sending your monthly newsletter to BUT, you are limiting yourself by only emailing those that have already become a client and are in your local community.
It’s time to speak to the opportunity of selling retail Australia Wide!!!
It’s not hard to set up.
Step 1: Choose an email software provider. An easy one that is widely used in our industry in Mailchimp.
Step 2: Create an INVITATION TO SIGN UP. This way you have a place to have them write their first name and email address.
Step 3. Create an Automated welcome email. This will be sent every single time someone signs up to your list, introduce yourself and let them get to know you.
Now remember this list is separate to the salon client list so you want those clients to opt in for VIP bonuses and Secret Discount Codes for your online store.
Step 4. Invite your client list that you have collected from your salon software, with an email for them to sign up. There will be a unique link from your sign-up form for you to copy and paste into your email.
Step 5. Share with your social media followers that you would love them to JOIN... (Insert community name) For example you could use beauty sisters, The Beauty Society, Your clinic name Lovers. Get Creative and make
it an exciting reason for them to click and subscribe.
Step 6. Don’t just post once about joining and then think your list will grow organically, you need to be using all the tools within social media to DRIVE TRAFFIC TO THIS LIST.
Use Reels, Posts, Go Live and share the link in a call to action each time. Where do they go and what do they get!
Step 7. Add the sign-up form to your website as a pop up, that way when people find you on google you are already gaining their email before becoming a customer.
Now I have their email - Now What?
We’ll have a think about the emails that you love to receive and hate to receive. You want to use your brand voice so that you are building a connection with your audience via email. Try to focus on retail, remember that this list will now be a combination of clients that come to you for treatments but ALSO those who may be out of reach to get to appointments, but value your knowledge and want to buy from YOU!
1. Let them know how much you appreciate them being on your list and want to offer them a Welcome Discount code off anything from your online store. Share a bit about you and your business.
2. Share a recent or old blog post with them. This helps drive traffic from your emails to
your website and get them browsing other things you offer. I always recommend adding segments in your blog that promotes your products. clickable links and images that take them to the actual product in the online store.
3. Share the product of the month, you can insert video links as well, so for example if you have done a Facebook live speaking about the product of the month you can link them back to that to and try to get them engaging in your socials to.
4. Ask Them a question, short sharp and really powerful for your emails to end up in their inbox instead of spam when you are getting clicks and replies.
5. Share 5 ways they can get started on a glowing skin journey. (Kind of like these 5 step email tips)
Ok now it’s over to you.... this may sound scary for you to dip your toes into or feel like another thing added to the plate of your already overwhelming list of content creation but it’s important as the buying pattern of the beauty and wellness consumer is changing and I don’t want you being left behind.
Now I always like to lead by example so go and head to www.beautybusinessco.com/ freebies and get on our list so we can send you more beauty business tips like this in between magazine articles.
Stay Gorgeous Inside and Out.
Angela Sanchez is the Beauty Business Mentor www.beautybusinessco.com