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3 Ways to use Video to Boost Your Beauty Business By Angela Sanchez

Video is so important for marketing your beauty business in 2022, not just for big brand names, but as solopreneurs as well. YouTube is the number two search engine behind Google and experts predict that 82% of all internet traffic by 2023 will come from video.

• Nearly 50% of internet users search for video demonstrations before making a purchase

• More than 90% of shoppers say Instagram and Facebook videos have given them gift ideas

• Viewers retain 95% of a message via video compared to only 10% when reading from text

Video is here to stay and here are some ways you can make this medium work for your business.

1. Start simple.

Contrary to popular belief, you don’t need a commercial studio setup and raw authentic video is more engaging than paying a videographer these days. Those are certainly nice perks and maybe you want to work up to that status but to start, just turn on your phone and start recording. Introduce yourself to your social media followers. Talk about why you started your business. Tell your audience what you offer and what problems you can help them solve. Once you get used to producing video and speaking in front of a camera, the process will go much smoother, and you’ll feel like a pro.

2. Demonstrate your products.

Video is incredibly helpful when selling a physical product because people often want to see how something works before purchasing. Showcase the features and benefits in a video but don’t just hold the tube, get that product on your skin, and show your audience that you actually use it yourself. Its far more engaging watching someone apply a product than sitting with it behind them on the shelf. This increases video watch time which is important for the algorithm to show your video to more of your followers and potential followers that are scrolling the explore page.

3. Build relationships with your audience.

Not all marketing has to involve selling, but there are way too many beauty business owners FORGETTING TO SELL EFFECTIVELY. I’m talking about sharing your offers and forgetting to tell your customer where to click to book, or shop the link in our bio, or using the shopping stickers that the platform gives you to link your products in your videos.

Draw your audience closer by being approachable, answering their questions, and showing interest in THEIR needs.

Filming a livestream video is the next best thing. They can see your personality, hear your voice, and learn more about you via this one livestream. Reels have certainly taken over our feeds, but have you forgotten about including LIVES for Instagram and Facebook as part of your social media strategy?

How does all this improve your business? I like to speak about the BUYERS CYCLE to our members of Beauty Boss Pro where yes, we continually teach you about social media growth and strategy you can implement into your own beauty business - Think of it as planting seeds in the minds of your audience. You’re introducing what you have to offer and reminding them at various intervals so that when they are ready to buy, they will start to remember who you are. You may start out with a modest increase in social followers or more traffic to your website. As they get to know you, you might notice more of your posts getting shared, more subscribers to your email list, or more sales. Once you build up your trusted base who adore you, that’s when you’ll see the larger sales from products and promotions that you are putting out via social media. You may also hear from other business owners who want to collaborate with you and who want to work with you.

Nervous about Using Video? No idea where to start?

Come watch my livestream for tips…

Angela Sanchez

It’s a daunting prospect to start using video; not all of us are trained public speakers, right? But the joy of using Facebook’s and Instagram’s Livestream feature is that you don’t have to be a professional. You can be just yourself, talking about your business and what you have to offer. For Beauty Biz Readers I have a very special Masterclass that I want to gift you. Email hello@ beautybusinessco.com with the work LIVE and I’ll send it over to you.

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