3 minute read

3 Types Of Content You Need To be Posting

By Angela Sanchez - Digital Beauty Boss and founder of Beauty Business Co

To become a magnet for your dream customers without being sales-y and without it taking a tonne of time, here’s some important types!

Type 1 - TEACH

You have powerful knowledge that your clients and potential customers need to hear, wanting to hear and are searching for in google already so why are you not the one teaching it?

My theory is if 1 person has a problem that you know you can solve, then there are so many more people you can reach by educating on the solutions to that problem, positioning you as a leading industry expert.


Write out solutions for 10 problems your clients are having. Offer Tips on how-to’s, and give information on how you can help them.

Look at ways in how you can speak to the camera in a Reel, LIVE and with stories around these topics so you are offering different touch points.

Type 2 - SHARE

What do you want your audience to know that you stand for. Are you an eco and sustainable salon? Why is that important to you and how are you incorporating this into the salon. beliefs, a personal story/experience, and pain points around what you stand for can be a really strong pillar that will intern help you attract customers with similar values. This can speed track a social media follower into a trusting and loyal customer really quickly if you connect with them in this way.


Write out 1 thing you and your business stand for Then brainstorm 10 topics you can speak about on it, and link in how you will turn this into story selling. E.g., If you are explaining why being eco and sustainable is important to you, why not offer anyone in the month who brings back their cleaner bottles 10% off their next purchase.

Start scripting out some head talking clip reels, A LIVE video, and stories you can share.

Type 3 - SHOW

What do you do and how can they learn more or buy?

Showcasing behind the scenes of the treatment room and in progress treatments have been known as the highest forms of engaging content, meaning that your viewer will watch for longer, not click off your stories and want to see more! Think, showcasing a facial and how dreamy a massage and steam can look and make you feel - oh I want one of those!

Before and Afters are instant credibility that you are an expert in delivering the service and can give results.

It’s also important to use your showcasing content to create a really positive customer journey and experience. So, think Simple…. How to book, where is the salon located, how to buy from our online store. There are really awesome filters that you can use to create screen recordings of your phone going to your booking system and the filter is an actual phone, or green screen of it in the background.

I would love to invite you to join The Beauty Boss Pro Membership if you are needing support in social media strategy, continual mentoring from myself to get you unstuck and making continual progress with your content creation. Head to www.beautybusinessco.com freebies to grab some of our free resources today.

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