4 minute read
Skin chats that Feel Good.
By Alanna Douglas
Let me paint a picture for you, you have a new client who you are so excited about meeting! Yay another skin that you can make an impact with! You get into your consultation process and ask, “what is your main skin concern?”, the client answers “I’m pretty happy with my skin”.
This then leads to a spiral of self-doubt in your head, and you revert to a basic skin treatment because your client doesn’t have anything they want to work on with their skin (bummer). They leave not sure if they will return, and you are deflated as you have another skin walk out that you have been able to make big change with. IT IS TIME TO
The language that you use in your consults will make or break your connection with your client. Put yourself in their shoes let’s say you are taking your first steps into a clinic at 50, you don’t even know what a facial is and then you get asked what you are concerned with about your skin.
Immediately that gets the client thinking, oh my gosh there is so much wrong with my face, I wasn’t concerned about anything but now I’m worried should I be concerned? They will then start to close off and shut down to further questioning which leaves you limbo land talking to what feels like a brick wall.
Here are my 3 key steps to creating a consult that feels good!
1. Turning consult into a chat.
Yep, you read that right, flick the fancy language when you are talking to your client in person. Using language about having a skin chat is much more disarming and nurturing than a consult, don’t you think? I also think it sounds a little more enticing and fun! So, what does this look like? When you greet your client, you would say something along the lines of “before we get started with your treatment today, we are going to have a chat about you and your skin. This is so I can get to know you, your needs and create an amazing experience for you, how does that sound?”
2. Showering with positive reinforcement for taking the first step
Sounds simple and that’s because it is! We get so excited to meet new skins that we forget that it can all be a bit overwhelming for the client. So, taking the time to reinforce their choice to put their skin health first will reassure them and prevent buyer’s remorse.
Most clients on their first visit are just in the awareness stage, they know they have skin, and they need to start taking care of their skin but it’s all a bit confusing. This is where we come in and shower them with good vibes. This would sound like “I am so glad that you chose to take the time and invest your skin health today, welcome to the world of skin! I am here to guide you on this journey and be your cheerleader!”
3. Relate your treatment plan and prescription to their life and everyday needs
Clients want to know when they need to use something and how to do it. So, when you are talking about homecare relate to their everyday. This would sound like “when you hop up in the morning and jump into the shower, I want you to use one pump of your cleanser, work it into your skin then rinse off. When you jump out of the shower apply one pump of your serum to your whole face, one pump of eye cream and then about a 50c piece of your SPF.” If we go into too much detail about all the ingredients it can be overwhelming, especially for a newbie.
I will leave you with this, lets delete the word “concern” and replace it with “goal”. Try it and let me know how it goes! Reach out to me on socials @skinfreakaademy I would love to connect with you and hear all about your skin chats!
With love, Alanna Douglas Skin Freak Academy
www.skinfreakacademy.com.au hello@skinfreakacademy.com