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BLOG SPOT with Elle Wilson

Transforming Your Beauty Business with Stellar Consultation Skills

In the high-paced world of the beauty industry, it’s easy to slip into survival mode. We often rush through processes, scramble for more clients, and overlook key aspects of our business in the quest for greater profitability. One such aspect, frequently getting the short shrift, is the consultation.

Most of us, in our relentless chase for more, have failed to recognize the immense value that a thoughtful, client-centric consultation can bring to our beauty business. We’ve been too entangled in the instant gratification of booking more appointments, making more sales, and inadvertently distancing ourselves from what truly matters - the client.

Consultation in the beauty industry is far more than a mere routine or a psychological strategy to attract and retain clients. It’s an opportunity to dive deep into the unique needs, desires, and aspirations of each individual. It’s about fostering genuine connections, revealing the power of authentic relationships, and combating the alarming attrition rates faced by many in our industry.

How often will a salon owner, when asked what she needs in her business right now, respond with… “I need new clients.”

The common notion of minimizing consultation time to accommodate more clients is purely a business owner in survival mode. More becomes the answer, rather than higher quality, deeper consultations, and connections. And if this idea causes unease, consider charging for your consultation. Make it an integral part of your brand identity and elevate your market standing. Step away from the survival mode mindset and delve into authentic connections.

Think about it - a prospect walking into your salon is exploring the potential of a new beauty journey with you. The consultation should not be driven by an agenda, or a rehearsed script designed to secure a ‘yes’ from them. This might sound unconventional, but its truth resonates deep within.

By giving your prospects the freedom to reject you, you demonstrate to yourself the ability to listen with sincere and keen interest, curiosity, and an open mind. You are no longer trying to convince, pushing or persuading; you are allowing. In this state of complete allowance, you will discover a change in your interactions. You will communicate more effectively, understand your clients’ needs more deeply, and realize that consultations can become the most nurturing part of your day.

Consider what makes us feel uncomfortable when we consult. Is it retail products or services? Could it be that agenda-driven, survival mode mindset that is mastering our words and our feelings? If it is, then in that moment, we are disconnected and therefore, left with the feelings of need. We have lost connection with the other.

Believe me when I tell you that you will win the loyalty, the respect and the admiration of prospects and your clients when you shift internally, out of the survival mode mindset and instead, sincerely, deeply care about the person in front of you.

If you consider some of the most successful salon owners, whose business isn’t a one-sided, day-in, day-out exercise, they often don’t suffer burnout as easily, are happier, more fulfilled and have more time for their loved ones and their clients.

Shortcuts are not part of their lives. Sincere consultation is a part of their journey. They also are well aware of the value and master it as an art. They don’t learn how to psychobabble their clients. They actually deeply care.

Regrettably, the current trend of rush appointments and discounted services that has infiltrated our industry is a dilemma many face, starting from the very first consultation with clients. While this business model might work for some salons, it has largely contributed to a diminishing perception of our profession. We’ve become viewed as slaves to trends and fads, and our innate value is often overlooked or misunderstood. We have given away our expertise in the mind of the women and men we are here to care for.

So, the question for you, as a salon owner or a beauty professional, is this: what truly matters in your business and your life? It’s essential to understand that people can sense an agenda-driven consultation, even behind the most rehearsed lines and perfect smiles. This won’t resonate deeply enough with your clients for you to position yourself as their irreplaceable beauty expert.

Transforming your beauty business starts with a shift in perspective - from treating consultation as a quick pre-service chat to embracing it as a golden opportunity to connect, understand, and cater to the unique needs of each client. By adopting a sincere approach, you will not only uplift the value you bring to your clients but also chart a path to sustainable success and growth in the beauty industry.

The key word here is… sincerity. When fully embodied, your clients will rave about you. They will feel deeply connected, heard, seen, and touched by your sincerity.


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