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BLOG SPOT with Daniela Boerma

Resilience as a Salon Owner!

After 40-plus years in the beauty industry, I’m no stranger to challenges. From rapidly changing trends to economic downturns, it’s required resilience to navigate the ever-evolving industry to emerge stronger. Resilience in the beauty industry is not just about surviving these challenges, it is about thriving amidst change and finding opportunities for growth.

One of the key factors that contribute to resilience in the beauty industry is adaptability.

Successful beauty businesses understand the importance of staying ahead of trends and continuously evolving to meet the changing needs of clients. They embrace innovation, whether it’s through the development of new products, incorporating cutting-edge technologies, or adopting new marketing strategies. By being open to change and willing to adapt, they are able to stay relevant in a highly competitive market.

Another aspect of resilience is the ability to build strong relationships with customers. In an industry driven by customer preferences, it is crucial to understand and connect with the target audience. Beauty brands that prioritise customer engagement and feedback are better equipped to anticipate and respond to changing demands. By building a loyal customer base and maintaining open lines of communication, these brands can withstand challenges and even turn them into opportunities for growth.

Resilience in the beauty industry is closely tied to the empowerment of employees and professionals within the field. By providing a supportive and inclusive work environment, companies can nurture talent and encourage creativity. This not only boosts employee morale and productivity but also enables them to adapt to challenges more effectively. Investing in training and professional development programs can help individuals in the beauty industry build resilience by acquiring new skills and staying updated on industry services.

The industry is also influenced by external factors such as economic downturns and global crises. Resilient businesses are those that have contingency plans in place to navigate through uncertain times. By managing costs effectively through budgeting, and having a strong financial foundation, salon owners can withstand economic fluctuations and emerge stronger on the other side.

Budgeting promotes financial awareness and control. Success is evident when salon owners have a clear understanding of their financial situation, including income, expenses, and financial obligations. This then empowers individuals to take control of their finances, make proactive financial decisions, and avoid unnecessary debt or overspending.

Sharing with staff break-even numbers provides understanding why budgeting is important in every business, staff members can actively contribute to the financial success of the salon. They become more engaged, responsible, and aware of their role in managing resources, controlling costs, and achieving the salon’s financial goals. This knowledge can be transferred to their personal lives and future career opportunities, contributing to their overall growth and success.

Collaboration and networking play a vital role in building resilience within the industry. Establishing relationships with other industry experts, marketing professionals, and suppliers can create opportunities for mutual support and shared knowledge. By collaborating, businesses can pool resources, share insights, and collectively overcome challenges.

Every successful business owner at some stage has struggled to thrive, some have failed. Failure can provide valuable lessons and insights, so take the opportunity to learn from your mistakes, improve your skills, and gain a deeper understanding of the industry and target market, don’t give up! I too have failed, however, overcoming my failure and bouncing back stronger was testament to my resilience and determination. Use past mistakes as stepping stones to success.


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