5 minute read
Well as I sit here and write another Blog spot for you, I look at my ‘TO DO’ list and I can’t help but think about the increasing amount of pressure and workload for business owners. I mean let’s be real, 2020 and 2021 were exhausting and the beginning of 2022, well you could say it’s been a big ‘slap in the face’ to most business owners as we continued trying to navigate operating with close contact rules, staff off sick, floods, and everything else that business throws at you.
You see, we put so much into caring for our employees focusing on their happiness and needs that sometimes it can feel impossible to make space to look after ourselves.
We all know the saying they repeat on a plane, ‘please put the breathing mask on yourself before helping others’, but most of us struggle to practice this in everyday life.
So, what can you do to reduce your workload and stress levels to be able to THRIVE NOT SURVIVE in business, how can you move forward in those times where you feel stuck and overwhelmed ….
When we surrender, we turn off our ego, connect to the higher self and stop forcing the moments we can’t control.
Surrendering allows us to let go of the pain and need for certainty. Instead, embrace uncertainty and grow the connection with ourselves by trusting and having faith. When you realise you cannot control certain things in business it makes it easier to let go and listen to your gut. You know it well, the gut talks to you and more so in business - you should trust your GUT. You generally know what’s right and wrong and what feels good and what doesn’t. Usually, the first feeling that you have in your GUT is right.
Breathwork is one of the most underestimated, undervalued tools that we all have access to. Breathwork, or the process of deep rhythmic breathing, moves us out of ‘fight or flight’ and into the parasympathetic nervous system. The benefits are enormous, some of them include:
• reducing stress
• increasing energy levels
• reducing anxiety and depression
• shifting ‘stuck’ energy and negative thoughts
• releasing toxins
• reducing inflammation
• increasing self-awareness
Yes, that’s right remember your ‘Why’!Why do you do what you do?
Business can suffocate the business owner at times, you can feel a slave to it.
Take yourself on a business date, dine yourself and write a list of why you went into business, what’s serving you and what’s not serving you well. Do something for yourself to fill your cup up, you deserve it!
Share with your team what’s on your mind, tell your management team your stresses, thoughts, and feelings. Those that work for you care for you and care for the business, they will appreciate the realness. Sharing with them what you are feeling helps keep it real.
What can you off-load, what is it you can do to ease your workload.
The business owner, often is also the social media manager, accounts manager, trainer, hairdresser on the floor - that’s soooo much for one person my head hurts! What can you do to make it easier for yourself, write a list of what you can delegate and start with one thing at a time. Could you pay someone to manage your socials? Can you delegate ordering stock and just have the final say.
Probably the hardest of them all for us creatives, but set aside time to work on your business not just on the floor. Get to know your numbers and get comfortable with knowing all the ins and outs. This just means that when business gets hectic you will always have a chance to give your business the attention it needs/deserves. Setting time aside helps enormously with the mental load to know that you always have that time.
Lastly, but not least...
Simple as that, identify those who suck your energy out of your business and your personal life. Protect your energy, know when the scales are not in balance and don’t let anyone in that will exhaust you, business is hard enough, managing a team is hard enough, maintaining a life outside of business, that is hard. Let go of the people who don’t lift you up and surround yourself with those that do.
As we embrace another winter with Covid, navigate a flu season and prepare for end of financial year - give yourself the space you deserve, put the mask on yourself first in order to serve others and your business.
Try breathwork, if you’re not sure where to start there’s some amazing apps such as Calm and Headspace.
I wish you nothing but successUntil next time be kind to yourself
Brodie x