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Together We Can Make Hairdressing Great By Nicole Inskip
Most people associate sustainability with the environment, but there is so much more to it. According to the Oxford Dictionary, sustainable means: “able to be maintained at a certain rate or level over a period of time.”
If the last few years have taught me anything, aside from how resilient I can be, it’s that the hair industry in Australia is extremely fragile. We are under-staffed, heavily reliant on migrant workers and very few apprentices are seeking a long-term career in hairdressing; Of the apprentices that do sign up, 68% leave in their first year.
Alarm bells started ringing for me in 2020, when all of the skilled workers left Australia to go back to their home countries; many salons in Australia were looking for staff at the same time, and this continues even now. This got me thinking, what attracted me to hairdressing 19 years ago, and is it still relevant? If I were looking for a job, what would attract me to a salon?
I sat down and wrote an honest list of things I love about my job, and the things I don’t like about my job. I also surveyed my staff to find out how they currently feel about their roles, and had discussions about past workplace experiences. These findings highlight common themes and core issues within our industry that MUST change in order for us to attract employees of the future.
So, what do our staff want?
It is common knowledge that hairdressers “inhale” their lunch, usually in a 3-minute break out the back while their next client is waiting and sometimes don’t eat lunch at all. The process of digestion is extremely important to how our bodies feel, and whether our energy levels are maintained throughout the day. Eating too fast can cause indigestion, gas, bloating and fatigue. Long term noshing has been linked to high blood pressure, increased belly fat and high cholesterol. Prioritise 45-60 minute lunch breaks for your staff, they will be happier, healthier and feel valued. Healthy staff use fewer sick days!

We all deserve a healthy work/life balance, and these days it is more of an expectation than a request. Numbers suggest that a hairdressers optimum booking capacity is 70%, and anything over that is where we become unproductive. Try factoring this 30% into your rosters by giving staff an extra day off a fortnight/month. Flexibility will allow them a sense of freedom in their roles. Productivity will go through the roof while they are at work. This will also breed loyalty as your employees will feel looked after.
Team building events are an important part of any successful salon, however, the old approach of taking everyone out for a boozy dinner after a long week at work can have dire effects on the mental health of already exhausted staff. Why not try a healthy way of connecting staff and helping them relax their nervous systems at the same time? At Session Hairdressing I run quarterly wellness days for staff. We start the day with a wellness class such as yoga, we share a nourishing meal, and then I lead them on a journey of where we are going for the next 3 months in the salon. The staff are happy, relaxed and pampered, as well as understanding the direction the salon is moving in. Events like this provide a safe sharing space for your staff to put forward their ideas.
Hairdressers are creative people who want to be inspired. Without inspiration we become bored and stagnant. Our industry moves so fast with new hair trends that there is never a shortage of content to teach even the most experienced hairdresser. Team training will reinvigorate your staff with new inspiration and creative colour techniques. You can also try sending one staff member to a course and have them run an in-house salon education session, which will boost their confidence in leadership. Instagram is a great source of free content from some amazing hairdressers, a lot of these stylists also offer in salon team training to share their talent with the industry. Some of my faves are @michaelkellycolourist and @pipsqueekinsaigon.
It might shock you to know that the top reason people choose what salon to work for in 2022 is not pay. In fact, across all income levels, the top predictor of workplace satisfaction is the culture and values of the organisation, followed closely by the quality of senior leadership and the career opportunities available to them.
Human beings are hard wired for growth, we need it in order to live happy full lives, therefore, we must offer growth and succession within our salons. I encourage you to connect with your staff individually to understand what it is they are striving for in their careers, and pave a pathway to get them there within your salon. A long-term staff member with a consistent clientele is an incredible asset.
The happiness of ourselves and our employees should be our top priority. Happy staff are productive, which means clients are happy and business is good.
If you would like to build a sustainable business, reach me at: nicole@sessionshairdressing.com.au