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Meet 2022 Hotshots team - TIA WRIGHT PIHAMA
Tia Wright-Pihama, is 21 years old and originally from New Zealand, however moved to Perth with her parents and two older brothers just before her third birthday. She has grown up with a big Perth family, with her cousins, and has always been super family orientated.
Tia started her apprenticeship in 2019 at Toni and Guy Perth Central, and is now a stylist in the salon. When Tia started her hair journey, she was a little anxiety ridden 17-year-old. Working in the salon has definitely helped me so much, and now it’s like no one can shut me up! Says Tia.
2021 was a big year for me personally and professionally, I completed my 8-week harder program with Toni and Guy, going to Sydney and meeting all the educators and people with the same passion made me fall more in love with this amazing industry.
We chat with Tia about her journey to date in the industry and also throw in a few fun questions!

What made you want to be a hairdresser?
I fell into hairdressing almost quite naturally; I’ve always had a love for making people feel their most beautiful inside and out. I always loved art at school and being creative in any way possible so being able to blend both creative freedom and giving someone a boost in their step defiantly felt like the right move.
What kind of hair work is your favourite and why?
I really love making editorial Avant Garde pieces that are dramatic and impactful, BUT in saying that I’m one that loves a beautiful blunt bob, also a shaggy mullet that looks edgy, and definitely some long locks. It’s a hard choice but I think I can actually say I’m obsessed with all aspects of hair and learning new ways to create is my absolute FAVOURITE anything that you can have fun with and make something you love is always the best!
How do you manage life and work balance?
A work & life balance is something that is super important to me even if that means watching hair vids on my days off. At the beginning of the year I transitioned into a 4 day work week which I struggled with at the start always feeling lazy but I realised that the more time I have with my family, friends and especially myself care I noticed that I loved my work even more and am now able to focus my energy on important things in both aspects of my life, discover new exciting things and be more present in the now.

Who inspires you in the creative field of hairdressing and why?
One of my biggest inspirations is defiantly my boss Jude McEwen; I know everyone says their boss is an inspiration and role model but believe me when I say MY BOSS IS THE BEST. I have never met someone so driven and always wanting to improve and learn after over 26 years of being in the industry she still never settles and is always pushing to know more about our industry.
Not only does she inspire me in the hair industry but also in life, honestly sometimes I feel like there is 40 hours in her days with how much she does. Jude never complains and never gives up, also she just ran the London marathon 42kms that I Definitely. couldn’t do!

If you could spend a day with anyone from a business or lifestyle mentorship perspective, who would it be and why?
If could spend a day with anyone it would probably be Kris Jenner! She just seems like she’s got the whole life thing down packed!

How important are competitions and awards to you?
I think competitions are amazing because it gives everyone a chance to show off their own creative flare, no two people ever have the same collection, thoughts and ideas and having the opportunity to be able to let your imagination run wild is the best and makes you push to evolve skills and improve for the following years to come. So far, I’ve learnt so much from trial and error and I can’t wait to enter again next year.
Can you tell us a little about what you were most looking forward to being a member of the Hot Shots team?
I was most looking forward to more knowledge, and making some amazing friendships with my fellow hotshots, they are all fabulous!

Where do you see yourself in 10 years’ time?
In 10 years, I see myself Happy, Healthy and Thriving, I want to keep evolving into the best possible hairdresser and person I can be.
Worst fashion moment My Worst fashion moment has to be Jeggings, Ugg boots and blocky pink eyeshadow YIKES
Worst Hair day My Worst hair day was actually a worst hair few months, when I as 14 my best friend and I bleached my naturally black hair thinking I could be blonde in one sitting, let’s just say that was a very poorly blended bright orange ombre attempt that eventually got chopped off in a kitchen scissor incident and fixed at a hair salon.... Let’s just say we should definitely leave things to the professionals.
Fave Destination:
My hometown Temuka, New Zealand
Fave Drink
Strawberry Daiquiri
If you weren’t a hairdresser, you would be a…
I would be a florist.