5 minute read
The Power of Showing your Face on your Salon’s Socials
By Kayla Zigic. Socials for Salons
Does the thought of showing your “face” on your social media make your stomach turn? Truth be told it is one of the biggest struggles a lot of stylists and salons have when it come to their social media but, showing your face is one of the most powerful ways to grow your business and your social media engagement.
As a hair stylist, you are in the business of helping people look and feel their best. But in order to build a successful business, it’s important to not only be skilled in your craft, but to also showcase your personality and build a personal connection with your audience.
Did you know? One third of Australian consumers agree that they will inspect a brand’s social media presence before making an online purchase or booking if they have not purchased from them before and one of the reasons is, they want to make a connection prior to booking or purchasing?
Let’s talk about why you should be showing your beautiful faces on your social media platforms and how it can help build your business.
1. Let’s Get Personal
By showing your face on your social media platforms, you can connect with your audience on a personal level. People want to see the face behind the hair magic and get to know the real you and your stuff. This personal connection can help create a more loyal following and clients have been known to actually book with a staff member based on their personalities and interests, so it’s important to share that too.
2. You are your Brand
Your face is a vital part of your brand. When you show your face on social media, you are putting a face to your name and creating a personal brand. This allows you to stand out from the competition and establish yourself as an expert in your field. By using your face to represent your brand, you can create a unique and memorable image that people will associate with your business.
3. Get Your Professionalism On!
Showing your face on social media also adds a level of professionalism to your business. It shows that you’re proud of your work and confident in your abilities. This can help build trust with potential clients and create a professional image for your business.
4. Keep it Real
Authenticity is key when building a successful business. By showing your face on social media, you’re being transparent and authentic with your audience. This can help build trust and credibility with your followers and create a loyal following.
5. Story Time
Your face can also be used as a storytelling tool. By sharing your personal stories and experiences, you can connect with your audience on a deeper level and create a more personal relationship with them. This can help establish a sense of community around your brand and create a loyal following.
6. Stand Out!
Showing your face on social media can help differentiate you from the competition. By putting a face to your name, you can create a unique and memorable image that people will associate with your business. This can help you stand out in a crowded market and attract new clients.
7. Time to Engage!
Social media is all about engagement, and showing your face on your platforms can help increase engagement with your audience. People love to engage with posts that have a personal touch and that they can relate to. By showing your face and personality on social media, you can create a more engaging and interactive experience for your followers.
8. More Visibility, More Fun!
Showing your face on social media can also increase your visibility. People are more likely to follow and engage with profiles that have a personal touch. By showing your face on your platforms, you can increase your visibility and reach a wider audience.
9. Trust is a Must!
Building trust is crucial for any business, and showing your face on social media can help build trust with potential clients. By putting a face to your name, you can create a more personal and authentic image for your brand. This can help build trust and credibility with your audience and create a loyal following. www.socialsforsalons.com.au
10. Let’s Connect!
Finally, showing your face on social media can help you network with other professionals in your industry. By showcasing your face and expertise on social media, you can connect with other professionals in your field and establish a network of contacts. This can help you stay up-to-date on industry trends, collaborate on projects, and ultimately grow your business.
To truly start “standing out” on social media, you need to start “showing up”. Try posting a few images of yourself and your staff over a month, start off small and see the amazing reaction you get from your clients when you do. That will be proof to enough to show you that people really do by from people.
Good Luck and get your beautiful face out there.
Beauty veteran turned social media guru and & social media myth buster. Kayla Zigic has worn all the hats in the beauty world. Salon owner, trainer, social media marketing agency owner, guest speaker and now a hair & beauty social media educator, Kayla is passionate about combining her years of industry experience and intense social media knowledge to help salon owners reach their social media goals through her membership Socials for Salons. Kayla’s goal is to create a world full of confident, social media savvy, hair & beauty salon owners, who get results, without having to spend hours daily on the platforms. She is on a mission to help all salon owners who feel overwhelmed, uninspired, frustrated with social media, and teach them how to build a strong social media presence and convert followers into loyal clients.