10 minute read
hotshots house ‘23
By Linda Woodhead
Putting a spotlight on the industry’s most exciting next-gen talent since 2012 and providing the chance for these 31 and under superstars to take their careers to a whole new level is the mocha group initiative HOT SHOTS.
Already excelling in the areas of cutting, styling, editorial and colour work every year our teams have a unique style, unparalleled passion and a clear vision of the future.
The 2023 team consisted of: Paige Cameron- Cobelle Creative, QLD Anne Russell– Sloans of Lane Cove, NSW Meghan King- Sloans of North Sydney, NSW Mikelah Jayde Riley- Mikelah Jayde Studio, WA

With a prize pack worth in excess of $20,000, from sponsors, Joico, Excellent Edges, Evy Professional, Amazing Hair, Timely and the owners of the AHIA and HOT SHOTS, mocha group , one of the two major activities for these young guns is to spend 4 days and 3 nights together in the beautiful heritage listed mansion , the HOT SHOTS HOUSE , in Yarraville, Melbourne where sponsors, guests and icons of the industry are invited to come in and meet the team, sharing in a casual on-on-on unique atmosphere, pearls of wisdom, fun and an experience like no other.
From mocha group, owner and CEO Linda Woodhead , General Manager, Jarred Stedman and Editor in Chief, Louise May hosted the event kicking off with the traditional spag bol dinner for everyone to get to know each other.
Joined via zoom by house favourites Jayne Wild and Gary Latham just before dinner to share their career stories and followed by HOT SHOTS Photo Shoot Creative Director Carolyn Gahan kicked things off nicely. The team learnt more about each other and the mocha group who would be their house buddies for the next 3 days.
The team were welcome d by Linda, Jarred and Louise and spoke about the history of hairdressing, finding out where real customer service, style and Avant Garde hair came from centuries ago. Jarred talked about the allimportant Social and Visual engagement of the industry and the team touched on the importance of Media and Awards.
First guest to arrive with welcome morning Bellini’s were Dee Parker-Attwood and business partner David Wieselmann , talking about all things awards, collections shoots and more!

A working lunch with Louise to look at personal development and SWOT analysis allowed the team to keep check during the process of the house and to revisit this exercise and update as time progressed.

Next up was current AHIA Australian Hairdresser of the Year Justin Pace who spoke about his career but more importantly brushing up on presentation skills offering the team a one-onone training session to hone these skills with him personally.

Richard Kavanagh , always a favourite, popped in with all the juicy info on session styling, getting the right shot, model co-operation and more and also offering the team access to one of his workshops free of charge! Lucky ducks!

We were then treated by a visit from hair royalty, the one and only Sharon Blain who the team quizzed about her incredible career, her inspiration, and how to stay current and relevant in the industry.

The Social Media Queen, Natalie Anne , dropped by to talk about ambassador roles and socials giving the team an insight into what not to do as well as what to do to achieve presence and again longevity. A team favourite with some priceless tidbits of great information to follow and put into practice also sharing that its not an easy road and to dig deep!

It was all of to dinner at the Vault also joined by some of the sponsors to finish off a very full day!
First cabs off the rank in the house on day 2 were award-winning dynamic duo Jamie and Danni Furlan to talk about their career, salon, working in a partnership and how to juggle family life and business. What a delight!

We also welcomed Jacky Chan and Nathan Armagnacq, Oscar Oscar Chadstone, to talk about shoots, creativity, working within a group while also maintaining individuality.
On behalf of our sponsor Timely , Charlene Fernandez arrived to talk about her new venture from sole operator to salon owner and the business model she is following, one being holistic and offering way more than just hair. She also spoke candidly about personal challenges and how she overcame them. A beautiful soul!

On behalf of Wahl Professional we were treated to Ambassador Ben Kane , bringing with him his clipper kit, showing the team what tool is best for what, also sharing his personal journey and how the rise of barbering and men’s hair skill sets are having such a positive influence on styling in the barbering and hair world alike.

We were treated to a session with our sponsor Joico with Duncan Richards, who gave the HOT SHOTS an insight into the world of Joico, opening their minds to a wonderful world of colour and styling as well as learning about the history of this incredible brand.

The Amazing Hair Session with Jelena and Sami also included gifts of a full editorial session styling kit for each HOT SHOT, some bespoke education and a fun “Hair off’ comp between the members playing with bangs, wefts, clip-ins and extensions on mannequins for some added fun!

Next up was sponsor Tracey Lauretta from EVY Professional who had already sent the team a full electrical kit from the entire range of EVY Tools and also went through the differences to look for in styling tools, optimum styling and more gifts!!!

After a huge day it was off to Pinot and Picasso to get the creative juices flowing by painting beautiful drag queens with long luscious hair, then back to the house for a late supper.
An early start with a zoom in direct from the UK with the super talented and long standing supporter of Mocha group, International guest - Errol Douglas MBE . The team were in awe and spent a good hour picking the brains of this immense talent. Final session in the house was rounding up from Louise’s original SWOT session with Linda Woodhead bringing in some martial art, mindfulness and warrior work for the team; a powerful way to end the time in the house.

Load up Load up and all off to our Sponsor Excellent Edges’ HQ to meet Pete Walstab and the crew to find out all about the handcrafted EE scissors, training and literally Christmas time! Always a favourite session, the team were gifted their new scissor kits worth over $6000 each, as well as a whole pile of accessories, fishing tackle box and a 4 hour training session with the Boss man himself!

“The HOT SHOTS House was an incredible experience of inspirational, motivational and self-growth moments. From the second we walked into the amazing house it felt like home. Everyone from mocha, Linda, Jarred and Lou, as well as my team mates Anne, Meg and Paige dove straight in with getting to know each other and where we wanted to go in this amazing industry. By exposing my true self, I truly believe this experience has unlocked something inside of me I don’t think I could have done myself.
With 3 days packed full of intimate meet and greets with iconic and inspiring artists and leading brands in our industry and to learn how and what they have done to get to where they are, was incredibly inspiring. I experienced so many moments of clarity and motivation, have connected with some amazing stylists and made life-long friends in Anne, Meg and Paige!
Mikelah Jayde Riley

“The HOT SHOTS house is one of the most memorable experiences of my life. Being selected as one of the 4 members, nationwide and to be part of this journey is like nothing I’ve ever been involved with before. The things I’ve learnt both personally and for my career, in the house will change the way I do things for the better. Everyone who spoke with us over the weekend, taking the time to share their experiences in life and their top tricks and tips with us were simple amazing and so generous.
I’ve dreamt of being in the HOT SHOTS house for a long time so to have finally made it, is such an accomplishment to me. From everyone who spoke with us, to my 3 new best friends and to the mocha group organisers of the weekend, I am filled with gratitude. I have an extension to my family, and I couldn’t be any prouder!.”
Anne Russell

“There are simply not enough words to adequately describe this experience! Over the course of the three days, I discovered a lot about who I am, how I may advance in this field, and how to push my personal boundaries. I adored how approachable and genuine all of our mentors were, as well as how hard they have worked to achieve the amazing things they do.
I appreciated how welcoming they were in the house, and I have certainly found people, who I now consider family. Everyone was wonderful to be around, and I’m so happy I got to do this with Mikelah, Anne and Meg and of course the mocha crew! I’m extremely appreciative of everything the sponsors and mentors have provided for us to advance in this industry.”
Paige Cameron

“The HOT SHOTS house was unlike anything I’ve ever experienced, and nothing like I imagined. I am so grateful to be a part of this team, and even when the journey comes to an end, the bond we created in that space will last a lifetime. An award like this was part of my long-term career goals but I didn’t think it was going to happen as soon as it did. Being part of the team has reignited my passion and cemented the direction I want to go both inside and outside the salon. One of my favourite things about the house was the ability to talk to people I look up to and realise we all face the same challenges in our careers to get to where we want to be in the world of hairdressing. Being able to be in a small group with our mentors meant me were able to have more of a personal chat rather than in a big classroom and have all our questions answered, helping to propel my career with inside knowledge from people who have already gone through some of the same things. Linda, Jarred and Lou, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for this opportunity to find myself not only in the hair world, but in my own world. Anne, Paige and Mikalah, we will never forget this time.”
Meghan King