2012 CMFN AGM Announcement

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CMFN Annual General Meeting “Fostering Partnerships” through the Canadian Model Forest Network S E P T EM B E R 2 6 - 2 8 , 2 0 1 2 M A R B L E M O U N T AI N R E S O R T  S T E A D Y B R O O K  N EW F O U N D L A N D & L AB R A D O R

Please Join Us! AGENDA: Wedn esday, Sept 26, 2012 

CI F B reakf as t

N on-Profit Business De ve l op me n t Se mi n ar

National Tree Day Ceremony

Steady Brook Interpretive Sign Unvei l ing Ceremony

2 0 th A n ni v e r s a r y K i t c h e n P a rt y

Thursday, Sept 27, 2012 

N on-Profit Business De ve l op me n t Se mi n ar Con ti n u es

CMFN Me et i n g of Me mb e rs

CMFN B oard of Di rect ors Meeting

Friday, Sept 28, 2012 

N ewf oundl and Fi el d T our

The Canadian Model Forest Network would like to extend a warm invitation for you to attend its 2012 Annual General Meeting, in scenic Western Newfoundland. We hope you will join us as we celebrate 20 Years of “Fostering Partnerships” within the Model Forest program. The agenda will offer a seminar on non-profit business development hosted by Marty Donkervoort MBA, from the University of Winnipeg and Reconnaissance Management Consulting Group. It will also provide an opportunity to connect & meet Model Forest representatives from across Canada and around the world. Model Forest of Newfoundland & Labrador is pleased to collaborate with its provincial partners, The Department of Natural Resources, College of the North Atlantic, Memorial University, Natural Resources Canada, Corner Brook Pulp & Paper Ltd., Parks Canada, Canadian Institute of Forestry and the City of Corner Brook, as they host the event in conjunction with National Forest Week.


Preliminary Agenda W EDNESDAY , September 26, 2012 8:30 a.m.

Canad ian In st itut e o f Forest ry B reakfast - Forest without Borders Fundraiser Forestry & Environmental Education at School: A Path Forward for Sustainable Community Development in Nepal

9:30 a.m.

Canad ian Mo d el Fo rest N et wo rk AGM Op en ing Ceremo ny

10:30 a.m.

Non -Pro fit Bu sin ess Develop ment Semin ar (Session 1) Special Guest, Mar ty Donker voort MBA

12:00 p.m.

National Tree Day Luncheon Tree Planting Ceremony Steady Brook Stewardship Interpretive Sign Unveiling Cerem ony

1:30 p.m.

Non -Pro fit Bu sin ess Develop ment Semin ar (Session 2)

4:30 p.m.

St eady B roo k Stewardsh ip Int erp ret ive Walk

6:30 p.m.

M o d e l F o r e s t 2 0 th A n n i v e r s a r y “ N e w f o u n d l a n d K i t c h e n P a r t y ” African Model Forest Presentation - Georgette Mato BBQ Dinner, Local Entertainment by Dave McHugh “ Come from Away” welcom e from the “ International Secretary of Forestry ”

T HURSDAY , S EPTEMBER 27, 2012 9:00 a.m.

Non -Pro fit Bu sin ess Develop ment Semin ar (Session 3)

1:00 p.m.

CMFN Meet in g o f Memb ers

4:00 p.m.

CMFN Board of Directors Meeting

F RIDAY , S EPTEMBER 28, 2012 7:30 a.m.

N ewfound lan d Field Tou r ( schedul e subject to change) Vi si t to Cor ner Br ook Pulp & P aper L td. Forestr y Operati ons The Lom ond Sinkhole Gr os Mor ne Nati onal Park - Western Br ook Pond Boat Tour


 

Safety Vest It is moose hunting season. Comfortable Footwear Hiking boots or runners - we have a 3 km walk to the boat launch and it may be a little wet climbing down in the sinkhole. Warm Clothing Layering is suggested. Gloves & hat are also recommended. It can get cool on the boat. Rain Jacket Just in case! You are in Newfoundland!

Non-Profit Business Development Seminar September 26 - 27, 2012

MARTY DONKERVOORT Changing Lives  Changing Communities  Changing Business

As the Globe and Mail has recently noted, Marty’s business career leads from Bay Street to Main Street. Over the past three decades, Marty has held senior positions in private corporations, the public sector and in the social economy, most recently in Winnipeg’s inner-city North End. In the social economy, Marty founded Away Express, a social enterprise courier service in Toronto, mentored The Big Carrot worker co-op in the retail health food business, then founded and managed Inner City Renovation, a social enterprise in the construction sector in Winnipeg’s North End. He has started and managed a successful consulting practice, taught a business course at Ryerson University and published on social enterprise and worker cooperatives. Marty is a leader in community economic development, being a past or current director of the Canadian Worker Co-op Federation, the Worker Owner Development Foundation, and the Social Enterprise Council of Canada among many others. Marty’s contributions have been celebrated by the CBC, who named him “A Canadian making a Difference” in 2009 and by a special recognition award in 2010 from Ernst and Young in their Entrepreneur of the Year Competition. Marty Donkervoort holds an MBA and BScF in timber engineering


Introductory presentation and interactive discussion - Presentation & Facilitation by Marty Donkervoort  Problem identification and clarification  Models for generating earned revenue  Introduction to social enterprise  Feasibility and planning

SESSION 2   

Introduction to Idea Generation & the Evaluation Process - Presentation & Facilitation by Marty Donkervoort Break-out sessions (application of the evaluation process to participant revenue generating ideas) Breakout session reporting & discussion

SESSION 3    

Non-profit Marketing Basics - Presentation & Facilitation by Marty Donkervoort Break out session - Participants develop marketing plans for ideas that made it through the idea generation and evaluation exercise Presentation & discussion of marketing plans Next steps, conclusion and wrap up session

AGM Accommodation, Venue & Travel Information V ENUE & T RAVEL I NFORMATION   

T he v enue f or t he 2 012 C MFN AG M is Mar bl e Mount ai n R es ort i n St ea dy Br ook, NL a nd it i s l oca t ed on t he west coas t of the i sla nd j ust out si de C or ner Br ook . T he near es t air port i s Deer La ke R egi onal Air port , l oc at ed 46 k m eas t , a nd a ppr oxi mat el y 30 mi nut es from t he r es or t. ht t p:/ /www .deerla k eair por t.c om Ground Tra ns por ta ti on t o t he r es or t is avail a bl e fr om St ar Ta xi i n Deer la k e. T o ma k e r es erv ati ons pl eas e c all (709 ) 63 4-4 343 . Alt houg h pr oba bly not nec es sary , there ar e a number of car r ental ag enci es a vaila bl e f or t hos e of y ou

  

who w oul d pr ef er t heir ow n tra ns porta ti on. We r ec ommended booki ng a cc ommodati ons i n St ea dy Brook f or t he ev ent . R es ort i nf or ma ti on is i ncl uded bel ow . How ev er, i f y our r etur n flig ht i s t he EARL Y flig ht l ea vi ng Deer La k e, w e r ec ommend y ou book t he nig ht pri or t o your depar t ur e a t t he Deer La k e Mot el w hi ch i s j us t 5 mi nut es fr om t he air port . For t hos e sti cki ng around f or t he fi el d t our on Fri da y, a c hart er bus will pic k up t he gr oup i n St ea dy Br ook Frida y mor ning and r etur n t hem t o ei ther Deer L ak e or C or ner Brook t ha t ev eni ng .

A CCOMODATION I NFORMATION Primary Accommodations: Marble Villas at Marble Mountain Resort (Stea dy Brook)

Ot h er Ac co mmod at io ns n ea r Ma rb le Mountain:

Pl eas e i ndi cat e y ou ar e wi th MFNL w hen booki ng .

Marblewood Village Resort (Steady Brook)

Bloc k of R ooms will be hel d until Sept ember 7, 2012 .

T oll Fr ee: 1- 888 -868 -7 635

T oll Fr ee: 1- 800 -636 -2 725

Local: (709) 632 -7900

Local: (709) 637 -7666

Websi t e: ww w.mar bl emountai n.c om

Websi t e: ww w.ski mar bl e.c om Af t er H ours C ontac t: (709 ) 63 2 - 0237

Room Types Availa bl e: 1-4 B edr oom C ondo’s

Room Types Availa bl e:

Rat e: $12 9.00 - $34 9.00 +H ST

St udi o R ooms ( equiv al ent t o a hot el r oom)

2 B edr oom Villa: li vi ng r oom, kitc hen, 2 bedr ooms & 2 ba ths

Marble Inn Resort (Steady Brook) I nn st yle resort wi th condo accommodat i ons Indoor pool Madison’s Restaurant

Rat e: $18 3.20 +H ST

T oll Fr ee: 1- 877 -497 -5 673

Rat e: $10 3.20 +H ST 1 B edr oom Villa: li vi ng r oom, kitc hen, bedr oom & ba th Rat e: $14 3.20 +H ST

Local: (709) 634 -3007

Fin a l N ight /Ea rly Dep artu re Ac co mmod at io ns : Deer Lake Motel (Trans Canada Highway, Deer Lake) Pl eas e i ndi cat e y ou ar e wi th MFNL w hen booki ng . Bloc k of R ooms will be hel d until Aug ust 2 8, 2 012 . T oll Fr ee: 1- 800 -563 -2 144

Websi t e: ww w.mar bl ei nn.c om Room Types Availa bl e: Si ngl e R ooms - 3 B edr oom C ondo’s Rat e: $10 9.00 - $32 9.00 +H ST

Local: (709) 635 -2108 Websi t e: ww w.deerl ak emot el.c om Rate: Si ngl e $ 125 .0 0 +HST Doubl e $13 1.00 +H ST

A number of additional hotels are available in the City of Corner Brook. For further information on these locations, please give Glenda or Tammy a call (709) 637-7300.

RETURN COMPLETED FORM TO: Model Forest of Newfoundland & Labrador P.O. Box 68, Corner Brook, NL A0L 1K0 glendagarnier@mfnl.ca Tel: (709) 637-7300 - Fax: (709) 634-0255

AGM REGISTRATION FORM To register, simply call Glenda or Tammy at (709) 637-7300

Last Name

First Name

Organization Address City

Province / State



Postal Code / Zip Code

E-mail Arriving by:



Arrival Information: Flight Number: _____________________

Arrival Date: _____________________

Will you be attending the optional Friday Field Trip?

Do you have any special dietary needs?

□ No


Departure Information: Flight Number: _____________________

Arrival Time: _____________________

Departure Date: _____________________

Departure Time: _____________________

□ No


If so, please indicate what type: __________________________________________________________________________________________ ______ If you will be attending the Anniversary Celebration Dinner please indicate your meal preference:

□ 10 oz. Prime Rib Steak, □ 6 oz. Boneless Chicken Breast □ 8 oz. Salmon Steak, □ Vegetarian Option


All Other Attendees

 Day 1 & 2 Not-for-Profit Seminar Registration - Wednesday & Thursday (Includes CIF Breakfast, daily lunches, nutrition breaks, Anniversary Dinner)

□ Free

□ $150

 Day 1 • Wednesday • CIF Breakfast only

□ Free

□ $20

 Day 1 • Wednesday • National Tree Day Luncheon only

□ Free

□ $20

 Day 1 • Wednesday • 20th Anniversary Celebration “Kitchen Party” only

□ Free

□ $40

 Day 3 • Friday • Gros Morne Field Trip (optional)

□ $100

□ $100

Total (all fees includes HST) :

PAYMENT INFORMATION Please complete the following if paying by Visa or MasterCard: Cancellation Policy: A full refund will be issued if notice of cancellation is received by September 14, 2012. After this date, there will be no refund issued.

Card Number Expiration Date Name as it appears on card Cardholder’s Signature



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