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The month gives added responsibilities at work, at home, and in anything else that you do and if you accept it, you will have the opportunity to establish a strong foundation in all that you do. It is a good time to cement a partnership or friendship. Overall though, the financial tendency should be increasing. You may even come into some unexpected money. Work finds you doing the same old thing, and it's a grind, but you are at least comfortable with it.



You can shine all through the month and your personal skills receive recognition. Things can move very smoothly around you if you follow your intuition. Career opportunities are there if you reach for them. Your communication abilities are at a peak and will help you to get to the next step at work The second half of the month is a good time to travel or move your residence or expand your social activities at home. It is a wonderful time for teaching and learning and exchanging visits with siblings and friends.


You are inclined to put your energy into relationships. The month begins with a real bang for on an emotional and physical high. You may finally come free of obligation to pursue important personal goals. You will have a chance to gauge how successful your efforts in any direction have been by the level of acceptance or acclaim that you gain. You're getting along well with your partner/mate, and in fact, they are a big help in the moment. If single, you will have the opportunity to connect with a soul-mate which elevates and energizes you.

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MANISH KUMAR ARORA 91-9871062000 K.P. Astrologer, Numerologist, Tarot Card Reader & Vastu Consultant


You can break an old pattern and set something new in motion at a deeply personal level. You also may very well find yourself studying or teaching something this month. If you do, you will enjoy it. Develop friendships or associations that help to carry through your plans. Relationships would be consistent this month. This month finds you beginning to focus on a special relationship in earnest; it will either be very romantic or very combative. Either way, keep your feet on the ground, you may be beyond your depth here.


It's time to launch out in new directions, taking command of your life in a more potent manner. New dreams, ventures, creative projects and perhaps children will open the door to the future. There may be developing associations or companionship with people of status, those of other cultures and those of academic standing. You would be involved in family matters, either yours or your mates, and you will be required to make some decisions and choices. You might achieve especially good results in meditation or charity during this month as well.


You find yourself doing all sorts of different things during the course of this month and this may introduce you to some new fields of opportunity. It will be important to balance the demands of work with changed healthcare requirements. Try to keep your feet on the ground and your goals focused, or you can easily be led astray during this month. Your partner/mate may have important things to do that may hold you back a bit, but if you split your attention you'll have time for home, partner, and yourself.


Your finances are looking up, and you are feeling more positive and idealistical though there can be some major expenses that soak up the excess. Let your creativity flow, it is your best outlet at the moment. Altruistic ideas can work for you this month. Keep your plans to yourself until you are ready to launch them. Friendships are changing and new friends can bring new opportunities for travel and social experiences. New associates may spring out of nowhere, bringing fascinating or intense interchanges.


This is a management period and you can come through it in good shape if you simply follow the behest of necessity rather than impulse. For some of you, there may be conflicts with intimacy or sexuality. For others, there may be a resurgence of an old passion. Your money is on the rise. You may also find someone to back you in a project, monetarily, or just by helping. You should keep an eye on your pocket book though, because expenses at home may be more than you expect. You are emotionally intense during the month and have a need for physical action. Take up a sport. Go to the gym to work out. Blow off that excess energy. Travel with work may be in the works, and if you are single, you may meet someone special through work or a group you belong to. Towards the middle of the month you reach out to acquire something you've been wanting for a while. If in a committed relationship, you may meet and marry your soul mate.


It is a good time for you to start new things. There can be great benefits in new financial opportunities that come your way. This is a good time for lots of travel and also for putting time into either working at home or home projects. You will enjoy social activities that may arise spontaneously. If you have children, be sure to take time to find out what they are up to. You may also make a decision relative to a relationship, but it will be hard to keep your relationships consistent this month.


The beginning of the month finds you mediating tensions both in the workplace and at home. Money should be good this time, but keep your future plans to yourself. The month is your time to make yourself known at work and in the world, but make sure you take care of home and partner/ mate responsibilities first, or they will hold you back. Take a good vacation as the month comes to a close and don't take any chances with your finances then because they are subject to radical and sudden changes.


You may form unusual connections with people involved in health or spiritual work, or with those who live in a manner different from your own or unusual in some way. This may mark a change to a more physical life for some. For others, the importance of the physical in daily life will shift. You will have to come to grips with the fact that a good relationship requires work and you may need to learn new skills in order to give of your best and get the best from your partner in return.