2 minute read
Model/Singer: Pharah Seutter
Model/ Singer Pharah Seutter (Germany)
Can you tell us a little about you? I was born in Bavaria close to the Alps and moved to Berlin later to pursue my modelling career. Since then, I travelled to many countries and I also pu-blished a fantasy novel for kids about the modellin g industr y.
If you could change any thing about yourself, what w ould it be? Honestly, I wouldn’t change any thing. I really think it ’s unhealthy not to acce pt yourself. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t work on yourself at all times.
How did you start modelling? I got scouted in several cities, like Barcelona, M unich and Berlin. I was still ver y young back then and decide d to give it a go sometime later.
What do you think of the work as a model? Meeting new people, working with new teams and making new connections all the time is a great experience. And I love travelling.
What is your beauty regimen? Enough sleep, a lot of vitamin C and my ever yday s kincare routine.
What are your personal qualities which distinguish you from others? That ’s a tough ques-tion. I don’t know ever ybody else of course, I’m ju st really focused on my work, I’d say I’m ver y versatile and I’m able to deal with all kinds of situations.
What are your plans for the future? Pursuing my goals in the creative industr y, in mod elling and other creative fields. But overall to be happy, healthy and successful.
What are some of your favorite experiences so far? Definitely travelling around. I loved the show in Cyprus I opened for Wella Professionals and I did a campaign for a beauty brand that is advertised in KaDeWe Berlin at the moment, one o f the most popular warehouses in Germany. Also I like to do readings from my book to be in contact with the young readers.
Do you have any advice for those who want to start modelling? Only do it, if you’re not afraid to work ver y hard and deal with difficult si tuations. You have to bring ver y strong per-sonality. And don’t let someone talk you into somet hing you don’t want to portray, keep your own style.
What do you think of the magazine? I think it ’s a great opportunity for ever yone work ing in the fashion industr y to introduce and get to know e ach other.
Can you tell a little more about you as a singer? Singing to me is all about telling stories through music. It ’s like modelling is telling stori es through pictures. To me any kind of art is all about stor y telling. I love that.
https://w w w.facebook.com/pharahseutter/ https://w w w.instagram.com/pharah_onic/ https://w w w.tiktok.com/@miss_pharah https://w w w.youtube.com/channel/UCRZVUWOCz-IVQ xpuS7 oiV3g