3 minute read
Model/Dancer Asia Żogała
Model Asia Żogała (Poland)
Can you tell us a little about you? I’m a fashion enthusiast who believe that through c lothing we can express ourselves. Love ever y thing connected with art, especially because I paint since I just remember. Modelling is for me also an important form of art. I study International Economic Relations ex tramural, actually this is my final year.
If you could change any thing about yourself, what w ould it be? Probably my lack of self confidence... Although it is much better than it us ed to be and I believe it will be even better in the future.
How did you start modelling? My sister had her final project at studies, which w as connec-ted with fashion and she needed 3 models for photos hoot. I became one of them and that ’s how I discovered modelling is something I really en joy
What do you think of the work as a model? I think it is a way of expression and also of creating reality. But what is important it is also hard sometimes and requires constant development.
What is your beauty regimen? I don’t have one, just tr ying to have healthy lifes tyle and taking care of myself. So I just eat mostly clean, spend as many time at the fresh air as I can and move my body, whatis easy since I just love spo rt.
What are your personal qualities which distinguish you from others? This is a hard question. I really don’t consider myself as “special” but I a m probably more sensitive than most people I know.
What are your plans for the future? I hope I will develop in the modelling industr y. A bout further plans I think about creating my own fashion brand.
What are some of your favourite experiences so far? I have a lot, but if I had to choose I would mention about one photoshoot in water, in lak e, during autumn. We were working really late at night and shooting for like 3 hours I think. The water was freezing cold but the atmosphere was amazing , and the whole prosses was r eally satisf ying. I was working with 2 other models and I remember that not to totally fre eze we were dancing between shoots.
Do you have any advice for those who want to start modelling? Don’t be afraid and don’t give up. Remember, if it ’s something that makes You feel good go for it.
What do you think of the magazine? What can I say? I am honoured to be able to be in i ssue.