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Interview: Mya Xeller
Kids Model Mya Xeller
(United States)
Can you tell us a little about you? I am 15 year old Mya Xeller from CT. I have held many National Titles and am the Current Miss Teen World America Connecticut & was 1st Runner Up at Miss Teen World America in Las Vegas this past October. I have modeled NYFW with many designers & recently starred in a music video for upcoming recording artist Peter Cestaro. I have also appeared as a National Cover Model & print model for various magazines. Along with my pageant & modeling career, I am also a singer and dancer and have performed at big venues including Citifield. My face can be seen on social media advertisements for various pageants, makeup artists and photographers. This past February during NYFW I appeared on a billboard in Times Square for fashion line House of Barretti and shoe designer Marc Defang. I also have been filming for a new reality tv show Next Big Thing NYC coming to Amazon!
If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be? I often find myself doubting my own strength, feeling like I’m not strong enough to overcome certain things. So if I could change one thing about myself it would be my underestimation of just how strong I am.
How did you start modelling? My modeling interest started when I began doing pageants. At the age of 11 I did my first pageant which allowed me to model up on stage and I instantly was hooked. It was the feeling of confidence I had while up on that stage, and the fact that I was 100% myself and still felt great!
What do you think of the work as a model? I think the work of a model is hard work, and it takes a strong, confident person to fulfill the duties of a model. Since the modeling industry is so competitive, you need to have confidence in yourself in order to take criticism and maybe not get every job you cast for.
What is your beauty regimen? As a model, and pageant girl I am in the public eye and overall a part of the beauty community so I make it a priority to take proper care of my skin. Every morning I wash my face, and I moisturize, then use makeup products that I know work for my skin and will not do any harm. At night, after I shower I wash my face again, (exfoliate twice a week& do a mask twice a week) and then moisturize, and spot treat any blemishes I may have.
What are your personal qualities which distinguish you from others? My personal qualities that distinguish me from others are that I am a trend- setter, I love being different and standing out. I also don’t let people bring me down. When someone tries to bring me down, I stand tall and I proudly keep doing me!
What are your plans for the future? In the future I see myself living my life to the fullest, traveling the world, experiencing super cool things and maybe with a soulmate! Career wise, I see my modeling career in full swing and I see myself in the tv/movie industry. One of my biggest goals career wise is to be on the cover of Vogue Magazine!
What are some of your favorite experiences so far? Some of my favorite experiences so far include seeing myself on a billboard in Times Square modeling for shoe designer Marc Defang and fashion line House Of Barretti, winning Miss Teen World America CT and placing first runner up in Vegas for Miss Teen World America, and filming for a new reality show I am on “Next Big Thing NYC.”
Do you have any advice for those who want to start modelling? My advice for other people that want to break into modeling or pageants is to keep your head high and know your worth. In this industry, there is a lot of competition and you are guaranteed to be turned down for some things, but don’t give up! Keep your head high and know that you are amazing and it just wasn’t your time yet.
Photo credit Brett Martelli

Photo credit Brett Martelli
Photo credit Brett Martelli

Photo credit Brett Martelli

Photo credit Brett Martelli