1 minute read
Tales from the Tank
from Modern Aquarium
by Dan McKercher
Sam complains to the shopkeeper that his fish keep dying soon after he puts them in his tank. The shopkeeper says, “Bring in a water sample.” Sam has a blank look and then replies, “Nobody said anything about water...”
Police blotter: Two men are arrested for fist fighting over whose fish is better looking, while 6-year old Betty walks away with 1st place at the show.
Did you ever…
Look into one of your tanks and say, “who are you?”
Drop something on the floor and think “I should pick that up,” only to trip over it a moment later?
Have a fish jump out of the net and disappear until next week?
Testing the water: Put an empty tank with rack in the bedroom just to see what happens?
Is it better to ask for forgiveness than for permission when buying another tank?