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Saint Andrew the First-Called Georgian University of the Patriarchate of Georgia, Tbilisi, Georgia
scientific journal of the modern education & research institute • The Kingdom of Belgium
reVieW of scientific research in the field of inclusiVe education at the GeorGian uniVersitY in the 2015-2021 Year
Maia Kalandarishvili (kalandarishvilimaia64@gmail.com) tamar tukhashvili (tukhashvilitamar@gmail.com)
Saint andrew the first-called Georgian university of the Patriarchate of Georgia, Georgia

In 2015-2021, several organizations in Georgia, led by the Georgian University, conducted research to study the psychological aspects of inclusive education.
Studies have been conducted in several areas, namely the cognitive and social adaptation of children with disabilities in the study group.
The results showed that: 1. The use of an individualized curriculum significantly enhances the cognitive skills of students with disabilities. 2. Adequate psychological training significantly increases the degree of their social adaptation in the educational elite 3. Inclusive groups have a higher level of student empathy compared to non-inclusive groups. 4. Parental education has a significant impact on increasing the learning motivation of a disabled child 5. Research of social attitudes and conduct of appropriate trainings develops adequate attitudes towards inclusive education in the society
Keywords: inclusive education, learning motivation, cognitive skills, social adaptation, empathy skills, social attitude.
In 2015, the research was started together with 4 educational institutions of Georgia, Sn.Andrew Georgian University Sokhumi State University, D.Uznadze Psychological-Counseling Center, Private School «AISI. The research continues to this day.
Psychological research has been conducted in several areas:
1. the PurPoSe of the firSt reSearch (2015-2016):
To study the positive impact of inclusive education and individual curriculum on the development of cognitive and social skills of students with disabilities, in particular,such cognitive skills as , the ability to attention concentration and willpower ability.
According to the purpose of the research, the research hypothesis is as follows:
Inclusive education, expressed in a specific inclusive academic program, has had a positive impact on the psychological development of students with disabilities. In particular: a) Development of attention concentration; B) Development of willpower ability
Based on the purpose of this study and the survey hypotheses, the following objectives were identified:
a. Assessment of attention concentration, at the beginning of the academic semester and at the end of the semester with students with disabilities as in the test group and in the control group (regular students). b. Assessment of willpower ability at the beginning of the academic semester and at the end of the semester with students with disabilities as in the test group and in the control group (regular students).
Research methods:
The study used two research methods: 1. Kurt Levine Willpower Test for Kids. 2. Burdon test for mesure of attention concentration for children of primary school age.
Research participants:
The research was conducted at,, Aisi,, Private Secondary School in Tbilisi. Seven groups of eleven classes were selected: namely, 95 students. Gender of study participants: 54 boys and 41 girls Age: Age of study participants from 6 to 17 years. Selection – The participants of the survey are school students. 10 students with disabilities (test – group) and 85 normal school students (control group).
Description and analysis of results:
Statistical programs Microsoft Excel 2010 and SPSS 21 are used for data processing.
Comparative analysis of the results of the first (beginning of the semester) and second (end of the semester) stages of the research. Based on the comparison of the results, it was found that individual plans clearly have a positive impact on the psychologcial development of school students with disabilities. Both skills were taught in the second phase and better results were achieved at the end of the semester than at the beginning of the semester. a) attention concentration: The average level of the first level is 41.39, the second level is 74.38 , T-test -10.9, P <0.05 As we can see, from the results , at the end of the academic semester, the level of attention concentration increased significantly. b) Willpower ability: The average level of the first level is 59.5, the average level of the second level is 81.3, T-test is 12, P <0.05 As we can see,from the resilts, at the end of the academic semester, the of intensity of willpower ability increased significantly also.
An individual plan prepared for students with disabilities is designed adequately and positively affect the development and increse the intesity of such cognitive psychological skills, such as attention concentration and willpower ability of the disabled students.
To study the process of socialization and adaptation of students with disabilities in the classroom using various psychological and pedagogical methods. Research methods:
• Moreno,s sociometric mesaurement method • special «fairy tale» therapy • Some psychological exercises and traning methods for increasing the social adaptation of the peaple in the groups.
Socio-metric index. If at the first stage (beginning of the semester) all the sessions of the socio-metric index of each student with disabilities were equal to zero, they had no other choice.This meant that none of the group members had a formal or informal relationship with a disabled students. Which obviously means
a very low level of social adaptation of students with disabilities in the study group.Social adaptation trainings were conducted several times during the semester. We used various exercises, elements of «fairy tale therapy» to increase social adaptation in the group of disabled children.At the end of the semester we again measured the sociometric index of each disabled child. Results:
In this second phase (at the end of the semester) the sociometric index of each student with disabilities was increased,for each student with disabilities increased by two units, which is a low level but it is still a positive social activity. The average sociometric index in the group of school students is 0.3 with disabilities. (P <0.05, difference is significant). Conclusions:
Our psychological training has had a positive effect on improving the social adaptation of the disabled child in the process of interaction with the members of the learning group.
Students with Down Syndrome are more likely to adapt to the school environment than children with Autism.
3. the PurPoSe of the thirD reSearch (2017-2018)
To study the influence of family factor on raising the motivation of children with disabilities to study in high school. The aim of our study was to assess how family attitudes affect the level of motivation of students with disabilities. The hypothesis was as follows:
Mothers of children with disabilities have a greater impact on the level of educational motivation of normal high school children.
Research methods:
As research methods, the study used two tools: a ) The projection drawing test «My Family» and b) An in-depth interview on learning motivation and family relationships.
Our research sample included 14 children with disabilities, students of «Aisi» school and children of school # 5 in Rustavi, 7 boys and 7 girls from 6 to 11 years old. So there were 7 students with disabilities (test group) and 7 students with disabilities (control group). The process was conducted individually. In particular, the participant painted a picture of «my family» and then an in-depth interview began.
As a result of the analysis, we found out that our hypotheses were confirmed. In particular, our research has shown that the attitudes and views of family members influence the attitudes and perspectives of children with disabilities; They also influence the motivation to go to school, study and interact with the public. Research has shown that mothers are more affected by the level of motivation of children with disabilities. Studies have shown that mothers are more likely to tell their children about school, encourage them on the first day of school, and they are always there to teach their children a love of learning and explain to them how important friendships and relationships with peers are.
4.the PurPoSe of the forth reSearch (2018--2019):
The levels of student empathy in inclusive and non-inclusive schools
The level of empathy of students in inclusive and non-inclusive schools was examined. The hypothesis was that inclusive education and contacts with students with disabilities increase students' levels of empathy. The research was conducted in 10 schools of Tbilisi. (5 schools with inclusive education and 5 schools without inclusive education), 400 school students were interviewed.
Research methods:
Results: M I.s = 10.5 and M uI.s = 6.2 T test = 2.4 P <0.05.
Our hypothesis is correct. In inclusive schools – the level of student empathy is much higher than in non-inclusive schools.
5. the PurPoSe of the fifth reSearch (2019-2020)
To study the role of training in changing public attitudes towards the Students with Special Educational Needs. Purpose and objectives of our research: 150 people participated in the study at the Dimitri Uznadze Psychological-Counseling Center. The training was named,, «Theory and Practice of Inclusive Education».
The training consisted of two parts; Theoretical, where the essence of inclusive education was discussed, developmental disorders(down syndrome, autism spectrum, attention deficit and hyperactivity syndrome (ADHD), ), intellectual development disorders, etc .; legislative case in Georgia about inclusive education regulations, exercises and discussion, which was directly related to a specific violation and etc. The duration of the theoretical part was 24 hours, 6 days, four hours a day with face-to-face contact.
In the second part of the training, participants received information about the evaluation criteria, which would help to describe students' skills in the assessment process in different areas:motor(large motor skills and fine motor skills), cognitive, academic skills, functional, communicative skills,using them they had to identify strengths and weaknesses and then– write down, delivered case based on standard format of individual plan. The practical part also included 24 working hours, 6 days, four hours a day (total theory and practice -48 hours).
The study was attended by students, lawyers, journalists, representatives of the medical field, school special teachers and subject teachers, psychologists, university professors, language and speech specialists, personal assistants, kindergarten teachers, parents of the students with special educational needs. The study used side variables: age, education, gender, employment, and «who rated» (or one with a disorder). Hypothesis of the research:
Acquisition of knowledge (in this case the training format) in inclusive education changes the attitude towards the students with special educational needs both in the cognitive and emotional components. Research Method: (Criter, Fabrigar and Pete Addiction Scale).
Evaluate a student with special educational needs according to the given criteria, who has one of the listed disorders (underline): physical disorder,intellectual disorder, sensory disturbance (hearing and / or sight), speech disorder,behavioral and emotional disorders,the need for long-term hospitalization, difficulties due to social factors and for this reason he/she is not able to overcome the requirements of the National Curriculum.
The respondent must answer 2 questions. He is asked to describe his feelings towards the object of study on an 8-point scale (for the emotional component), then assesses the characteristic traits on the following pairs on a 7-point scale (for the cognitive component) (see the scale).
1. Choose the number on each scale that best describes your feelings toward snakes: -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
-3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 Love Sad -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 delighted annoyed -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 Happy tense -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 Calm Bored -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 excited Angry -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 relaxed Disgusted -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 acceptance sorrow -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 Joy
2. Please choose the number on each scale that best describes the traits or characteristics of snakes: -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
useless -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 useful
-3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 Wise unsafe -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 Safe Harmful -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 beneficial Worthless -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 valuable Imperfect -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 perfect unhealthy -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 wholesome
Analysis of experimental data:
1) Common date for all types of disorders in students with special needs: Experimental date results show that our main hypothesis is improved. Planned training as an independent variable affects the change in attitudes towards students with special educational needs. Change in positive direction on the scale of relations. Before training, the average emotional the relationship component was 4.5 – slightly more than the neutral valence of the relationship. After training this becomes 5.7 – much more positive than neutral. This difference between the estimates is statistically significant. (T-test = 3.5 P <0.05 fig. 1)
The same difference in the cognitive component of the attitude before training and after training.
The pre-workout score was 5.19 and the post-workout score was 6.5. After training, the valence of the cognitive component of the attitude became more positive. This difference is statistically significant (T-test = 4.5. P <0.05)

5. M. Kalandarishvili, Y. Torchinava. Inclusive education and its psychological aspects , Tbilisi: Universal, 2016 M. Kalandarishvili, Y. Torchinava pedagogical and psychligucal aspects of Social adaptation of desables students , Tbilisi: Universal, 2018 Inclusive Education – A Guide for Teachers. Ana Laghidze, Tatia Pachkoria, Maia Bagrationi.-1. Tbilisi-2009. Inclusive education – student, family and school. Tatia Pachkoria, Salome Mazmishvili, Tamuna Kbiltsetskhlashvili, Ketevan Iashvili, Meiko Chelidze. Public attitude towards the students with special educational needs– Tamar Tukhashvili; Proceedings of the Georgian University, [volume #3, p.317], Publishing House «Geor gian University» – Tbilisi 2017 Basics of inclusive education (training materials) – D. Uznadze Psychological-Counseling Center, T. Tukhashvili, E. Ninoshvili.-2016-2020.