Back in 2007, we were demoralized to see Modesto on so many lists of the worst cities in America. We started to wonder what we could do in order to change the perspective on our city. We asked ourselves, “What would it look like if we were to all come together in order to love our city in tangible ways?� Out of this question, Love Modesto was born.
For 12 years now, Love Modesto has been putting on annual city-wide volunteer days as a way to celebrate and serve our community. These volunteer days consist of opportunities such as appreciating public servants, visiting convalescent homes, donating blood, building a house with Habitat for Humanity, working in city parks and schools, and much more.
We didn’t want the love for our community to stop at just one day out of the year however, so we launched three initiatives to provide opportunities to serve throughout the year. These three initiatives are Love Our Neighbors, which is focused on connecting community members with ongoing volunteer opportunities; Love Our Schools, which is committed to bringing together members from all different parts of our communities to support the health of our schools; and Love ALL Our Kids, which is dedicated to helping support foster children and families.
What started in Modesto has spread to over ninety cities across the country who are loving their cities just like us. Come join us on October 3rd when we will all come together to love Modesto! For more information and signing up to volunteer, please go to Modesto Chamber of Commerce I