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Think Again: Hot topics in
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Content For Engineers. That’s what CFE Media stands for, and what CFE Media is all about – engineers sharing with their peers. We welcome content submissions for all interested parties in engineering. We will use those materials online, on our website, in print and in newsletters to keep engineers informed about the products, solutions and industry trends. www.controleng.com/contribute explains how to submit press releases, products, images and graphics, bylined feature articles, case studies, white papers, and other media. * Content should focus on helping engineers solve problems. Articles that are commercial or are critical of other products or organizations will be rejected. (Technology discussions and comparative tables may be accepted if non-promotional and if contributor corroborates information with sources cited.) * If the content meets criteria noted in guidelines, expect to see it first on our Websites. Content for our e-newsletters comes from content already available on our Websites. All content for print also will be online. All content that appears in our print magazines will appear as space permits, and we will indicate in print if more content from that article is available online. * Deadlines for feature articles intended for the print magazines are at least two months in advance of the publication date. Again, it is best to discuss all feature articles with the appropriate content manager prior to submission.
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Hot topics for 2020
Controller programming, COVID-19 acceleration of engineering, automation and digitalization, and VFDs were among top 2020 articles.
Among hot Control Engineering topics posted in 2020, seven of 10 were automation and digitalization responses to COVID-19 pandemic. Programmable logic controller (PLC) programming languages and explanations about the top 5 variable frequency drive (VFD) parameter changes rounded out the 10 most-visited Control Engineering articles during 2020.
Top covers Control Engineering of 2020 were on the real-time remote monitoring, robotics, and digitalization and simulations (right). Think again about writing articles in 2021 at www.controleng. com/2021articles.
The articles posted during 2020 at www.controleng. com with the most clicks in 2020 follow, which favors articles posted earlier in the year.
1. Which IEC 611313 programming language is best? Part 1,
June 29: With so many programmable logic controller (PLC) programming languages and standards from which to choose, what is the right choice?
2. COVID-19 impact on engineering,
engineers, March 17: Engineers like facts and seek credible information sources on COVID-19 (Coronavirus) effects to the engineering-related world. Engineers have technologies, processes and advice to help.
3. Coronavirus will force manufacturers to enhance automation, digitali-
zation, March 18: COVID-19 is forcing manufacturers to rely more on automation and digitalization for long-term operations to reduce the financial impacts.
4. Top 5 VFD parameter chang-
es explained, July 1: Programming variable frequency drives (VFDs) to fit most industrial applications require only the most basic settings to operate the motor.
5. Preventing coronavirus through
preparation, March 10: Many manufacturers are becoming more concerned with COVID-19 breakouts on the production floor. Improve worker safety.
6. How COVID-19 is changing the
engineering jobs, jobs market, May 19: Taking control in an uncontrolled time: Leaders share lessons from the industrial automation, controls, and manufacturing industries.
7. Universities developing DIY med-
ical devices, PPE to combat coronavirus spread, March 23: Researchers from Georgia Tech and other universities are racing to develop “doit-yourself” health care gear that can be assembled where it’s needed from locally available components. See video.
8. When remote monitoring and control becomes essential for manufacturing opera-
tions, April 1: The COVID-19 pandemic is forcing companies to adjust business practices. See four tips to adjust.
9. Poll results: Coronavirus,
COVID-19 impact on engineers
and industry, March 19: Coronavirus impact data was collected from March 12 to 17.
10. Which IEC 61131-3 Program-
ming Language is best? Part 2, July 30: With many programmable logic controller (PLC) programming languages and standards from which to choose, select the best language. ce
Mark T. Hoske is content manager, Control Engineering, CFE Media and Technology at mhoske@cfemedia.com. Traffic ranking based on www.controleng.com analytics performed by Chris Vavra, web content manager, Control Engineering, cvavra@cfemedia.com. Cover analysis was by Michael Smith, creative director, Control Engineering.