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Figure 17: Criticality of optimization levers depending on the country and segment (arbitrary scale)
We can draw critical insights from this analysis on the impact of regulations on different building types in different geographies, and the weight of each lever on smart charging optimization.
● In the residential market (households and multi-dwelling), favored smart charging strategies vary significantly across regions with 3 main regional groups — France and California favor energy optimization approaches (ToU). — Spain optimization strategies are heavily influenced by demand charge tariffs. — Germany is more reliant on self-consumption potential.
● In the commercial sector however, scheduling and demand charges both contribute significantly, while self-consumption plays also a non-negligible role. Energy optimization is however of much less importance. This is due to the specific load demand, with EV charging happening at time of maximum operational load of the building.
While smart charging strategies in the commercial sector clearly revolve around overall demand management, due to specific load profiles and EV charging patterns, the case for residential is more dependent on opportunities stemming from regulations in place and therefore varies significantly across regions.