Etude in E Major, op. 10, no. 3
Fré dé ric Chopin (1810 – 1849)
Etude in A-fat Major, op. 25, no. 1 Chopin
Ilana Becker, piano
Sonata in C Minor, D. 958
Franz Schubert Allegro (1797 – 1828)
Menuetto: Allegro – Trio Allegro
Doris Wylee-Becker, piano
Suite bergamasques Claude Debussy III. Clair de lune (1862 – 1918)
Fantaisie-Impromptu in C-sharp Minor, op. 66 Chopin
Ilana Becker, piano
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Carnaval, op. 9 Robert
1. Preambule (1810 – 1856)
2. Pierrot
3. Arlequin
4. Valse noble
5. Eusebius
6. Florestan
7. Coquette
8. Replique
9. Papillons
10. A.S.C.H. S.C.H.A. (Lettres Dansantes)
11. Chiarina
12. Chopin
13. Estrella
14. Reconnaissance
15. Pantalon et Colombine
16-17. Valse allemande – Paganini
18. Aveu
19. Promenade
20. Pause
21. Marche des “Davidsbundler” contre les Phillistins
Doris Wylee-Becker, piano
Pianist Ilana Becker, age 15, is a Sophomore at Maggie Walker High School. In addition to piano, she studies ballet at the School of Richmond Ballet.
Doris Wylee-Becker teaches piano at University of Richmond. She has studied and performed at Aspen Music Festival, PianoSummer at New Paltz, and Chautauqua Music Festival. She also accompanies dance classes at the School of Richmond Ballet. She enjoys cooking, baking, traveling, and spending time with her husband, Richard, and daughter Ilana and golden retriever Muffin. She studied piano at University of Richmond, Peabody Conservatory, and University of Maryland, College Park.