Family Weekend Concert, Department of Music Free Concert Series

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University of Richmond Schola Cantorum

Dr. Jeffrey Riehl, conductor

Dr. Mary Beth Bennett, accompanist

Angus Dei (from Requiem)

Gabriel Fauré (1845-1924)

Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi dona eis requiem sempiternam requiem. Lux aeterna luceat eis, Domine, cum sanctis tuis in aeternam quia pius es. Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine, et lux perpetua luceat eis

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world grant them everlasting rest. Light eternal – may it shine on them, Lord, with your saints in eternity, You who are merciful. Rest eternal grant them, Lord, and light perpetual - may it shine on them.


Isabella Aldeguar

Julie Auten

Pearce Burlington†

Sarah DeVerna

Leah Marchetti

Stephanie Moki

Grace Pawlewicz

Michelle Roh

Maya Tarnoff

Lyla van Hoven

Nora Veigas

Annabel Weimer


Kate Bae

Ella Colmenares

Mina Ghani

Maddie Hitching†

Jessica Khan

Kate Magee

Marianne Packer

Mari Panariello

Caroline Stansberry

Amanda Stenberg

Piper Turri

Ash York


Clayvon Grimes

Joen Marklund

Benjamin Stalder

Luke Surrusco†

Ryan ompson


Torsten Borowski

Jaimon Chaney

Emerson De Leon Alvarez

Nate Grossman

Will Hoffman†

Zion Kim

Sam McPeak‡

Seth O’Donnell

Mac Patterson

Bastien Pecorini

Zack Ruighaver

†section leader

‡ guest

University of Richmond Symphony Orchestra

Overture to Le nozze di Figaro

Violin 1

Esther Kim

Hannah Lwin

Brett Phillips

Lidiya Chambers

Sydney Vermeeren

John Turner *

Violin 2

Henry Depew

Lucas Chuidian

Isabella Aldeguer

Lena Zeng

Paige Weber

Ria Valenzi *

Eden Kim *

Eileen Downey **


Mary Michelle


Miah Wilson

Josh Walker


Michael Stumpf *

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791)


Laura Tranquillo

Susan Jones *


Karl Spiker *

Lisa Bilski *


Mike Goldberg *

Declan Devilbiss


Arnold Wexler *


Gretchen Georgas *

Ava Scott


Argenis Gonzalez *

Haven Noveck

* Community Musician

** University of Richmond


Little Big Band

Dr. Mike Davison, director

Attitude Dance Stephen Kupka & Emilio Castillo

Arr. by Mark Taylor

Pick Yourself Up

25 or 6 to 4

Me and Mrs. Jones

Jerome Kern & Dorothy Fields

Arr. By Mike Tomaro

Robert Lamm

Arr. by Mike Tomaro

Kenny Gamble, Cary Gilbert, & Leon Huff

Transcr. by Alan Glasscock

Clocks Coldplay

Arr. by Mike Davison

Alto Saxophone

Tenor Saxophone

Baritone Saxophone





Tim Wen

Adrian Grubbs

Ben Pinto

John Paschold

Jack Bricklemyer

John Paschold

Benjamin Stalder

Guitar Toby Tate

Bass Johnny D’Addario

Drums Nora Cahill


Luke Surrusco

Please silence cell phones before the concert.

Recording, Taping, Photographing are strictly prohibited.

Upcoming Event

Neumann Lecture: Robert Fink

“What is Playlist Culture”

Monday, September 16, 2024

7:30 PM

Ukrop Auditorium, Robins School of Business

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