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Zaragoza Isn’t Just a House
Since 2004, Moeller High School has partnered with Santa Maria del Pilar, a Marianist-sponsored high school in Zaragoza, Spain, as part of an international student exchange. Every year, for almost two decades, Moeller has selected a small group of students to travel to Zaragoza to live with a family and attend classes at the Spanish school. The following spring, those Moeller students host their exchange partner, who act as an ambassador for our school community.
Unfortunately, because of the onset of COVID-19, our traditional program was suspended. For the first time in 15 years, Moeller did not send students abroad, and new international friendships could not be made. Fortunately, after many hours of careful planning between both schools’ administration and program coordinators, Moeller was able to form an entirely new international program and foster meaningful bonds of friendship between these two Marianist school communities.
At the beginning of the 2021–22 academic year, Moeller High School admitted four Santa María del Pilar students. These international students are not traditional “foreign exchange” students. Their host brothers, teachers, and peers have welcomed them warmly as full-fledged members of the Moeller school community. They are excelling academically as they fulfill their required coursework for Santa María del Pilar and gain stronger English proficiency and an appreciation of American culture. They are also enjoying Moeller extracurriculars such as spiritual retreats, community service events, and athletics.
Though these students will be with us for only this school year, the new friendships they make will last a lifetime. Our students are engaged in hospitality and family spirit, a true example of Marianist values in action. We look forward to welcoming a new class of international students from Zaragoza next year.
Left to Right: Manuel Raventós Rin ’24, Pablo Sanchez Izquierdo ’25, Juan Pinto Acero ’23, Álvaro Gil Seguar ’24
In 1977, the Marianists in Spain established the Santa Maria Foundation, which publishes Marianist Editions and organizes pedagogical programs. They operate the Colegio del Pilar in Madrid, the Santa Ana y San Rafael, and 15 more schools, some of which are considered among the best in Spain.