2 minute read
Marianist Values, Moeller Commitment
Each year, we celebrate Founder’s Day and honor individuals who embody the spirit of Blessed Chaminade. This year’s recipients are Pete and Claudia Kimener, Kevin Wood and Moeller alumnus Derek Williams (1991).
Pete and Claudia Kimener have embodied the characteristics of a Marianist education with their long-time service and commitment to the needs of our school community. Mr. Kimener has been a member of Moeller’s Board of Trustees over the course of the last 27 years, and has been instrumental in school safety improvements as well as the improvements that have grown our campus. The Kimeners have also been supporters of the scholarship program at Moeller, helping to ease the burden of families who seek a Moeller education for their sons and find themselves in need of financial assistance. Their faith in Christ and willingness to serve his Church demonstrate how Kimeners take seriously the words of the Gospel.
Kevin Wood has served as Moeller’s LIFE moderator for seven years and has ensured its growth and success not only here at Moeller, but also at the provincial level. He is on the coordinating team for the summer LIFE retreat, which serves student leaders from ten different Marianist schools. Kevin was member of the IT and advancement teams, an Eveslage house Mentor teacher, and has continued to volunteer his time with our LIFE community. His leadership with our Lent program C40M impacted many students including Zaragoza House Chaplain Eric Paolino ’20. “Mr. Wood was an incredible mentor for me throughout my time at Moeller. Not only did he continuously go out of his way to support me and my education, he was consistent in his efforts to aid my development in the LIFE program and grow my faith. I truly grew spiritually as a result of Mr. Wood and his guidance.”
Derek Williams is an English teacher at Moeller and has been a mentor teacher in Zehler House since the beginning of Moeller’s House System. Derek coached football at Moeller and now calls games for Moeller broadcasts. Derek has been a faculty leader of countless retreats, providing guidance for young men and serving as a powerful witness of faithful service. Most recently, Derek has focused his efforts on working with students through the Marianist Community Development program and the Vision Initiative, two programs he founded to fulfill the mission of the Marianist charism. The goal is to not only welcome students from all backgrounds, but to foster an appreciation of many cultures amongst all our students. Even on the toughest days, Derek never loses his sense of humor, using laughter and lightheartedness to help students relax and refocus. His positive energy and genuine care and concern for the well-being of others is what makes Derek an invaluable part of the Moeller Family.

For over 60 years, Archbishop Moeller High School has been working toward one Mission—Catholic. Marianist. Forming our Students into Remarkable Men. These are men of faith, men of academic excellence, and men of character.