STUDY SKILLS IV – CP2 Mrs. Karen Matuszek Room 035 791-1680 #1222 I am available to meet with students before school by appointment, during M Block, and after school by appointment. You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. – Dr. Seuss
The Study Skills course is designed to provide special education support services within a resource room environment for students with documented disabilities. This course will help students develop the skills necessary for academic success. Emphasis is on goal setting, organization, time management, application of learning strategies, classroom test preparation skills, specific strategies necessary for passing the Ohio Graduation Test (OGT) if necessary, and for preparing for college admission testing (SAT or ACT). This course will also assist students with their individual college transition process and help them become aware of their individual learning strengths and weaknesses. Student Expectations Be on time. Check and delete unnecessary email daily. Check NetMoeller daily for course assignments and grades. Use a plan book/planning device and record assignments and test/project dates daily. Schedule regular sessions with math intervention specialist. Schedule tests to be taken in room 35/36 on the test calendar or by email at least two days in advance. Send me copies of rough and final drafts of assigned essays. Maintain a personal binder containing a record of work completed during Study Skills, writing samples, strategy handouts, and individual progress towards goals. Meet weekly with me to review your grades. Participate in the annual review of your Services Plan. THIS CLASS IS NOT A STUDY HALL TO COMPLETE HOMEWORK THAT WAS NOT DONE THE NIGHT BEFORE!! Required Readings Learning Outside the Lines Jonathan Mooney & David Cole Life Strategies for Teens – Jay McGraw Comrades – Stephen Ambrose Book of choice that addresses ADHD, learning disabilities, or self-advocacy Grading 10% Materials (laptop, plan books, calculator, yellow highlighter, required notebooks/binders/folders)
20% College transition (ACT preparation, application, teacher recommendation letters, college visits, etc.) 30% Classroom Preparation (assignment completion, productivity, progress toward goals) 30% Test Preparation (vocabulary review, assigned readings, organized notes, study guide completion) 10% Effort and productivity during Study Skills class Late assignments will be accepted only until one class period past the due date and for 50% credit.
Student Signature ___________________ Parent Signature _____________________