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David Tuttle

No, it’s not your imagination: The cost of college has skyrocketed over the past decade, greater than inflation, higher than your raise, faster than the cost of living. At the University of Connecticut, for example, tuition is in the middle of a five-year, 23 percent rate hike.

Sending Junior to Storrs costs about $18,500 per year for tuition and fees. Sending him to a private university averages about twice that, at $37,000, according to the 529 plans.” Designed specifically for education, 529s let you invest in mutual funds, ETFs and the like, but your investments grow tax-free, so long as you use the proceeds for approved education expenses, such as tuition, books, room and board. Unlike many other tax-saving investments, 529s don’t come with income constraints.

Connecticut’s 529 plan, the Connecticut Higher Education Trust (CHET), is more attractive than ever, says Tuttle. Last December, the state selected Fidelity to administer it, lowering fees and expanding investment options. Connecticut parents can contribute up to $10,000 per year to CHET; earnings grow free of federal and state taxes. “You can contribute $50,000 today, pay your tuition tomorrow, and take $10,000 each year for five years,” he says. “I have had clients maximize the tax benefit in state to get the maximum, and then invest outside.”

If the designated beneficiary decides to forgo college, you can

College Board. Tack on another $13,000 or so for room and board at either option.

Covid-19 has served as a reckoning for soaring school costs, says David Tuttle, partner and portfolio manager at Crestwood Advisors in Darien. During the pandemic, as schools offered courses virtually, many families wondered, “Why can’t people just learn online? Why do you need to go to college?” Tuttle says.

Schools took note. Though tuition edged up for the academic year 2020-2021, it did so at historically low levels. Still, the price tag remains out of reach for many Fairfield County families.

“The profile of Fairfield County is that all the families can afford to self-pay,” Tuttle says. “The reality is that there are kids even in Darien, New Canaan and Greenwich that’s not the case for. They have a tremendous burden and pressure to follow the normal path of going to college.”

His advice: Start saving early. “When kids are born, we’re encouraging parents to set up transfer the account without penalty to another family member —even yourself—so long as it’s used for qualified education expenses.

Families don’t need a lot of money to set up a college fund. Tuttle’s dad and grandfather each invested $500 into a Putnam Growth Fund when Tuttle was born, then started showing him the balance when he was ten years old and had his first job cutting lawns. “This money tripled in ten or twelve years, and here I was cutting lawns.”

As soon as your child is eligible, fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), which determines whether you qualify for government aid. Complete it even if you won’t qualify for need-based aid. Many schools grant merit-aid, based on grades, test scores or talents in things like sports, music and the arts. The average award for undergraduates in 2019-2020 was $14,940, according to the College Board. Without completing the FAFSA, you won’t get anything.


When paying for college seems out of reach

If you will need more aid than offered, write a email of appeal to the school financial aid office, outlining factors like reduced salary at work, a lay-off, a sibling attending graduate school or a bigger package from a comparable school. Get your appeal in early, Tuttle says. When schools exhaust their aid resources, there’s not much they can do for you.

Also, Tuttle advises some of Fairfield County’s wealthiest families, but he also mentors kids who live in subsidized housing in Darien. “There’s an opportunity for kids with drive to find a way to get to the finish line and pay little or nothing,” he says. “There are non-traditional paths that are a jungle-gym. It requires real planning.” Attending two years of Norwalk Community College or Housatonic Community College, for example, can shave tens of thousands of dollars off of a four-year college tab. The same holds for dozens of online, accredited schools. To lower the cost even further, get a job at Chipotle, Starbucks, Walmart or any number of other employers that pay or reimburse for college, even for part-time employees.

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