Black Moguls Magazine Spring 2016 Elections Super Issue

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Super Issue


Mind Hustle Improve Your Personal Swag

Some people become entrepreneurs for many different reasons, some to do what they love, others to help serve people, and others, just to pay their bills. Whatever their motivation is for starting their own businesses, the most successful entrepreneurs are really Artists. These people are the ones who create, develop and execute their craft. As the Hip-Hop Chef, my vision is to create and sculpture masterpieces that people will enjoy. I believe it takes a true Artist to see and make something out of nothing; and an even greater Artist to begin the process to sculpt the situation to match that which they envision. Sometimes no one can see what you see and sometimes people may even tell you that you are “different” for thinking you can see some kind of opportunity. Several years ago, I was looking for a way to break into the Hip-Hop and Entertainment Industry without being a Rapper. I chose cooking as my option. When the Hip-Hop Chef brand was created, cooking and being a Chef wasn’t popular like it is


today. I wanted to be a Celebrity Chef who worked with celebrities that ranged from Hip-Hop to Pop and beyond. Now look at my life today! I put my “mind” to it and I’m doing just that. But I was hungry and determined to be a part of this great Hip-Hop culture. I studied the people I wanted to cook for and eventually have as clients. Next, I developed a blue print. The most important aspect of my endeavor was that, I believed in ME. See, we have to stop making excuses for our unwillingness to do what’s necessary and step out on FAITH! The price of freedom (financial freedom or otherwise) is the unwavering desire to THINK something different. Dr. King was different. Gandhi was amazingly brilliant yet, different. Mind Hustle is a recipe not found on your everyday menu. It is a proven recipe for those who need a rapid solution to a lifelong condition. And that condition is thinking small. Swan Simpson provides healthy resolutions on life, wealth, happiness and prosperity. As an expert in the field of human potential, she shares her experiences as well as the experiences of ordinary people, who like myself, are doing extraordinary things. All because we made up our MINDS to do so and you can too. - The Original Hip Hop Chef

R.A.M. Foundation Scholarship Rebuilding African Minds is all about the re-education of our community towards economic development and prosperity.

An End To Personal Struggle Is In Sight The R.A.M. Foundation realizes that our community continues to suffer largely due to poor choices, social ills such as mass incarceration and homelessness, along with the inability to get unstuck from the political games played in the greater society. It would seem that many in the community have become a permanent under-class; a life-long victim class that may never realize its fullest potential unless we use our gifts to intervene.

Being A Part Of The Solution The R.A.M. Foundation wants to disrupt the trends of poverty in our communities by offering opportunities to those who have found themselves recently released from incarceration or presently residing in a transitional center (half-way house). Upon release from the system, it is often difficult to become acclimated and productive because of how you are perceived by society. Something as simple as a job flipping burgers can become an impossibility. You’ve done your time. You have shown you can be trusted. You deserve an opportunity to prove yourself. But you gotta be hungry!

There Is No Free Lunch. You Gotta Earn It. If you have ever dreamed of becoming an Entrepreneur and taking charge of your own life upon re-entry into the greater society, we would love to get to know you. We are offering Entrepreneurial Scholarships to a select few individuals who can demonstrate their hunger for success and their thirst for changing their lives. It takes effort on your part. We aren’t going to give you a job. We are giving you an opportunity to take your life back and to create a new life for yourself and your family.

Apply Yourself We hope you are as excited as we are about meeting you. Surrounding yourself with good vibes and good people is only the beginning. Learning new things and pushing yourself beyond the limits of your own mind. If you feel that you qualify or know someone who does, visit our website for more information and to apply.



Perspectives low-income Minority voters who side with Donald Trump, just as there many affluent Black business owners who side with Clinton. A few months ago, I had the opportunity to attend a rally held in Birmingham, AL for Donald Trump. While observing the atmosphere, one thing that stood out to me was a message printed on a sign that read:

“The Silent Majority Stands with Trump!” Initially, I thought this message only referred to white voters. After doing my “Power & Influence” blog on Donald Trump, I learned that a lot of Black voters silently stand behind the Republican front-runner. The truth is that people want transparency in politics and they want to relate to the candidate. Voters hear all the great things that Hilary Clinton says she will do for us, BUT the truth is that minority voters aren’t sure if they can cash a check on her promises! After attending two events with Secretary Clinton (and being snubbed by her staffers on other occasions), I really can’t say I blame voters for their reluctance to trust Mrs. Clinton.

Donald Trump’s Black Vote Possibilities


or the first time (in my lifetime), I can honestly say that no other election has generated heated discussions. Never before has there been a time (I believe) in which politics will divide Minority voters as the upcoming election will. Men seem to favor Donald Trump’s “no nonsense” mentality, while women appear to favor Hillary Clinton’s "good ole fashion wife and mother who cares" concept. The most unique thing about this election is the fact that an overwhelming number of Minority will probably vote Republican. This doesn’t necessarily mean that the majority of Minority voters will vote Republican; but a larger than usual number may. Truthfully speaking, even if Donald Trump doesn’t win the nomination, his influence on minority voters will definitely cause a shift in the political agenda. It’s never been a big deal that minority voters do actually vote across party lines. The whole notion of one being Black and that makes you inherently a Democrat will be changed drastically this year. This election seems to be more about “whats in it for me”. For the first time (in my lifetime), I’m seeing that race nor economic status will influence political decisions. There are


Another important factor working in Trump’s favor is having 100 Black Pastors share a message that they support him. What a smart move! Black people are very religious AND they trust the judgment of their religious leaders! Regardless of the harsh tone that social media is showing towards Blacks who support Trump, it will not change their decisions. Now a good question to ask is what about Ben Carson? Ben Carson is an educated Black man running on the same Republican ticket. Why are Black voters relating to a loud mouth, obnoxious white man like Donald Trump vs a soft spoken educated Black man like Carson? The answer is simple. Black Voters feel very uncertain about the next four years after Obama leaves office. Minority voters in general may not like what Trump is saying, but many feel as if they know what they’re getting with Trump. Donald Trump is not going to sugar coat anything and he’s going to call a spade a spade! The moral of the story is that there are a number of Black people voting for Trump. His rhetoric is not going to stop them. I believe this is no different than gays who silently support homophobic views. But from the polls, you can trust that there are a lot of Black people who support Trump’s anti-this-and-that views. The only way other Candidates stand a chance of winning this election is by being as transparent with voters as Trump has been. Others don’t have to be as volatile, but they really need to help Black and Minority voters feel as if they truly are in it for them! If you liked this commentary and would like to read more articles written by me, please visit my website at www. or follow me on IG: @AndreTheBlogger.

Philanthropy laws being changed to integrate Blacks into society? Maybe it was the separation of the haves and have-nots in the Black community, since Blacks were now allowed to move to the suburbs? Maybe it was the growing separation of powerful leaders in the Black community through religion? Decade after decade, murder after murder, protest after protest; we still struggled as a community to change our spending habits to make our collective Black voice heard by the masses…until now. The Black community is reuniting at the intersection of politics and our spending habits. The #BlackWealthMovement (https:// has now begun. I was first exposed to the #BlackWealthMovement this summer, when I was asked to be a part of a group of activists to attend a Christian-Muslim unity summit which was convened and organized by Minister Louis Farrakhan. He discussed the need to unify and seek justice for the murdered, unarmed people in our community by refusing to spend money during the Christmas season, and to only spend with Black people year round. We organized around this main theme, and apparently it is catching on.

No Dollars, No Sense: Why it’s Essential to Give Back to the Black Community -Troya Sampson


here is a direct connection between the economic spending habits in the Black community, and the socalled justice that we continue to seek. The Civil Rights Movement in the 50’s and 60’s did an excellent job with demonstrating the connection between Black dollars and political sense. When Black people caused economic pain by not supporting corporate entities, the elected officials made decisions that made sense. Somehow THAT strategy of politics and economics has since faded. Maybe it faded due to the feeling of accomplishment, with

According to several news sources, consumer spending was down 10% this year on Black Friday. (http://www.theguardian. com/business/2015/nov/28/black-friday-sales-fall) We believe it was because of a committed grassroots effort by millions of people from all ethnic groups to support Black people in the quest for economic and social justice. According to Dr. Boyce Watkins, Professor and Entrepreneur, “Money and Black spending have tremendous political power. We are now learning that the way we spend, save, and invest our money is a critical component to our activism. In other words, Black lives matter most to others when Black wealth also matters.” Black Philanthropy also matters. As the #BlackWealthMovement grows, Black philanthropy does as well. Non-profit organizations founded by Black people face the same racism that other business entities face: you work twice as hard, and often get a fraction of the funding as those who are founded by other ethnic groups. We must be mindful to support Black people in all areas of business. There are several Black philanthropists who are doing just that. (http://www. Black economic solidarity is here, and is gaining momentum. And with active participation, I am hoping that it is here to stay.



The Revolt against Traditional Politics



revolt is occurring all across America as the election season looms near. Many remain undecided. The undecided voter should be of grave importance to every candidate who is serious about becoming the next POTUS. Undecided is a category that is vague in the sense that there is a division; conventionally that word means that voters are unsure of the specific candidate that they will back. However, a growing number has matured and to that specific demographic undecided refers to the question if one will participate in the election process at all. Anyone who has had multiple conversations about voting understands that when conversing on this matter there are various points of views that you will confront. The most common held by overread intellectuals and those trapped in a world of uncertainty alike is “My Vote Doesn’t Matter”. While one may think the assertion is completely ridiculous as you start to hear the opposition explain their vantage point, circumstances that led to this conclusion are revealed. Anxious for a rebuttal I begin to contemplate what, if anything, can convince one to take pride in a civic responsibility when government as a whole has only confirmed their distrust. This election season hasn’t helped in the perception of voting and the electoral process as a whole. Minorities are rarely taken into account in a serious nature when these strategic platforms are created. Leaving the viewing public to believe that the candidate debates and platform policies broadcasted in the media is nothing more than rhetoric. The purpose of this discourse is not to identify a candidate but address the issue of recharging the disengaged voter.

WHO is Evan McCullough? A graduate of Morehouse College, Evan has always had an interest in the well-being of others, which prompted the creation of MSM Strategies LLC. Equipped with media sales certifications and a business marketing degree, he tactfully employs the knowledge gained from these various disciplines when creating and executing strategies as a consultant. In addition, he is the Founder/CEO of Students Talking Out Problems, a nonprofit that provides the youth a forum to talk out their issues rather than resulting to violence or other social ills.


Voting has been a liability, for the first time a candidate who looked like me was elected in 2008. Before this time, a question of qualifications was not one of obscurity; as diversity in some form or fashion slowly occurred through the placement of individuals in prominent positions. However, in 2015 we learned that the mindset of those in power was not progressive which is particularly troubling when decisions are being made that trump law as the highest in the land. In the Supreme Court case Fisher v. University of Texas, Justice Antonin Scalia’s opinion had a viral effect. His inappropriate commentary on the legal proceeding read, “There are those who contend that it does not benefit African-Americans to get them into the University of Texas where they do not do well, as opposed to having them go to a less-advanced school, a less -- a slower-track school where they do well.” As a result, comments poured on to social media in what some would call representations of black excellence. His negative comments involving the constitutionality of the University of Texas’ affirmative action program have been rebutted by legislators and social activists. Black Caucus chair, Representative G.K. Butterfield articulated Scalia’s comments were “...disgusting, inaccurate, and insulting to African Americans. Thousands of black Americans have excelled in top-tier universities.” This Justice’s opinions and biases will have a result on the legality setting precedents for a lifelong term. Appointed during the Ronald Reagan presidential term, his point of view seems to be antiquated. This was not the first time the Justice’s rash views were voiced

in the form of a judicial opinion. Two years prior, when the Voting Rights Act’s constitutionality was being reviewed, Scalia claimed that the historic measure was nothing more than “racial entitlement” that should be eradicated. Contrarily, Roland Martin voiced his opinion on Affirmative Action and its importance stating, “The access to schools… has a direct impact on the jobs you get, the relationships you build, and on income inequality”. It would be nearly impossible to believe that one could overcome income inequality, battle against prejudice and preserve the “integrity” of the system of checks and balances without the vote being a prevalent force in decision making. U.S. Representative John Lewis expressed his discontent regarding Justice Scalia’s ability to make impartial judgments stating, “This reminds me of the kind of prejudice that led to separate and unequal school systems–a policy the Supreme Court declared unconstitutional decades ago. Justice Scalia is supposed to be very well read, but he seems to have neglected study in African American history. Is he aware that the current head of the Hayden Planetarium in New York City, the noted Astrophysicist Neil de Grasse Tyson, graduated from the University of Texas in 1983, before Affirmative Action was struck down?” Evident bias in leadership is not limited to Justice Scalia as these same biases have led to corruption in offices that were created for the people. It is far too often that the court system disappoints, whether it is lack of indictments or the creation of a jury that is not representative of the community. When we have court officials who don’t just hold a title but also have character and integrity, it results in the people having to stand for Jefferson Circuit Court Judge Olu Stevens when criticized about the composition of juries. Perversely, in the case of Tamir Rice we witness what happens when provisions for the victim and their family are ignored. We may not be sure what biases Ohio prosecutor Timothy McGinty has, but it is evident that they are present. In a community meeting the prosecutor smeared the family of the 12 year old victim who was gunned down; “They waited until they didn’t like the reports they received. They’re very interesting people… let me just leave it at that… and they have their own economic motives”.

Although, it is hard to identify the impact that such a comment may cause to the Grand Jury, at this point we must hold people who betray the community’s trust accountable for their actions. As a public official the responsibility to prosecute means that legal proceedings are instituted against a defendant. This is another case where people abandon participation in a system because of the undeniable corruption that has plagued the process. Another example of a public official that has defiled the sanity of the process is Mayor Rahm Emanuel. His election platform concealed details to secure votes, in the murder proceedings against police officer Jason Van Dyke, who shot and killed black teenager Laquan McDonald. Several demonstrations transpired in Chicago during the holidays in order to raise concerns around race relations, policing issues, and ultimately demand the resignation of Mayor Rahm Emanuel. Similar protests happened across the country collectively known as “Black Xmas”. The people have rejected the apology of Mayor Rahm Emanuel as it is apparently another political tactic that lacked in authenticity. His manipulation is what lead to the public’s mistrust and should tarnish the loyalty that voters have with Presidential Candidate Hilary Clinton as a supporter of the Mayor. Critics of the Black Lives Matter movement constantly question the tangible goal that the movement wants to achieve. Plenty have arbitrarily subscribed that the various demonstrations have no true call to action other than disrupting the normal living patterns of those who are around when these events take place. However, with every movement there is growth and that still won’t prevent some from overlooking the obvious. One thing in particular that is not always focused on is the call to vote at these rallies. I believe this may be an element that is missing or not focused on heavily enough because of the same concerns around policies and elected officials. Reflecting on something that has worked in the past, like the Vote or Die campaign that made great strides in 2004 and made a resurgence in 2008, could prove as a necessary element that needs to be incorporated. I commend those who have started such efforts by creating programs like Campaign Zero. Although, I think the assumption that is made is that the participants are existing registered voters, which is not always the case. The Vote


or Die campaign targeted the same demographic that Justice Scalia criticized. The segment of potential voters 18-29 years old is the target for the campaigns also referred to as “Rock the Vote” and “Vote for Change”, spearheaded by Sean “P. Diddy” Combs, Russell Simmons, and Bruce Springsteen. Now, Diddy seems to experience some of the same emotions as those who don’t understand the power of the vote. In his frustration he voiced his dissatisfaction although he did offer some advice to current members of this demographic stating, “Use your power socially, we have different aims and the young have more power than ever. You got 200 followers, if you decide that you want to make it a topic of discussion and that thing goes viral… So do your part, and leave the bullsh*t out of it. Let’s make a difference in this election. We all can play a part.” I would contend that the vote is essential to dismantle existing systems of corruption in America. No matter your party affiliation or who you decide to vote for, your voice matters in the electoral process. Specific to the presidential race it is important to understand the chain reaction that occurs when you make an important decision such as voting. After the success of the “Vote or Die” campaign and the impact that it had on the 2012 election, the importance of inclusion is evident to both political parties. A comprehensive post-election review called the “Growth and Opportunity Project,” was created by the Republican National Committee. Launched in 2012, the extensive work may now be in vain. One 2015 candidate, Donald Trump, has stood in the forefront of the media and has had cruel words for almost every minority and has begun to target certain Religions as well. Shermichael Singleton, Coalitions Advisor for Carson America, addresses the GOP diversity efforts and


voting apprehension caused by Presidential Candidate Donald Trump. “The Republican party since 2012 released a growth and opportunities project which was a self-assessment of the party’s minority outreach. Outreach has expanded to other groups with an investment of over $10 million dollars, targeting African Americans, Asians, and Hispanic communities. Donald Trump is reaching into fears of Americans to coalesce a strong base of supporters around him. So essentially everything that the party has done since 2012 is now gone.” One of the conclusions is that outreach and inclusion is necessary. It may be disheartening when the movement appears at a candidate’s rally and still remain unheard. I would contend that this is not a call to give up, but a summoning to be more strategic in the different ways we demonstrate our resistance against the atrocities that continue to occur in this country. According to the PEW Research Center 98 percent of 18-29 year old Black Americans use either broadband and/ or own smartphones; 96 percent of which use social networks. Being active in the political process is important, whether that be online or in person, but ultimately there is a need for ALL (especially this demographic) to vote. This is necessary in the Presidential elections as well as in local and state elections. We vote for Mayors, Judges, Governors and a plethora of other officials. It is important that we reiterate that they don’t serve just one community but they serve all. Our interests are just as valid as any other groups. I charge you to revolt against traditional politics by holding those in power responsible. Accountability lies with us as well; we must ensure that we advocate for those in our movement, our cohorts, our friends and those who have yet to be reached, that there is POWER in the vote. We must let our voices infiltrate systems of corruption by ensuring that our representatives represent us and not the status quo.

Coaches Corner

How To 10X Your Impact, Influence & Income


lot of people talk about this thing called “leadership” and the lack of “leadership” that we have in our modern day society. If you ask 100 people what their definition of leadership is, you will most likely get 100 different answers. If I were to boil leadership down to one single word it would be “INFLUENCE!” If I were to take it a bit further… I learned a really good definition of leadership from one of my mentors and it is… “The ability to create a desire in others to follow you!” I’ve had the privilege of working with, mentoring under, and interviewing some of the most successful Entrepreneurs on the planet. And surprisingly they aren’t as money motivated as most people would think. Guess what they’re motivated by? Are you ready for this? They are motivated by IMPACT! They have a burning desire to have a massive impact on a certain group of people and even the world. Here’s the cool thing… I’ve found that when you focus on impact, you don’t have to focus on making money, because money is a result of impact. By the way, guess what else is a result of impact? Yep! You guessed it…INFLUENCE!!! Why is that? Well it’s simple… Most people just sit around talking a good game. Then there’s an elite few that actually go out with a HUGE vision to create a massive impact; and as a result, they make more money than they can handle and create massive influence as well. Here’s a few examples we all know… Russell Simmons: Uncle Rush had a massive impact on the world through Hip-Hop, now he’s gone on to do even bigger things as a Philanthropist, and there’s not many (if any) circles you can mention his name and people not know of him.


THE BluePrint Step



Get Crystal Clear On Your Vision Now, this is much deeper than just having a “WHY!” You want to have a crystal clear vision of what it is that you want and exactly what your life looks and feels like with it.

This brother has changed the game completely. He went from street hustler to International Business Mogul. Not in just music, but movies, owning part of a professional sports team, boxing, and more.

Most people say that they want “Financial Freedom” or they want to change the world, but have no clue what that looks like. If “Financial Freedom” is part of your vision you have to know...

Bill Gates This guy saw the vision of having a computer in every household when most people didn’t think it was possible, now he’s one of the wealthiest men on the planet.

What time do you wake up each day?

How do you invest your days?

What kind of car do you drive?

What charities do you contribute to?

How do you travel?

Where do you travel?

What does your house look, smell and sound like?

Do you hang out at your kids school and go on field trips?

Do you help with homework or do you home-school your children?

You have to be able to see this, and take time to visualize your ideal life at least once per day. By getting clear on your vision, this helps you push through when things get tough or frustrating. Step

#2 Steve Jobs One word…APPLE! This guy not only revolutionized the computer industry, but he turned the music industry on its head. I could go on and on, but I’m sure you get my point. Listing the successes of all of these other well-known Moguls is cool, but how do we apply this to your life and your business? Great question!! So, let’s get into it…


Have A Daily Action Plan To Make Your Vision A Reality Having a vision is wonderful, but when you open your eyes from visualizing it’s time to get to creating. Maybe you want to build schools in Africa. • How much money does that take? • Can you do it just working your job or do you need an additional stream of income? • If you work in Sales or your business offers a product or service to the public, how many sales do you need to make your dreams a reality?

Want to be better at speaking from the stage? Yep! You guessed it, get up off your butt and start speaking from the stage. So, my NEXT question for you is what ACTION STEPS are you committed to take starting TODAY, that will create that crystal clear vision you now have for yourself? Step

#5 •

How many leads do you have to generate per day?

Which marketing strategies do you need to apply in order to create these leads?

How do you convert these leads into sales?

If you’re not sure, I highly recommend getting a Coach immediately. I’ve made more money in 2015 than I’ve ever made. And it’s a direct correlation to how much I’ve invested into Coaching. Step


Integrity is very important when creating impact and influence (remember income is a result of those two things). Step


Create Leverage We live in a Global Economy, so you can impact MILLIONS upon MILLIONS of lives if you do it right. My definition of leverage is “Doing more with less.” So, what resources do you require to follow through with your vision? If you don’t have those resources, how can you get them? Who can you hire? What can you outsource?

I tell clients and friends all the time…

What you’re building my friend is a machine, so even when you’re traveling, with your family etc…people can continue to consume your material, products or services and be IMPACTED by what you’ve brought to the table.

Create relationships with others by seeing how you can add value to their lives and creating win/win situations.


BE who you say you are…. DO what you say you’re going to do. And if something changes, make sure you communicate that clearly.

Create Strategies Partnerships “Relationships are more valuable than money!”


This is a BIGGIE

Take Consistent Imperfect Action Don’t get caught up in thinking everything has to be perfect BEFORE you get started. I don’t mean to sound cliche’, but I love the following quote... “You don’t have to be great to get started, but you do have to get started to be great.” The only thing that separates those who create massive success and those that sit on the side lines and cheer them on…… is the decision to take action immediately! Want to get better at networking? Do more networking! Want to be better at creating videos? Create more videos!

Now you have the recipe, so let’s Get 2 It! I’m looking forward to hearing your Success Story. Until Next Time... Marquel Russell is a Rapid Business Growth Strategist, a life long entrepreneur and the Creator & Founder of Infinite Success University (the one stop shop, coaching and training company for serious entrepreneurs who want to grow their business faster and easier). Marquel is internationally known for assisting entrepreneurs with attracting an endless flow of your ideal prospects, customers and clients in 30 days or less... GUARANTEED. Get a FREE copy Marquel’s course, “The Ultimate Online Marketing Plan” by going to


Moguls In The Making The Failure Zone: What I’ve Learned From My 1st Critical Years In Business - A Note from the Publisher

A Day In The Life As An Entrepreneur “Wait a second. My “I’m good. I don’t life is great.” know why I get so down on myself” “Give up the good for the great!” “ITS WORKING!” “I’m excited” “I was wrong. I suck!” “Ugh! This hard”

“I Messed up”


his column is all about learning from the everyday Entrepreneur. The celebrities and the big Moguls all had to start from ground zero. The lessons at ground zero are probably more important than the end game you see on the cover of Black Moguls Magazine. The cover is polished and pretty because everybody loves you when you are at the top of your game. But just because your business struggles with challenges, it doesn’t mean you are not a Mogul in the making. Over the next several issues, we will take the time to learn lessons from those who spend their first few years in business making huge mistakes or wrongful assumptions; mistakes and assumptions you may be experiencing yourself, but are thinking that it is only you. This column is all about being honest about the things that present themselves as challenges. But as with any challenge, if you want Mogul status, you have to become bigger, much bigger than the problems you face. We will keep the problems real. There will be no polite edits here because we want you to talk back to us on social media


“I think I’m going bankrupt

@BlackMogulsMag on Twitter and Instagram about the challenges these Entrepreneurs express. Or how you overcame to become a success. Talk To Us On Social Media @BlackMogulsMag Starting a business should be one of the most exciting events in an Entrepreneur’s life. It becomes a process of taking your ideas and putting them into action. There is no more satisfying feeling than executing upon your dreams and goals. The end story is always great to hear. But what about the story of how you got started? Was it easy? What lessons can others learn from your stumbles and failures? Are your challenges real or are you simply a whining crybaby?


offered to help my business grow. So, I was willing to invest $5K in their program because I thought it would give me the leverage I needed as a small Black business owner. As it turns out, it was too good to be true.” The company took my money and never delivered on any part of their service. It was a major financial setback for my new business. It was my first year in business so I did not have much revenue. This was all the money I had saved. The experience taught me several lessons: •

Do your homework before trusting companies who claim to help you build business credit. I strongly advise new and established women business owners not to be too anxious as I was, but to be patient, plan, and research any company that you choose to conduct business with.

Trust your instincts. If it sounds too good to be true, it may be.

The other interesting part of Umukija’s story are the obstacles she’s faced when dealing with the Black community. She says she experiences a lot of difficulty in finding support among her own. “I’ve had problems getting other African American women to support me like they support other cultures such as the Asian community. I sell the same products as they do at an even more reasonable price, but my African American sisters will go shop with them and not me.” Instead of getting support, she finds that some women are jealous and envious of her business. It seems they come to her wanting discounts and hookups instead of supporting her. “When they are not busy being jealous, they are trying to get a discount.” Some are so bold as to ask for a “Black discount”. This is something that would never happen to an Asian woman in the same business. Business Case #1 Umukija Singh is the Owner of Kija’s NY Flava Fashions, a women’s clothing boutique in Atlanta. Her boutique specializes in designer clothes, shoes, handbags, and accessories. She started her business in February 2009. As any eager Entrepreneur would be, she was anxious to get her business off the ground and making money for her and her family. Sometimes, when we go into business, we fail to do the groundwork to set things up properly. One of the most important aspects of starting a business is its financial foundation. Umukija knew she needed help so she looked to professionals to assist her. She knew business credit was important so she looked for help in getting her company set up correctly. What follows are her lessons to other Black women struggling to grow their companies from the ground up. Umukija Singh “I will never forget that day. It was the happiest day of my life to finally be able to open my own business and not work for other retail stores anymore. Owning your own business is an exciting and independent career move, but it also has its struggles and challenges. I personally learned this first hand after entrusting a company I found online to build my business credit. They

Umukija would like to solve the problems she is having with getting support from other Black women. However, she still manages to keep her business going. She works two jobs to stay afloat. She continues to have hopes that she will be able to expand her location. We will keep you posted on her progress in future issues. Share your comments @BlackMogulsMag Our goal as a publication is to give you a blueprint from which you can build your own American dream. We receive many letters and emails from Business owners expressing their gratitude for the many articles and stories that touched home for them. The end game is always great to tell, but we want to know the other lessons your struggles and pains can teach us. Those are the lessons that push us beyond our comfort zone. They are important lessons that help us to grow and expand so own it! Own those stories and share those lessons. Perhaps you too have lessons you want to share with our readers. Share your comments @BlackMogulsMag


THE STATE OF THE AFRICAN AMERICAN ECONOMY WHAT AFRICAN AMERICANS MUST DO TO MAKE GAINS IN THE 21ST CENTURY “Perhaps it is easy for those who have never felt the stinging darts of segregation to say, ‘Wait.’ But when you have seen vicious mobs lynch your mothers and fathers at will and drown your sisters and brothers at whim…when you see the vast majority of twenty million Negro brothers smothering in an airtight cage of poverty in the midst of an affluent society; when you suddenly find your tongue twisted and your speech stammering as you seek to explain to your six-year-old daughter why she can’t go to the public amusement park that has just been advertised on television, and see tears welling up in her eyes when she is told that Funtown is closed to colored children, and see ominous clouds of inferiority beginning to form in her little mental sky…when you take a cross-country drive and find it necessary to sleep night after night in the uncomfortable corners of your automobile because no motel will accept you… when…your wife and mother are never given the respected title ‘Mrs.’…when you are forever fighting a degenerating sense of


‘nobodiness’—then you will understand why we find it difficult to wait. There comes a time when the cup of endurance runs over, and men are no longer willing to be plunged into the abyss of despair.”


his quote from Dr. Martin Luther King summarizes the serious tone and angst in his Award Winning Book “Why We Can’t Wait” written in 1963, but released in 1968 the same year Dr. King was assassinated here in Memphis, TN. Many say King was in the process of evolving from his blind view on Non Violence, and becoming more focused on the Economic Disparities that existed after the Brown v. Board of Education, the March on Washington and the signing of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, which were considered major victories in that time… As we fast forward to 2016, President Barack Obama, a Harvard Law School Graduate African American from a Bi- Racial Relationship, has just given his final State of the Union Speech, signaling the final year of his SECOND TERM as President of the United States…. Dr. Ben Carson, a world renowned Pediatric Surgeon, is currently running as one of the leading candidates in the 2016 Presidential Election as an ultra conservative Republican…. Our Latino brethren, that have migrated to our Country are becoming leaders in Politics, Medicine, Business, and making major strides economically…. Middle Easterners, have come to America and become leaders in all sorts of disciplines and have become critical contributors to our Western Economy… Hilary Clinton, has become a national and even

public schools nationwide. Minority students represent 89% of the population of such urban area education institutions. The academic outcomes are abysmal and have remained so for decades. Graduation rates today levitate around 50%. And many academic processes are so out of touch with higher education and industry standards that students often grapple with the dilemma of dropping out of school early to compete for minimumwage jobs or waiting until graduation for the same minimum-wage option.

a World symbol of the progress of America, as she runs for President and is the favorite to win the Democratic Nomination and ultimately becoming the next President of the United States. These are just some symbols of the successes that have come, since the turbulent times of the CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT. However, we all know with those great conquests, we have had horrific tragedies, economic gaps, differences in health care for the underserved community, the digital divide, and very blatant troubling acts against humanity, that remind all of us that the racial hurdles of the past have not been cleared, which make the book “WHY WE CAN’T WAIT” so very relevant in today’s lexicon. We have tremendous work to do as we move into the 2016 year, however we have even more work to do as we move deeper into the 21st Century. My contemporary and fellow Social and Political Commentator, Tavis Smiley, often describes the uphill road we must travel to get the African American economy on a level playing field. On his website, Smiley makes an astute observation saying, “Consider the fact that Black unemployment today is nearly double the overall jobless rate. That’s bad. Now consider that statistic has not changed year over year, decade over decade, since Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was complaining about the lack of jobs and articulating his dream from a stage on the Washington Mall in 1963. That’s really bad.” Think about the fact that Brown v. Board of Education in 1954 triggered the beginning of desegregation programs through the decades to address the substandard education of African American students. Currently, schools are divided into two main economic categories: high-poverty and low-poverty, based upon the percentages of students whose families qualify for free or reduced meals. High-poverty schools represent 17% of the

Movements like BLACK LIVES MATTER, have transformed into a rallying cry against the relationship between Local Police Departments and the African American Community, that was born out of tragedies in St. Louis/ Ferguson, MO, Chicago, Illinois, Cleveland, Ohio, Baltimore, MD, North Charleston, SC & Memphis, TN. However even with the impact that the BLACK LIVES MATTER movement has made, the movement must develop policies and programs that have ECONOMIC INITIATIVES, that can assist the community and utilize the movement’s influence, to help level the playing field in areas African Americans have fallen behind. On a popular economic website, a writer makes the argument that the BLACK LIVES MATTER movement is making too many mistakes that will inevitably hurt the African American Community. In the article “WHAT THE BLACK LIVES MATTER CAMPAIGN GETS WRONG”, the writer is quoted saying: “Black Lives Matter’s demand is for a “decrease in lawenforcement spending at the local, state, and federal level” and “a reinvestment of that budgeted money into the black communities most devastated by poverty.” There are legitimate complaints to be squared at the culture of certain police departments, which are often more confrontational than necessary with certain demographics, particularly those who are poor and black. But it bears mentioning that many of these same poor, black people desperately need the police too. It should not be considered a right-wing talking point to note that far more black people are killed by other black people than by police officers. Baltimore alone has had over 200 murders so far this year—almost all of young black men. What black people in cities such as Baltimore and St Louis need isn’t less policing. It is better, less institutionally-racist, less thuggish policing that actually solves crimes. If so many murders didn’t go unsolved, then perhaps there would be fewer of them.


vast informational resources from one population to another—be it in high-speed Internet access or even the physical devices required to log on in the first place. The idea of this inequity is that the rich have better access than the poor, people in firstworld countries have better access that those in developing ones, and, at least in the United States, whites have better access than the racial and ethnic minorities. However, many “policy making think tanks” believe the idea that it’s a racial issue versus an economic issue, and that the latter image is becoming increasingly inaccurate.

What the writer fails to understand is that the African American Community has been dealing with this contentious relationship with police for years. All across the country, Africans Americans have been falsely arrested, harassed, and killed by the same people that have taken an oath to “protect and serve”. However it has become a questionable and even dangerous hurdle that many African Americans must deal with on a daily basis. This ongoing “nervous dance” that has existed between the African American Community and the police, has caused many people to lose their jobs or drained their finances because of paying fines or even enduring burial expenses. Yes, the BLACK LIVES MATTER movement needs to be strategic in enacting some policies that can impact AFRICAN AMERICAN economics, but its core mission, must maintain an aggressive approach against police brutality. Finally, there’s been a “digital divide” between whites and African Americans. Loosely defined, it’s an inequality in the ability to take advantage of the Internet’s


The study, titled “African Americans and Technology Use,” surveyed over 6,000 U.S. residents, aged 16 and older, over a period of about three months. It found that 87 percent of whites said they used the Internet in some capacity, while only 80 percent of blacks said they did the same. The litany of issues that plague the African American Community are too vast to address in just this article. But it is safe to say, just with these issues, local politicians, clergy, small business owners, educators, lawyers, health care workers (and I can go on), have a lot of work to do. Yet, it is also safe to say that the African American Community has built substantial momentum since the Civil Rights Movement. However, the words of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. still ring true in 2016. Until we have ECONOMIC EQUITY among all minorities, specifically the African American Community, the struggle of Dr. King’s Dream, will still be an ongoing quest for all of us. Brian Clay is Creator, Host, & Producer of The Brian Clay Chronicles which airs on WKNO TV in Memphis, TN. He is also the Executive Director of Greater Memphis Media, Inc. And CEO/EDITOR at www.IVISIONNEWZ.COM

Mogul Know How 101 Five Steps To Tax Exempt Status


tarting a Non Profit can be a daunting task. Sometimes what to do and where to start can be very confusing. A Non Profit Corporation that is properly set up is your key

to raising tax free donations and contributions for your business. Companies who are more about service than profit may teeter between becoming a Social Enterprise and a Non Profit. A Social Enterprise is a business entity whose mission is about doing good in society.

here are some basics from our resident experts to help you get started. 1. Make sure your entity is organized at the State level as one of the following: a.

A Corporation


A Limited Liability Company (LLC)


An unincorporated association: (an unincorporated group that is registered under statelaw)


A Trust

2. Obtain an Employer Identification Number (EIN) from www. even if you have no employees 3. Determine your organization’s charity status. Organizations eligible for tax exempt status are: A.

Private Foundations

The idea behind a Social Enterprise is to place people ahead of


Public Charities

profit. But Social Enterprises have a goal, even a responsibility


Private Operating Foundations

for making money for its members and shareholders. A Non Profit is a business entity that has no intentions or motives to earn profits whatsoever for its members and shareholders. Non Profits are more about raising funds and operating within budgets. Starting a Non Profit Corporation has numerous benefits and rewards. Many large, well established Non Profit Corporations pay million dollar salaries to their CEOs. So, starting one does not mean you have to be broke. We advise you to consult legal counsel before going into any type of business situation. But

4. Fill out IRS Form 1023 EZ (Streamlined Application for Recognition of Exemption Under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code) found at 5. File Form 1023 EZ electronically along with required attachments and Schedules ( listed in the IRS filing instructions) If your organization has gross receipts of greater than $50,000 per year, you can still use these steps in filing IRS Form 1023. However, the filing process for this form is much more complicated than for IRS Form 1023 EZ and may require the services of an Attorney or CPA.


Economic Stimulus Still Time To Get Package Your Check P

resident Obama does not get credit for much in the mainstream media. But from my experience in the Mortgage Industry, I know first-hand how he saved the Housing Market. A lot of my colleagues were on their last lifeline as Loan Originators and Mortgage Brokers. I myself started to feel the grips of financial death looming in the hallway by the water cooler at my office. But because the President had the foresight to help snowed under home-owners and the economy, it was an instant defibrillator to the hearts of the Mortgage Industry. When President Obama first took office, our housing market was in a free-fall. Unemployment was rising. Plunging Real Estate prices posed numerous challenges


for families whose homes became almost worthless. The economy’s downward spiral affected the entire Mortgage Industry and brought most of us to our knees. The President took immediate action to stabilize the housing market which in turn saved Entrepreneurs and Business people such as myself, whose livelihoods depended on the market. The President’s emergency implementation of necessary policies helped millions of middle class families stay in their homes, save money on their mortgages, and revitalize communities. And it kept me in business. Here’s how. On November 4, 2008, former Senator Barack Obama was elected the President of the United States. The following year, the President signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 aka the “stimulus bill”. The $787 billion spending bill boosted the economy and helped our country to avoid another Great Depression. One aspect of the bill encouraged first-time home buyers to purchase a home. To qualify you had to purchase your home in either 2008, 2009 or 2010. These new home purchases helped the Mortgage Industry to awake from its coma. The bill also helped these same first time homebuyers to become eligible for a tax credit of up to $8,000. Buy a home, get a check. Everybody now has money to spend. Have you claimed your $8000? There is still time. Here is what you need to know in order to still claim the credit: Who qualifies as a first-time homebuyer? A “firsttime homebuyer” is anyone who has not owned a house in the past three years. Be aware, if you don’t live in the house for at least three years following the purchase, you will have to pay the credit back to the government. This credit is intended for people who live in their own houses, not house flippers or speculators. What is a refundable tax credit? When tax professionals and the IRS talk about “refundable tax credits,” they do not mean that you have to pay the credit back to the government. A refundable tax credit means that if you owe less tax than the amount of the tax credit, you will receive a refund even if you have no other tax liability for 2008. That’s not a bad deal. In other words, if you owe $200 to the government before claiming the credit, and you qualify for $8,000 for the first-time home buyer credit, rather than paying the government, you will receive a check for $7,800. Even if you had


no income in 2008, owed no tax, and purchased a qualifying house in 2009, the government will send you a check for $8,000. But there is more. In early 2009, the Obama Administration launched the Making Home Affordable® Program (MHA) to help struggling homeowners avoid foreclosure. Since its inception, MHA has helped homeowners avoid foreclosure by providing a variety of solutions to modify or refinance their mortgages, get temporary forbearance if they are unemployed, or transition out of homeownership via a short sale or deed-in-lieu of foreclosure. This program alone has helped troubled homeowners to save their homes and their credit, and to break free from predatory mortgages. The cornerstone of MHA is the Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP) or the foreclosure relief program, which provides eligible homeowners the opportunity to reduce their monthly mortgage payments to more affordable levels. In early 2012, the Obama Administration announced important enhancements to MHA that expand the pool of eligible borrowers. All of these stimulus related bills has made business owners in the Mortgage Industry happy campers. Since the passing of this enhanced legislation, there has been a steady influx of buyers and sellers that have allowed us to recover like a coma patient going through rehab. Deadline Is December 31, 2016 What you may need to know is on June 26, 2014, the Obama Administration extended the application deadline for MHA programs to December 31, 2016. So, you may still qualify to take advantage of this new legislation before President Obama leaves office. Now, I just pray that our new POTUS will continue what President Obama has laid out for the economy. The President has left us in a place of hope, strength and a solid ground from which we can continue to grow our businesses and improve the lives of all Americans. Entrepreneur, speaker, business coach, and columnist, E. Dean Cole is the CEO of Dean Cole Financial. He’s the also the Author of the bestselling book “How To Start A Business In 2016”. His company consults Entrepreneurs on the subject of Starting Business Credit.


The TRUMP EFFECT - B. Redmond


onald Trump is an enigma when it comes to American politics. To some, he is a divisive deviant, completely devoid of inclusive values and lacking in empathy. Yet for many, he is the voice of what he deems to be the silent majority, the conscious electorate that seeks to distance themselves from the Washington insiders. However Trump may be portrayed in the media, it is his platform that should truly be scrutinized. Foreign policy is his purported strength, as his tough talking persona excites the Republican core. Often talking casually at his rallies about the destabilized situation in the Middle East, off-the-cuff remarks about “bombing the shit out of ISIS” have set Trump apart from the rest of the GOP field in his unorthodox bluntness. Domestic issues have also been thrust onto Trump’s manifesto; the ambiguous “replace and repeal Obamacare” catchphrase remains a cornerstone, as does the pledge to “end common core” in education. Policies such as these tend to preach a desire to break from the yolk of federal government, instead preferring legislation in favor of so called State’s rights. Immigration has also been a reoccurring theme, with promises to “build a big, beautiful wall” across America’s southern border to deter potential illegal immigrants. Moreover, Trump intends to “make Mexico pay for the wall” in a rather vaguely drawn out proposal, an example of the tough talk that segments of the American electorate strongly crave. Given Trump’s phenomenal wealth and business experience, he is able to capitalize on these credentials with his policies focusing on unemployment, citing the “misleading” 5.5% unemployment figure as fallacious. Furthering the economic discussion, Trump has a desire to boost America’s commercial output, believing


countries such as Mexico, China and Japan are “killing us economically…..we don’t win anymore”, citing that the nation has lost its competitive edge during President Obama’s Administration. That being said, with voters being the true kingpins in the 2016 primaries and caucuses, why would the Black American electorate consider voting for Donald Trump? Trump in many quarters has been considered to have an overt drive for perfection, and this is often reflected in his personal and business attitude. His persona as a star on The Apprentice, as well as his dubious history of defamation suits have solidified this view. For others, Trump represents a notion that the undeserving are enjoying more than the average hard working American, with illegal immigrants, Wall Street bankers, and other specific groups perceived to be advancing themselves ahead of the working poor. He appears to know what the average person struggling to stay afloat wants to hear from a future President. Even after 8 years with a Black President, unemployment among Black Americans seems unchanged. But like any good minded business person would know, small business is the cornerstone of the American economy when it comes to creating jobs. In September 2015, Trump spoke to two groups of Black Business Owners…..the Greater Charleston Business Alliance and the South Carolina African-American Chamber of Commerce. “From the dynamic speakers and exciting presentations, to insider tips that can help solidify rewarding contracts, the Greater Charleston Business Alliance offers connections and solutions to overcome barriers to business growth and development,” said South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, in an endorsement letter, according to a news release. Trump is a businessman first. And some in the Black Community think is he the better choice to help improve the economic conditions of the Black Community. One supporter in particular is a Black Pastor in Cleveland, Ohio named Darrell Scott. Pastor Scott’s favorite thing about Donald Trump is…. “As they say in African American vernacular,” Scott says, “I like his swag.” Scott is a 56-year-old Evangelical Minister from Cleveland, Ohio. His church, New Spirit Revival Center, boasts thousands of members. He first met the Republican Presidential front-runner five years ago. Scott says at first he was skeptical of Trump. “I said, ‘Mr. Trump, what makes you think that Black people would vote for you? The word on the street in our community is that you’re a racist.’” Scott liked the way Trump handled the question. And that Trump didn’t spend too much time trying to convince him that he wasn’t a racist and over compensating. He was real.

Trump is also the only Republican Candidate, at time of publication, who has met with a group of Black Ministers to learn how he can be more in touch with the Black Electorate. Although the names of those Pastors have not been published, Pastor Steve Parson was in attendance and has since made his endorsement public.

“People ask me, ‘Well, why are you endorsing Donald Trump?’” Parson said. “Well, in my opinion, he’s the best and the only one who can beat Hillary Clinton. “Listen, we’ve got to win. And one thing about Donald Trump is that he’s a winner,” Parson said. “Here’s another thing, too: He knows how to create wealth. “As a Black minister, I can tell you this, we’re right in the inner city and I tell you we need jobs, we need employment, we need businesses — and I tell you who better can help us help ourselves than Donald Trump?” The mainstream media would like to divide this election along racial lines by calling the majority of Trump supporters “Angry White Males”. But when you take away the emotional rush, you get one highly qualified and very capable candidate that can be the best candidate for Black Business Owners & Entrepreneurs. The term “Angry White Male” that is being played into Trump’s voter reach, in regards to the potential demographic changes and competitive playing field that has reflected a changing American society throughout the 21st century. Degrees of protectionism and isolationism provide an interesting twist in Trump’s agenda, as he truly believes that utilizing such diplomatic tactics can restore the perception that America’s hegemony has been under threat over the past eight years. Regardless of Donald Trump’s unique brand of plain-talking, conservative, and often rhetorical discourse, he remains at the forefront of the GOP pack, fending off opponents from both sides of the political spectrum. It is best that we examine what Mr. Trump truly stands for before listening to the sound bites and media rhetoric. Who besides Donald Trump can run the country like a great enterprise, creating economic opportunities and wealth for all Americans? “The greatest mistake of the movement has been trying to organize a sleeping people.” - Malcolm X

#ThinkVote2016 Use hashtag #ThinkVote2016 to respond to this article on social media. We appreciate your participation in the education and upliftment of the consciousness in our community.


Mogul Moves

KMR Law Group- Kit Wilson (Los Angeles)


eli Knight, Yondi Morris, and Jessica Redick may not be household names, but they are making history as the Founding Partners of KMR Law Group based in Chicago. KMR stands for Knight, Morris, and Reddick, the last names of the Attorneys who make up the Firm. It is the only Black female owned law firm in the city. KMR Law Group is a boutique firm that was established in 2013. Each attorney that makes up the firm brings a combination of real world expertise and as well as legal experience from varying backgrounds. What has evolved into the only Black female law firm in Chicago, all started with a tweet. During working hours, Morris tweeted out of frustration: “I want to start my own law firm” and Knight replied to the tweet saying, “Are you serious?” After that tweet, Morris and Knight got together to share ideas. Reddick who is an old time college friend to Morris was contacted. And as we say generally, the rest is history. KMR specializes in Corporate Law, Entertainment Law and Mediation, and Residential and Commercial Real Estate transactions. The firm believes in the importance of establishing and maintaining strong interrelationship with their clients. The cornerstone of the practice is that every client receives the personalized attention that they would expect. The firm’s primary objective is their clients’ success, and they strive to provide each client with an in-depth understanding of the


relevant legal processes. KMR is a legal powerhouse today. But during the infancy of the company, they were faced with numerous challenges. As three smart women of color in a predominantly Black city like Chicago, you would think success would come easy. But one of the biggest challenges they faced was not being taken seriously. Because the firm was started by Black women, potential clients automatically assumed that the company did not have the needed experience and professionalism to execute their proposed services. Another such challenge that particularly bothered Morris was the firm being accepted in a male dominated field. But those issues are a thing of the past. The firm has expanded to a second location in Los Angeles. And Attorney Jessica Youngblood has since joined the Firm. In addition to all of their current successes, KMR is also busy expanding their brand by developing a legal staffing firm. KMR Legal Staffing is a specialized agency that matches highly experienced Attorneys with document review projects of all sizes. All of their team members are licensed Attorneys and each have held positions in law firms. Amazing things happen when you follow your dreams. Obstacles will challenge you, but by staying focused and moving forward with your goals no matter what; you can still live the American Dream.



o, let’s get to it. There is no question that this upcoming election season is very critical to the American people. First, there’s the economy. The economy has “improved”, but continues to struggle as we have inherited unprecedented debt which you can actually follow and get the facts at If you take a SERIOUS look at our debt as a Nation, you will see why the country is seemingly going to hell in a hand basket. You cannot continue to owe more than you produce (the Gross National Product). It doesn’t take rocket science to do the math and say, “our country is in trouble.” We are on the brink of total financial chaos as a Nation. Yes, individuals continue to get rich and wealthy, but our country is its own entity. If you thought things got bad during the housing crisis, that was small potatoes compared to what is truly looming in the background. We cannot afford to elect anymore people, especially the President of the United States, based on pure adrenaline, our emotions. We must #ThinkVote. This is Black Moguls Magazine’s hashtag movement intended to increase Black voter education and awareness. Secondly, Black America is in trouble as a whole. Crime, economics, education, our whole community, is in a constant crisis

Bill Clinton’s

Sell Out of Black America - Publisher’s Words 26

because we do not #ThinkVote. Let’s be 100 here. We cannot separate ourselves from what is happening in America, because we are running off of emotions. Being angry and hurt about all of the

social ills and voting based on poverty thinking has not changed one single social ill since the 50’s. We are seemingly stuck in time still dealing with the aftermath of slavery and Jim Crow. It’s an emotional trauma similar to post traumatic stress disorder (PSTD) that we’ve never been treated for; thus it consumes us. Remember, predators smell fear, and in politics they use it to get elected over and over again. Our community must begin to shift its focus from trauma and victimization to mental health, healing, and ABSOLUTE EMPOWERMENT. We must heal our minds and souls of this dark hole of racism by taking control of our own existence by voting for people, politicians, policies, and SYSTEMIC CHANGES that will move our community forward in the midst of all of this mess. This election season is critical and we must fight through those urges to do the same ole things that have been giving us the same ole results. We must fight through our urges to play to our pain, and focus on our desires to be FREE. Because when the shit finally rolls down hill, WHO is going to be hit the hardest? The Black Community…. undoubtedly. This is a historical fact! Now, let’s not be ignorant about where racism exists. Hell yeah racism exists, the country created it! But when do we stop making it a crutch for our own existence? And while we as a community probably need individual mental health counseling to truly be healed from the effects of racism, IN THE MEANTIME, we must put on our big girl panties and our big boy boxers and do what we can do NOW! And the one thing that we CONTROL NOW 100%, is WHO we CHOOSE to vote for. This leads me to the focal point of this article: former President Bill Clinton. Now, let’s be clear, plenty of folks were “fooled” by “Bullshit Bill”. But the Black Community was straight up bamboozled!

THE SO-CALLED 1st Black President Bill Clinton signed into law an Omnibus Crime Bill in 1994 that INCLUDED the federal “three strikes” laws and so called MANDATORY MINIMUMS (meaning required minimum prison sentences without considering mitigating circumstances). In other words, IF the police continue to arrest you, even on some petty charges, you are going to jail for a very long time. FACT! Twenty-two years ago, in 1994, then-President Bill Clinton signed a crime bill that was, in effect, “a long-term experiment” in various ways to fight crime. FACT! The measure paid to put more cops on the streets, trained police to investigate domestic violence more seriously, imposed tougher prison sentences and provided money for EXTRA PRISONS. FACT!

THE SET UP On September 13, 1994, President Bill Clinton signed into law the LARGEST piece of criminal justice legislation in U.S. history— the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act, commonly known as the Crime Bill. It was, in part, a response to public anxiety about crime. It was riding the crest of a national tide. Crime was still near its peak, people were made to fear super predators, and states were reflexively adopting tough-on-crime legislation at a rapid pace.

As President Clinton said at the time, “My fellow Americans, this is about FREEDOM. Without responsibility, without order, without lawfulness, there is no freedom.” THIS WAS HIS LEGACY AS PRESIDENT! “THOSE WHO DON’T KNOW HISTORY ARE DOOMED TO REPEAT IT.” Edmund Burke There is no question that the Clintons and The Obamas have some “ issues” between them. It all started when Hillary lost her bid for the Democratic Nomination to then junior, unknown Senator Obama. Former Senator Obama upset the Hillary for President Campaign by securing the Democratic nomination on June 3, 2008. According to the Huffington Post, Clinton has a history of employing “race” in a divisive, cynical manner. This includes her run against Senator Obama. The Huffington Post article reads, “Based on what happened the last time Hillary Clinton ran for President, we should expect that at some point Black people will get thrown under the bus again, especially if it helps Clinton gain or maintain power.”

“Painting Obama As Not ‘Fundamentally American’ Throughout the 2008 election season, racist and bigoted smears about Barack Obama circulated online, and bubbled up into mainstream conversation about the campaign in the traditional news media. Two of the most prominent lies about Obama, which persist to this day, were that he is secretly a Muslim (playing on fear-mongering and bigotry about Islam), and that he was not really born in America. Both of these ideas paint Obama as “other” and outside the mainstream, drawing their potency from fears about Black people gaining power. People generally associate these memes with the right wing. But the truth is that for the entire Democratic primary, not only did Hillary Clinton’s campaign do nothing to push back against the racist fear-mongering about Obama, it actually fed this atmosphere and helped it grow. FACT! Back in March of 2007, Hillary Clinton’s chief strategist Mark Penn wrote a campaign memo that proposed painting Barack Obama as un-American or “other”: “His roots to basic American values and culture are at best limited. I cannot imagine America electing a president during a time of war who is not at his center fundamentally American in his thinking and in his values ... Every speech should contain the line you were born in the middle of America to the middle class in the middle of the last century ... Let’s explicitly own ‘American’ in our programs, the speeches and the values. He doesn’t.“ End quote……FACT!

THE DEPLOYMENT OF HOUSE NEGROS Black Oversee-ers like, Jesse Jackson and many others from the old Civil Rights regime publically refused to endorse Senator Obama; while they vehemently supported Clinton. Case in point, the Jesse Jackson interview that went wrong…. Jackson founded Operation P.U.S.H based in Chicago, IL. He was being interviewed on the Fox & Friends News Show where


he specifically went to tell Americans why they should not even think of voting for then Senator Obama. When the show went to break, Jackson did not realize his mic was still on and made disparaging remarks about Illinois Senator Obama…..Jackson expressed his absolute dislike for Senator Obama as if it were a personal matter. He accused Senator Obama of “talking down” to Black people and “telling niggas how to behave.”….end of quote. Hateration coming from our own backyard is nothing new. Of course we know Clinton still lost the nomination to then Senator Obama. But her dirt left the Democratic Party deeply divided. And her tactics and strategy called into question who Senator Obama truly was in the minds of ALL Americans... FACT! Before handing over her supporters (votes) and endorsing Senator Obama for President, Bill Clinton (operating as the puppet master) set his wife, Hillary, up for a Cabinet position; if in the event, Senator Obama somehow became President. In other words, to make the lies go away and to play nice in public, the payoff to get the Clintons to endorse Senator Obama was to give Hillary a seat of power within the Obama Administration. FACT!

NOW WATCH THIS On Sunday April 12, 2015 Hillary Clinton who is an Attorney by profession announces her official run for the Presidency of the United States yet again. On Tuesday July 14, 2015 President Obama, who is an Attorney by profession, addresses the 8000 or so Delegates at the NAACP National Convention calling for “sweeping reforms to the criminal justice system.” President Obama says,


“In RECENT YEARS, the eyes of more Americans have been opened to this TRUTH, PARTLY because of cameras, PARTLY because of tragedy, PARTLY because the statistics cannot be ignored,” Obama said. “We can’t close our eyes anymore.” The English language is masterful. So, PLEASE pay attention. “The nation’s prison population has quadrupled from 500,000 in 1980 to 2.2 million”, Obama said, noting incarceration costs the country $80 billion annually. FACT! Many attribute prison population increases to tough-oncrime laws passed during the 1980s and 1990s. Those laws established mandatory minimums, particularly in regard to drug offenses. Obama called for a sentencing reform bill to reach his desk by the end of the year, saying there is no need to keep nonviolent drug offenders locked up for decades. Such penalties are both unnecessary and expensive, he said. FACT!

SAxOPHONE PLAYING “BULLSHIT BILL” On Wednesday July 15, 2016 Bill Clinton, who is an Attorney by profession and also the former President of the United States of America, makes a very interesting speech at the SAME NAACP’s National Convention in front of the SAME 8000 Delegates. Bill Clinton ADMITTED making a MAJOR error as President. He then goes on to make a “confession” to the audience at the NAACP Convention by conceding that the over-incarceration in the U.S, is as a direct result of the policies that were passed during his administration. FACT! According to Clinton, “The problem is the way it was written and implemented is we cast too wide a net and we had too many people in prison.” We ended up sending too many persons to

prison which eventually led to insufficient resources and money left to mold them, shape them, train them, educate them for possible new jobs and increase their chances of becoming productive and getting a new job when they are out of prison. Now let me get this right…..Bill Clinton is an Attorney who does not understand legal language? Bill Clinton is an Attorney who does not understand the far reaches of the Law? Bill Clinton is an Attorney who does not understand the ramifications of passing such Laws? At minimum, he should be dis-barred! FACT!

IT ALL WORKS TOGETHER The comments coming from Clinton were actually coming at the peak of the Baltimore protests which emerged as a result of policing and the death of another young Black man. Bill made his speech a WEEK after Hillary Clinton delivered her FIRST POLICY address saying,“ it’s unfortunate that the system is faulted because it is focused on too much incarceration.” You mean the system your husband created? So, now she wants us to trust her to undo what her husband did…..UNCONSCIONABLE! Furthermore, Hillary stated that the prison does more harm than good to the state of the Nation. It has torn families apart and has become a “mental health institution.”

‘CUSE ME In a 1994 Interview during the Bill Clinton Administration, Hillary acting as First Lady of The United States of America helped propel the omnibus crime bill into law. A law which she called… QUOTE “a well-thought out crime bill that is both smart and tough.” FACT! In that same year, Hillary stated that “the bill will help keep criminals behind bars and ensure that they never get out again.” FACT!

LEST WE FORGET In light of the protests around the country and especially those in Baltimore, as well as her desire to win the upcoming Presidential election, Clinton as well as other Politicians are once again changing their tune. I am insulted by the arrogance of the Clinton camp. The TV Commercials that her campaign is running depicting her as the one candidate that understands the needs of the Black Community are an absolute slap in the face.

laws that gave Police all over this country the full reigns to shoot and kill Black men and women in our community at will. These same laws are police centric and are a complete disregard for life and liberty under constitutional law. Judges’ hands are tied to this completely asinine legislation that treats Americans as human cattle. You commit a crime, you should be punished. But to knowingly sic the police on a community of people is reprehensible. Bill Clinton passed these laws that flooded our Communities with over policing and the excessive use of force that is directly responsible for the surge of Black men being slain like animals at the hands of said Police. Bill Clinton passed the Laws that disproportionately impacted Black men and women who are legally under represented by Attorneys so their receipt of justice is limited to what they can afford. Bill Clinton set the stage to fill the jails and the cells of the Prison Industrial Complex to be used as cheap slave labor behind prison walls. FACT! But the REAL QUESTION is WHY??? Bill Clinton and his wife are in bed with those who run the largest private prison system in the country. They were tasked with delivering inmates to their supporters. FACT! Be sure to read Part 2 of BAMBOOZLED: The Re-engineering of Black Slavery in this issue of Black Moguls Magazine. Our investigation follows the money coming directly from the wallets of Private Prison System operators directly back to the pockets of the Clintons. The community is in the fight of its life. This upcoming election is mission critical. The next President will likely appoint more Supreme Court Justices than any other in modern history. Justice Ginsberg is aging. Justice Scalia recently died. Justice Thomas is likely to retire. WHO do you want making this vital decision? Education starts with sharing #ThinkVote with every person you know, on your social media pages, at church, in your Business Associations, and everywhere people are talking. You can make a difference by getting the correct message out to the community. Share all of the articles and this entire issue of Black Moguls Magazine. Help us help ourselves. And subscribe for free to show your support of 100% Black owned media. Follow us @BlackMogulsMag on Twitter and Instagram.

This is what we KNOW. Clinton’s husband hand delivered the


Black Moguls Magazine

Man of The

President B

The Untold Succe Obama Presidenc - Mike Azikiwe



arack Obama’s time as President of the United States of America is not best described as Progressive or Liberal, but rather as a Centrist that aims to make a difference for his country. During his time in office he has accomplished advances in affordable healthcare, the end of the Iraq war, Civil Rights advances that are inclusive of LGBT Americans, and a rebound from economic depression. Undoubtedly Obama’s impact on America will be remembered in history as a positive influence, with human rights being the forefront of his policies and his legacy. The Affordable Healthcare Act is the single biggest accomplishment in domestic policy since the New Deal was established by Roosevelt. This act allows and changes how Americans pay for health insurance and scrutinizes whether the care is worth paying for in the first place. Countermeasures are embedded into the act to ensure that the service is fair with no discrimination against gender or race and coverage for pre-existing conditions cannot be denied. All large employers are also required to offer coverage to full time workers and there are no annual or lifetime limits on the amount of healthcare an individual can receive. The act also allows young people

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to be covered under their parents’ plan and seniors are given discounts on protection and care. These are all breakthroughs considering Healthcare is an industry controlled by big Pharmaceutical Companies and the AMA Lobby. Upon taking office in 2008, Obama inherited a foreign policy that was in complete disrepair following the Bush Administration’s establishment of Guantanamo Bay and involvement in the Middle East. To resolve this issue President Obama implemented huge reforms at the Pentagon and defense spending. He came into office ready and serious about fulfilling his campaign pledges. He ended the war in Iraq through withdrawal and worked with the Iraqi government to establish a democratic and stabilized nation. He also lobbied for the closure of Guantanamo Bay and was swift to investigate the conditions and jurisdiction carried out within the facility. Obama also made considerable efforts to establish peace democratically within the Middle East through negotiations between Netanyahu and Abbas. And he captured Osama Bin Laden. The U.S. economy has improved significantly with economists stating that the President’s recovery measures have prevented a double dip recession. Obama signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act in 2009 which aimed to control spending and alleviate the U.S.’s debt. Alternatively known as the ‘stimulus package’, the act focused direct spending on education, energy, health, social welfare provisions and unemployment benefits. Obama has had a strong focus on clean affordable energy with ‘The Clean Power Plan’ which aims to be a long term plan to further cement his legacy. The plan is focused on three parts: the protection of American families, savings on energy bills, and boosting the economy. The act aims to prevent up to 3,600 premature deaths and reduce heart and asthma attacks indirectly caused by carbon dioxide emissions. The average American family benefits greatly from these changes financially, with an estimate of $155 billion saved from 2020-2030. The American economy would also produce 30% more renewable energy by 2030 and generate tens of thousands of jobs. Overall Obama’s impact both domestically and internationally has been hugely successful. Many of the changes he made to government were reparations from the previous administration. His strong stance on economic policy and ensuring stability overseas has undoubtedly labeled him as a success and an example to follow for the current Democratic Party hopefuls. Mike Azikiwe is an American Freelance Writer living in London. He spends his time living the 4 hour work week life which means he reads email 1x per day. He also refuses to be interrupted by social media. Mike works on specific assignments for Black Moguls Magazine.



BAMBOOZLED Part 2 Special Report Hillary Clinton

The Reengineering of Black Slavery -Swan Simpson (Ed Rush, Reese Black, Keisha Scott aka The Research Team)


s the #BlackLivesMatter movement continues to gain momentum; as more and more police continue to over step and use excessive force aimed predominantly at the Black Community; as inequitable prison sentences are forced to be handed down; as Black citizens are being targeted and pulled over for driving while Black; as our Constitutional Rights are being ignored and violated by unjust laws; while we are clowning on Reality TV and making it rain at the strip clubs; The Clintons are sitting on a load of cash given to them by the private prison system for delivering new recruits, warm bodies, abled bodies to a what is without question the new American system of slavery. While he was President, Bill Clinton, passed the 1994 crime bill that “committed� to deliver fresh slaves to the owners of Private


Prisons under the guise of being tough on crime. The so called crime bill was an unprecedented piece of legislation. It became Bill Clinton’s Presidential Legacy.

media and the Democratic Party minions that help to spread and perpetuate such lies…..there are more Black men IN COLLEGE THAN IN PRISON.

Crime in the Black Community cannot be ignored. I believe anyone with good sense wants their neighborhoods to be safe. Criminals have terrorized our inner city communities where many have no immediate means to move elsewhere. When things go down in the community, we call the police like any other citizen would. However, when the police show up to answer our calls, the response could be deadly. Black citizens want to feel safe just like the next person. So, when you talk about passing stricter laws we support them like any other responsible citizen would.

According to the 2013 Census bureau, there are approximately 18,508,926 Black males in America ranging from all ages. And 1,437,363 were enrolled in college, according to the National Center for Educational Statistics. So where are most young Black men? Not in prison. (Perhaps on probation and house arrest or some part of the criminal justice system). But not IN PRISON. At least not YET!

In direct contrast to the lies being spread about the ideology of what some would call “the Black Community”, the majority of us pay our taxes, take care of our children, are productive citizens, mind our business and want our streets to be safe. In direct contrast to the lies and stereotypes being spread by mainstream


But WHY is this an important fact in this article as it relates to The Clinton Regime? IF people continue to repeat such lies, they start to believe them. Those words paint an image in the minds of American citizens that Black men are dangerous and SHOULD be in prison. This lie almost becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. It’s a dangerous lie that paves the way for Police to “feel” threatened. It is a lie that sets the stage for brutality and injustice. It is a lie that gives Teachers and the Educational

System the free reigns to place disparaging labels on our children as early as kindergarten, classifying them as dangerous or uneducable (mentally retarded, ADD, ADHD). And grooming them systematically for the Prison Industrial Complex by the time they become teenagers. Brothers and sisters we’ve been had. Hoodwinked! Bamboozled! Run-a-muck! Lead astray! The Black Community is strong on crime. We are a God-fearing, law abiding citizenry that wants hardcore criminals and rapists locked up like anyone else with good conscious. But when someone uses the crime in our community to play a diabolical mind game; pitting us against each other for their own personal gain…. that pisses me off. When someone “cons” us into supporting a policy that sounds like it’s designed to help us, but in fact it is a ploy to reintroduce and to re-engineer slavery, we cannot sit this one out! This election season is not for spectators, we’ve got to get the right people in office. We’ve got to vote for our interests. But we have to understand how we got here in the first place.

IT ALL COMES BACK TO THE CLINTONS In BOTH of Hillary Clinton’s Presidential bids (including her current run for President), Lobbyists for two large private prison companies have served as LEADING FUNDRAISERS for her campaigns. They are Richard Sullivan representing The Geo Group. And the LAW FIRM of Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld representing Corrections Corporation of America. Hillary Clinton in her usual two-faced fashion, is calling for an end to mass incarceration. Mass incarceration brought on by Laws passed by her husband, former President Bill Clinton. While she is grandstanding and making emotional speeches on BET and at Black Churches, her campaign is being fueled largely by the people that operate the two largest private prison systems in America.

THE SET UP Hillary’s campaign is paying for advertising targeted at Black voters simply because she is starting to “feel the Bern”. Bernie Sanders is giving Clinton a full run for her money. But she is still leading the race. Hillary is using the same old Civil Rights Regime play book to once again, play on the emotions of the Black Community since this is a strategy and tactic that seemingly works so well. Hillary’s campaign commercials present her as “standing” with the Black Community. She portrays herself as feeling our pain and wanting to do more to help us fight “the man”. In one commercial Hillary says, “There is something profoundly wrong when African-American men are far more likely to be stopped by the police and charged with crimes and given longer prison terms than their white counterparts,” Clinton said. “There is something wrong when trust between law enforcement and the communities they serve breaks down … We must urgently begin to rebuild bonds of trust and respect among Americans between police and citizens.” Ahhh she feels our pain and wants to help us once again. Like she and her husband did back in 1994 when they passed the

crime bill that created the atmosphere for mass incarceration. By now, we know Clinton is not to be trusted.

HOW LOBBYISTS WORK Lobbying is a FUNDAMENTAL part of the American Political Process. Lobbying is a huge business. There are roughly 30,000 registered lobbyists, but that does not include the marketers, public relations experts, pollsters, support personnel, and others who back up their work. One lobbying expert, American University government Professor James Thurber, puts the total number of people involved in lobbying at 261,000. This army of people whose activities, remember, are aimed at influencing just 535 members of Congress and a relative handful of Federal officials — cost and spend several billion dollars each year. At least one company spent more than $1 billion in lobbying activities last year, at the federal and state levels. A good Lobbyist can make four or five times what a Member of Congress or high–ranking government official earns, and there’s a reason for this. Groups with interests in Washington pay big money for the Lobbyists they hire because if they’re successful, the payoffs can be huge: subsidies for business; tax breaks for corporations and industries; immunity from lawsuits or even immunity from laws their competitors must obey. Special favors including laws in their favor. FACT! In short, Lobbyists financially help Politicians who support their FINANCIAL INTERESTS. If I give you money, if I help you win…. you owe me.

THE DEvIL IS IN THE DETAILS The 2016 Presidential Race is centered around our “feelings" about Immigration, the Economy, and Mass Incarceration. Candidates from both sides of the political spectrum are making comments, heated sound bites, and speeches about these issues. On July 15, 2015 Hillary Clinton became the FIRST 2016 Candidate to release her list of “bundlers” supporting her campaign. Clinton looks like a champion of full disclosure because she rushed to the gate to be the first to tell the world about the Lobbyists who are supporting her current campaign. Clinton along with other candidates stated that there are many Lobbyists who are actually serving as “bundlers” for their Presidential campaigns. Bundlers are people who help in collecting funds on behalf of a campaign, and are generally provided with special favors as rewards, such as access to the candidate. They are called Bundlers because they bundle up and represent the interests of several different companies that they are Lobbying for. So, instead of Lobbying for just one company, they lobby for a number of companies or a bundle of companies.

PRIvATE PRISON CORPORATIONS STAND WITH HILLARY At first glance, Hillary’s bundle list looks like she is being supported by the Fossil Fuel Industry, or Energy folks who are against the good deeds of Environmentalists (which is another


side eye to her campaign). But IF you take a closer look at the list, you will uncover the facts. The top two current financial supporters of Hillary Clinton for President in 2016 BOTH represent the two largest private prison corporations in America as a part of their bundle. FACT! The Geo Group and Correction Corporation of America have financially benefited from the 1994 crime bill passed by Hillary’s husband, former President Bill Clinton. Mass Incarceration fuels the prison game. First, your husband passes the laws. Next, the people who run the prisons benefiting from the passing of the laws financially support your future run. The first top bundler for the Clinton campaign is Richard Sullivan of Capitol Counsel, a Lobbyist for the Geo Group; a firm that runs several jails for profit, including IMMIGRANT DETENTION CENTERS. Secondly, it has been reported that there are fully 5 Clinton bundlers who are working for the law and lobbying firm Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld. Last year, the Akin Gump was paid $240,000 by the largest private prison company of America, Corrections Corporation of America in lobbying fees alone. Clinton bundler Brian Popper who is an Akin Gump Lobbyist “revealed” that he earlier helped Corrections Corporation of America (CCA) in defeating efforts for compelling private prisons to react to the requests of Freedom of Information Act. WOW! As it would seem, Hillary Clinton has a “complex past” with incarceration because she supported efforts to get tough on crime as the First lady. In 1994, Hillary stated, “We require more constabularies, we need tougher and more prison sentences for repeat criminals.” She further added that there should be


a policy of “3 strikes and you’re out” for violent criminals. The Clintons have been in bed with the Prison Industrial Complex from the beginning. Clinton has tried to go-left in recent months. Saying she is now looking for alternatives for greater police accountability and incarceration. This is simply a move to say just about anything to win. The prospect of both immigration and criminal justice reform are significant for private prison firms. In a disclosure statement for its Investors, the Geo Group noted that its business could be negatively affected by changes in current immigration or criminal laws, deportation or sentencing practices, leniency in conviction, the relaxation of immigration or criminal or enforcement efforts and decriminalization of specific activities that are recently proscribed by the loosening of immigration laws or criminal laws. If the laws change, they don’t make money.

MODERN DAY SLAVERY “Mass incarceration on a scale almost unexampled in human history is a fundamental fact of our country today -- perhaps the fundamental fact, as slavery was the fundamental fact of 1850. In truth, there are more black men in the grip of the criminaljustice system -- in prison, on probation, or on parole -- than were in slavery then. Over all, there are now more people under ‘correctional supervision’ in America -- more than six million -than were in the Gulag Archipelago under Stalin at its height.” -- Adam Gopnik, “The Caging of America” A growing number of American prisons are now contracted out as for-profit businesses to for-profit companies. The companies are paid by the state, and their profit depends on spending as little as possible on the prisoners and the prisons. It’s hard

to imagine any greater disconnect between public good and private profit: the interest of private prisons lies not in the obvious social good of having the minimum necessary number of inmates but in having as many as possible, housed as cheaply as possible. -Adam Gopnik Despite the fact that violent crime in America declined, the Nation’s incarceration rate has tripled. Approximately 13 million people are introduced to American jails in any given year. Incredibly, more than six million people are under “correctional supervision” in America, meaning that one in fifty Americans are working their way through the prison system, either as inmates, or while on parole or probation. According to the Federal Bureau of Prisons, the majority of those being held in federal prisons are convicted of drug offenses -- namely, marijuana. But weren’t we told the laws were aimed at violent, hardcore criminals? Prisons are definitively overcrowded. The cost to provide security, housing, food, medical care for six million Americans in prison is a hardship for cash-strapped States and the country at large (check the national debt clock). So, in steps companies like Corrections Corp of America (CCA) and GEO Group, the two largest operators of the Prison Industrial Complex. To these companies it’s a $70 BILLION DOLLAR GOLDMINE.

MASS INCARCERATION GUARANTEES WARM BODIES IN THE SEATS CCA floated a proposal to prison officials in 48 states offering to buy and manage public prisons at a substantial cost savings to the States. In exchange, and here’s the kicker, the prisons would have to contain at least 1,000 beds and States would have to AGREE to maintain a 90 percent occupancy rate in the privately run prisons for at least 20 years. What’s troubling about this whole entire equation is best stated by Roger Werholtz. Roger Werholtz was appointed Secretary of Corrections by Gov. Kathleen Sebelius on Jan. 13, 2003. He served as Deputy Secretary of Corrections since 1987 and has supervised all three divisions of the Kansas Department of Corrections: Community and Field Services; Programs and Staff Development; and Facilities Management. He has extensive experience in many aspects of the Criminal Justice System. He holds a Master¹s Degree in Social Work from the University of Kansas and graduated cum laude with a BA from Washburn University. Werholtz indicates that while States may be tempted by the quick infusion of cash, they “would be obligated to maintain these occupancy rates and subtle pressure would be applied to make sentencing laws more severe with a clear intent to drive up the population.”


Unfortunately, that’s exactly what has happened. Among the laws AIMED at increasing the prison population and growing the profit margins of special interest corporations like CCA are three-strike laws (mandating sentences of 25 years to life for multiple felony convictions) and “truth-in-sentencing” legislation (mandating that those sentenced to prison serve most or all of their time). You have the Bill Clinton Presidential Legacy to thank for this fact! Bill Clinton passed these laws on behalf of the special interests of CCA and the Geo Group. NONE of these laws were simply about being tough on crime. They are laws designed to fuel the Prison Industrial Complex and to put money directly into his and Hillary’s pocket. Minor criminals, from drug users to petty thieves, are being handed over to Corporations for lengthy prison sentences which do nothing to protect society or prevent recidivism. Bill Clinton and his wife, Hillary have single-handedly re-engineered slavery under the guise of making our streets and neighborhoods safer.

CANNOT TRUST A THIEF & A LIAR Hillary has proven herself to be the type of individual who will do “anything” to win. The game she ran on then Senator Obama in 2008 is absolute proof of that (Read Part 1 of Bamboozled in this issue). So, this go-around, she made a recent attempt to make it appear that she no longer supports the agenda of Corrections Corporation of America by tweeting “We need to end private prisons. Protecting public safety...should never be outsourced or left to unaccountable corporations…” Hillary Clinton Tweet Aimed at Private Prisons, Dropping Down the Value of Prison Stocks After the tweet surfaced, the Geo Group stock dropped as much as 4.2 percent and Corrections Corporation of America slipped as much as 6 percent. But both made up the losses by the end


of the day. See, they had to take one for the team. You know how that goes…wink! Hillary Clinton Stated to End Private Prisons and Stop Accepting Their Contributions On October 23, 2015 Hillary pledged to ban the use of private prison companies if she is elected as a President, and in the meantime will reject campaign funds from the Lobbyists and those Corporations who work for them. She further added that all of the earlier donations will be given to charity. This came after pressures from Civil Rights Groups and leaks of the details of her donors. Clinton has yet to provide any details as to how she is going to undo this system of slavery created her and her husband. And not to mention, CCA and the Geo Group have contracts in place for decades, so logically how is she going to be able to do any damn thing? This election season is critical. And it’s not the time to play with your vote. #ThinkVote and educate yourselves as well as your community. The strategy this election season is to

#ThinkVote for the President. #ThinkVote for ALL members of Congress both Federally and Statewide.

#ThinkVote for elected District Attorneys and Judicial seats. And with a fair and just Supreme Court, we can end this drama. Bill Clinton’s Legacy needs to be struck down as UNCONSTITUTIONAL and at this stage, only the Supreme Court can mandate this. But you got to vote like a Ninja not a Negro. Share this article as well as Part 1 of Bamboozled also in this issue of Black Moguls Magazine. Comment and Share on social media using #ThinkVote. #ThinkVote is Black Moguls Magazine’s social media drive to educate our community on the facts and the implications of this year’s election season. And follow us @BlackMogulsMag on Twitter and Instagram.

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Technology I Mogul Kimberly Bryant, Founder Black Girls Code Words by Swan Simpson, Publisher 40

t’s 2016 and Politicians and Preachers still think all the community needs is access to more government created welfare, jobs and so-called education. The mainstream media focuses on the notion that the community has nothing thriving going on in and of itself. The idea of self-reliance is made a mockery by those asserting themselves as the spokespersons of Black ideology & culture. But the truth of the matter is that there are numerous Entrepreneurs and others who are using their gifts and resources to create opportunities that seemingly fall under the radar. When people only see themselves as victims in the news; or are depicted as lacking and slacking then they too will eventually believe the lies. And once something becomes a part of your

belief system, it is very difficult to remove. That’s why we as a publication focus on the good. Highlighting and reporting all those individuals who are taking matters into their own hands and spending less and less time concerning themselves with what Washington is or is not doing to make our economy and communities stronger. This leads me to the idea of the digital divide. Understanding the digital divide is very important. According to Wikipedia the digital divide by definition is an economic and social inequality with regard to access to, use of, or impact of information and communication technologies. The divide within countries (such as the digital divide in the United States) may refer to inequalities between individuals, households, businesses, or geographic areas, usually at different socioeconomic levels or other demographic categories. The digital divide is a bigger issue in America than the government creating jobs for people. If the government creates a job for which you have no marketable skills, then the jobs created have no impact on you. If the government creates a job and you don’t have the education or the know how to perform the job, then what is the point? Demanding that the government create a job in the new economy will not benefit you if you are amongst those socio-economic groups that are on the losing end of the divide. The jobs get created and you still get left behind because you don’t qualify. This is why the work of individuals like Kimberly Bryant the Founder of Black Girls Code is mission critical. Black Girls Code is an organization located in the Oakland-San Francisco Bay area (Silicon Valley adjacent) that offers computer coding classes and workshops to young girls from underrepresented communities. Black Girls Code launched in April 2011 and is supported largely by Corporate Partners like Verizon, Oracle, Salesforce Foundation, AT&T and others. Support is from private corporations who will be the benefactors of having these young girls become part of the digital workforce of tomorrow. This is how you intelligently create a job. And not be a continuous ward of the state, the government, a slave. The work that Black Girls Code does is monumental! The organization offers workshops and after school programs that literally teach our girls between the ages of 7-17 how to become Coders. What is a Coder? Coding is what makes it possible for us to create computer software, apps and websites. Your browser, your OS, the apps on

your phone, Facebook, and websites – they’re all made with code. Coders are the creative minds behind the technology we make use of. The idea came through a burst of inspiration. Kimberly Bryant’s daughter, Kia, attended her middle Science Camp and came home every evening telling her mom how the Instructors focused on the boys in the class. In addition, Kia was the only Black girl in her camp. At the same time, Kimberly herself, an Engineer, had entered the start-up world in San Francisco and was “appalled” at the low numbers of Minorities in the space. The two situations eventually evolved into Bryant starting the organization. The six week after school course allows girls to explore technology concepts with trained instructors and teaching assistants. A summer enrichment program offers weeklong intensive classes in robotics and programming. In 2012, Black Girls Code funded a Summer of Code camp in cities across the country through an Indiegogo crowd funding campaign. The organization has also hosted bilingual workshops in partnership with the Latino Startup Alliance. There is also A Black Girls Code Hackathon where the girls come together and brain storm as a team to solve problems by building apps. Black Girls Code has been so successful that it has expanded into other cities such as New York, Atlanta and others, and even offers Black Boys Code classes now. Bryant has seen her daughter Kia blossom and has indicated that the rewards have out-weighed the risks associated with starting the organization. “It’s inspirational to see my daughter gain self-confidence. She talks about being a business owner as opposed to being a game tester like before. I’ve seen her whole vocabulary change.” To learn more visit


Millionaire Life BluePrint


Fitness Mogul - Shaun Thompson


f you have ever watched TV late at night then you know the face of Shaun Thompson aka Shaun T. Shaun T is the World’s Bestselling Fitness Guru. Shaun has pioneered the Fitness Industry by combining working out with smooth dance routines that the everyday person can execute. He is the near 38 year old, tall, handsome, Adonis and Mastermind that is behind such successful infomercials as Beach Body, T25, Hip Hop Abs and the #1 Selling Infomercial on the planet, Insanity. Shaun T’s workouts are not for the timid. You have to be committed! The young Fitness Guru grew up in New Jersey and received a degree in Sports Science with a minor in Theatre & Dance. What motivated Shaun to get into fitness was his own 50 pound weight gain in his freshman year of college. His focus on fitness caused him to change his major. And this became the launch of his very successful career. Shaun T got his start in the corporate world as a Personal Trainer. He’s been a Dancer, Actor & Choreographer working with Entertainers like Mariah Carey all prior to being approached about becoming the face of Beachbody. Beachbody began sweeping the Nation by helping people shed fat and build strong abs through fun and encouraging dance routines. Because of his own struggle with obesity, Shaun T recognized the need to fight childhood obesity and soon developed two new workouts, Shaun T’s Fit Kids Club (for ages 7+), and Get Real with Shaun T (for preteens), before launching his next big hit, Rockin’ Body, packed with new dance moves and more calorie-burning workouts choreographed to trendy music. The company is one of’s top Vendors. Insanity consists of a 12 DVD workout program which includes a nutrition guide. Consumers call an 800 number and place their order. They receive a Virtual Coach to help them stay focused on the program. The fitness system is a $350 million dollar thriving franchise that has sold more than 10 million DVDs. And it has added Network Marketing to its selling machine. There are more than 25,000 Distributors and Coaches in the network earning 25% of what they sell. In 2013, Shaun T released Focus T25 targeted at affecting positive lifestyle changes in people around the world. Shaun T proved that becoming the best version of yourself is attainable by investing as little as 25 minutes a day in your routine, regardless of fitness level or experience. To follow was the debut of INSANITY MAX:30 in December 2014, Shaun T once again redefined what is possible for people to achieve in just 30 minutes. With a modifier and no equipment other than a willing body and mind, Shaun T elevates individuals to new levels of fitness achievement through dedicated cardio and Tabata


strength workouts. The goal is not about making it through all 30 minutes. It’s about finding your MAX by pushing yourself just a little further each and every day. With the release of CIZE in July 2015, Shaun T put an end to the idea that there are some people who just can’t dance. With Cize you don’t need rhythm, you need will power. Shaun T breaks down the how to by relating each step of choreography to the everyday things we do all set to high energy music. A revolution has started across the globe with people from all walks of life “CIZING IT UP”. These are people who have never danced a day in their lives. Shaun now has a podcast streaming online called “Trust and Believe”. Trust and Believe is where you, the listener, get to spend some one on one time listening to the passion of the man behind the drive to change the way the world gets its workout on. Shaun’s advice, “TO BELIEVE IN YOURSELF, YOU MUST ACCEPT YOURSELF. TO ACCEPT YOURSELF, YOU MUST TRUST IN YOUR POWER TO BELIEVE.”


n 2008 Barack Obama became the first Black person to be elected as The President of The United States of America. In one of his most memorable campaign speeches ever given, he elegantly and passionately talked about the founding of America, Slavery, Civil Rights, his experience as the son of a Kenyan father, his religious beliefs, and so forth. Given that Obama is a strong Speaker and certainly one that would empower the Black voice in America, one would think the community would receive a great deal of positive impact with his being elected. Rather the contrary for critics like Tavis Smiley. Smiley and Black Intellectual, Dr. Cornel West, have openly and publicly stated that Obama has not been a Black people’s President. In 2014, Smiley said in a Huffington Post interview, “We’ve been at the back of the bus. Every other constituency has spoken their truth and made demands of this President. Right now the Hispanic community, for obvious reasons, is livid with him for pushing back once again something he should’ve done, I think, a long time ago.”


He continued to say, “As Cornel West and I said many years ago; I respect the President, I will protect the president against white supremacist attacks or anything else he’s unfairly targeted for. So, you’re respecting, you’re protecting, but you’re correcting when he’s wrong. Not because he’s Barack Obama, but because he’s the President.” Smiley goes on…“But the data is going to indicate—I said this before, and I’m not happy about this, I don’t celebrate this,” Smiley told Hill. “I don’t say it as a way of demonizing the president or casting an aspersion on him—but the data is going to indicate that black people lost ground in every single leading economic category during the Obama years.”

What data? Which Data? Let’s take a step back and start from the beginning. When Obama assumed office, America was locked into conflict with Iraq and Afghanistan. One of his primary campaign promises

President Barack Obama

The Obama Presidency: The Impact On Black America

was to bring home the troops. With the exceptions of essential training troops positioned to help communities capsized by the warfare, this promise was more or less kept. When he came into power he also had to address America’s bank failures and the housing crisis. He managed to medicate both the financial and economic wounds that were hemorrhaging America into an anemic state. Finally he vowed to capture or kill the masterminds behind the 9/11 attacks. Alongside the Navy Seals he claimed success in that endeavor. There were also many areas of diplomacy and politics that Obama focused on following the turbulence of the Bush presidency overseas.

West explains, “A niggerized Black person is a Black person who is afraid and scared and intimidated when it comes to putting a spotlight on white supremacy and fighting against white supremacy,” West continue to explain, “So when many of us said we have to fight against racism, what were we told? ‘No, he can’t deal with racism because he has other issues, political calculations. He’s the President of all America, not just Black America. We know he’s President of all America but white supremacy is American as cherry pie.”


On February 26, 2012 Trayvon Martin was killed by vigilante criminal George Zimmerman. The news story shook America as Martin who was unarmed and shot in the streets like a dog by Zimmerman. A Florida Jury found Zimmerman not guilty of second degree murder and set him free. President Obama commented that “Trayvon Martin could have been me 35 years ago”.

“Too many Black people are niggerized,” Cornel West said in a June 22, 2015 CNN interview. “I would say the first Black President has become the first niggerized Black President.”


On August the 9th 2014 there were public protests and


demonstrations against a court action towards the acquittal of Darren Wilson; a white Police Officer who fatally shot Michael Brown, an unarmed Black teenager in Ferguson, MO. President Obama in an address to the Congressional Black Caucus said the shooting death of a black teen by a white police officer last month in Ferguson, Missouri, exposed the racial divide in the American Justice System that “stains the heart of Black children.” The President was referring to a Justice System and new Laws created by Former President Bill Clinton. A fact that apparently West and Smiley forgot to check before making these divisive and self-hate filled accusations. President Obama was later inclined to comment on yet another shooting of an unarmed Black man. Eric Garner was murdered by Officer Daniel Pantaleo, after Pantaleo used a chokehold to subdue Garner. Pantaleo was fired for using the chokehold which had been banned by his department. Garner’s crime was essentially Illegally selling cigarettes on the street corner in New York. Doesn’t sound like the hard core criminal type thus justifying the use of over policing and the need for excessive force. Even though the Medical Examiner ruled Garner’s death a homicide, a Grand Jury in New York refused to indict the Officer thus setting him free. President Obama said, “It’s incumbent on all of us as Americans…that we recognize that this is an American problem and not just a Black problem. It is an American problem when anybody in this country is not being treated equally under the law”. Another hint that ya boy Bill Clinton did this to our community and that President Obama was handed the raw deal by every damn body. The numbers that Tavis Smiley was referring to in his comments are the rates of Black imprisonment, poverty, and unemployment. Mass Incarceration (imprisonment) is a direct result of the Clinton Presidency with the passing of the diabolical so called crime bill in 1994. Read the full story “Bamboozled” in this issue of Black Moguls Magazine. President Obama is not responsible for the mass incarceration of Black men and women. Bill & Hillary Clinton get that award. President Obama is not responsible for the over policing in our community. Neither is he responsible for the undeclared war on the Black Community by the police, Bill & Hillary Clinton own this dishonor. Black people’s blood is all over the Clinton’s hands. But negro mouthpieces like Smiley and West have not taken to the media to apologize to the President. Nor have they taken to the media to verbally slay the Clintons. West has timidly shifted his support to Bernie Sanders away from Hillary in the upcoming election season by tip toeing around his reasons for doing so.

UNEMPLOYMENT In the second quarter of 2015 black unemployment dipped below 10 percent for the first time in seven years as showed by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Valerie Wilson, an economist and Director of the Economic Policy Institute’s Program on Race, Ethnicity and the Economy (PREEP) stated “Steps that were taken at the beginning of the recession, the Recovery Act, was a broad intervention for the economy as a while that helped African-


Americans. Beyond that I can’t point to anything specific that has been done by the White House to target Black unemployment.” Yet, unemployment is down for Black America.

WHAT DO WE WANT TO BE: WARDS OF THE STATE OR FREE? The fact still remains that small businesses create the majority of jobs in America, not the government. According to the National Bureau of Economic Research, young, small companies create jobs in this country. The study says… “Firm startups account for only 3 percent of employment but almost 20 percent of gross job creation.” Amid the political pandering, maneuvering and grandstanding comes the hard “data” from the work and research being done by the Kauffman Foundation and the Institute for Competitiveness & Prosperity. Their goal was to figure out where new jobs actually from. The surprising truth is that over the last twenty five years, almost all of the private sector jobs have been created by businesses less than five years old. In other words, Entrepreneurs, risk takers, people with big ideas like you and I, are what and who creates jobs in America. Not the government, not the President, not even big corporations. “In fact, between 1988 and 2011,” write Jason Wiens and Chris Jackson of the Kauffman Foundation, “companies more than five years old destroyed more jobs than they created in all but eight of those years.” Big companies, big government, all mean big problems for the little people. It is Black America’s responsibility to create these jobs and opportunities for ourselves just as all other communities do for themselves. We’ve got to stop being wards of the state, orphans, slaves, always looking to the government to solve issues that it is never going to solve, because that is not a government’s function. This is why NO PRESIDENT can financially save you with a job. So, when they claim they will create jobs….HOW are they going to do it? That’s the real question. Are they going to help you go out and start a small business? Are they going to create laws that will effectively help you grow your small business. Are they going to cut back on your taxation? HOW?

THE HARD FACTS #THINKVOTE In 2010, 27.4% of Blacks and 26.6% of Hispanics/Latinos were poor, compared to 9.9% of non-Hispanic whites and 12.1% of Asians. Poverty rates are highest for families headed by single women, particularly if they are Black or Hispanic. The wealth gap between Blacks and Whites in America is also at a 24 year high. A study in December 2015 showed that the average White household has a networth of $141,900 whereas the average Black household has a networth of $11,000. From 2010 to 2013 the median income for Black households fell by 9%. In March 2014, the Wall Street Journal reported that only 1.7% of $23 billion in Small Business Association (SBA) loans were assigned to Black owned businesses in 2013. This was the lowest loan of SBA lending on record. Interestingly Black

businesses under President Bush’s reign were at 8%, that’s more than four times the Obama rate.

OBAMA CANNOT FIx IT ALL BUT HE’S MADE AN ADvANCING START IN TRYING The positive news is that President Obama has appointed more Black people as Federal judges than any other President in American history. Also the “Federal prison population” (different than the state prison system) has decreased and the rate of Americans without health insurance has dropped significantly. Despite these positive changes, there is still strong resentment amongst Black community that Obama has been unwilling to use the full power of his office to assist Black Americans as he has done for Latinos, LGBT people, and other groups.

HERE’S THE TRUTH As the first “official” Black President, President Obama was expected to save the world. And I mean that literally. He saved the country from the brink of financial collapse. He helped many homeowners save their biggest investments, their homes. He gave tax breaks to the little guys, meaning everyday working people. He boosted the economy. He helped people receiving unemployment by temporarily extending benefits and increasing the amount of those benefits. He brought an end to a diabolical war. He freed the planet of a chief terrorist and the mass murderer of Americans and others during 9/11. He and First Lady Michelle Obama along with Jill Biden, helped our soldiers and their families. In 2010, the Obama Administration unveiled Opening Doors. Opening Doors is the Federal Government’s FIRST EVER STATEGIC PLAN to put an END to homelessness in America.

ENDING HOMELESSNESS Between 2007 and January of 2015, overall homelessness fell by 11%, and chronic homelessness declined by 31%. The most striking long-term plunge, though, has occurred among one specific segment of the homeless population is our Veterans. Homelessness among Veterans declined by 35%, and over a shorter span of time — between 2009 and 2015. The number of unsheltered homeless veterans across the nation has plummeted by 50% in the past four years.

SHAKING UP THE HEALTHCARE SYSTEM President Obama served notice to the Health Care Industry Gestapo that it’s not going to be business as usual. And while Obama Care as we call it, is not my favorite policy coming from the President, I personally want to see it revised. However, here’s what Obama Care did do. It drove massive change in how healthcare is run in this country. People with pre-existing conditions can now get coverage. Prescription drug costs have lowered. It is also important to note that the policy was not passed as the President originally had intended for it to be.

But in order for him to “do something”, he took a necessary compromise in order to get bipartisan support for The Affordable Care Act. No other President in modern history has ever taken on and challenged our Healthcare System with policy. President Obama did so with success and he deserves credit for doing so.

FINAL THOUGHTS This President has done everything besides walk on water. Gun sales soared as he was re-elected. He has the hate of White Supremacists coming for him. He has the wrath of pontificating Negros coming at him. He has Terrorists coming at him. He has Democratic critics coming at him. He has Republican pundits coming at him. He’s a man who has to strike balance between being born to a White Mother and a Black Father. Dealing with the stigmas of being biracial mostly coming from the Black Community. He’s got enemies like the Clintons who sit back and watch him be blamed for their dirty deeds. Former Arizona Governor, Jan Brewer bum-rushed him on the tarmac and pointed her finger in his face like he was a child, a boy, a nigger. He was called a nigger by Black Intellectual Cornell West. AND yet, he’s a good father to his two daughters. And yet, he’s a good husband to our First Lady, still taking her out on weekly date nights. And yet, he’s done so much for so many Americans and Black Americans who are also included in the data and benefited from his policies. And yet, he keeps his swag amidst it all. That’s why we have chosen President Barack Obama as our 1st Mogul Of The Year 2016. Thank you sir for serving your country and our community so proudly. Follow us @BlackMogulsMag


Mogul Brands D’minJ Couture


ost little girls grow up daydreaming about wanting to be the bride in the pictures on the pages of high society magazines. Or they dream about standing next to a handsome Prince wearing the beautiful clothes that only the rich society women wore like Jackie O. But ShaRon Jones grew up wanting to be a Mogul. As a child, ShaRon would dream about the day she would become rich. She’s always admired beautiful things, people, clothes, mansions. Her desire to make it big one day was a constant pull on her life. She grew up in a poverty stricken neighborhood in the beautiful country of Belize. She always believed that life owed her more. So, in her heart she knew she would eventually make her own mark. Her mother was a self-taught Seamstress & Interior Designer and was the person that influenced her to make her own fabulous clothes. Her family would eventually move to California and ShaRon would begin to develop her skills as a Designer.


By the age of 14, ShaRon was designing her own unique creations. As she got older, she would spend countless hours learning how to bring ideas and sketches to life. She continued perfecting her craft in between getting a so called “real job” by starting her career in the Legal field. For 22 years she worked her full-time job all while fueling her part-time passion. After becoming a Mother, ShaRon, decided it was time to take her passion to the next level. She packed up everything and moved her family and children to Atlanta. After giving up her legal career she’s never looked back. The move would eventually prove to be great for business. Atlanta has given life to her passion. She created the D’minJ line and it has become her brand of success. D’minJ Couture is all about the uniqueness of the women who wear it. D’minJ Couture is influenced by the colors and cultural of the Country of Belize. It is an infusion of haute couture drizzled with Caribbean flair. ShaRon sources elegant fabrics such as leather, linen, and chiffon to create custom vintage pieces for her Clientele. When Business Moguls step into a meeting or Celebrities walk the red carpet, there will be no one else dressed and styling

like you. D’minJ Couture is a custom line designed with the individual in mind. Therefore, no two pieces are exactly alike. In the very crowded world of Fashion Design, you have new Clothing Lines popping up every day. So, we asked ShaRon what makes her D’minJ brand so strong in the market. She responded, “my pieces are one of a kind….. each piece is custom for my clients….clothes that stand the test of time like back in the day. My clothes are not trends, they are timeless pieces….” The elegance that is DminJ is not about celebrity name dropping or piggy backing off of well-known Entertainers, although ShaRon designed the wedding dress for the daughter of Legendary R&B Singer Regina Bell. Many of her clients are Entrepreneurs, women of power, wives of prominent Pastors and even men who prefer to receive that personal touch from a high-end Designer. The DminJ showroom and look-book can only be viewed by appointment. Black Moguls Magazine Readers may contact her office at 678-815-3524. She is available to clients around the globe.



Mogul Real Estate $1,750,000 3166 Camp Branch Road, Buford, GA 30519 This stunning Architectural home has incredible features and high end custom detail. As you step into the grand 2 story Foyer with it’s coffered ceiling and gleaming tile you know the meaning of Luxury. An impressive home with Gourmet Kitchen, Keeping Room, 3 dramatic FP’s, expansive Master on main, Master Bath w/Heated floors, beautiful office w/amazing built-ins & loads of natural light in every room. Added feature is Media and Rec room w/ huge Bonus The professionally landscaped yard offers an incredible Pool w/waterfall, tennis courts, and absolute privacy! Pre-Qualified Buyers Contact c/o Black Moguls Magazine at the following email address CEO.SSMEDIAGROUP@GMAIL.COM


“ You have to believe that you are the one who creates your success, you are the one who creates your mediocrity and you are the one creating your struggle around money. Consciously or unconsciously, it’s still you.” - T. Harv Eker Have you ever wondered why some people seem to get what they want in life while others always seem to struggle? Or put another way; do you know why most people don’t get what they want? The hard truth is that it’s because they don’t know what they want. But clarity can give you so much power.

Let’s get clear. The Millionaire Mind Intensive is a weekend seminar that is based on the simple premise that success is a learnable skill. But, you still need a plan and the right tools. At the Millionaire Mind Intensive you’ll: • Learn five Freedom Factors. • Win the “money game” and get on the path to financial freedom. • Master the world’s easiest and most effective money management method. • Make money while you sleep with massive, passive income. • Master money and relationships with spouses, business associates and kids. • Recondition yourself for automatic success. Once you know where you’re going, you’ll be able to develop a plan to get there. And you’ll create that plan, right there, on the spot at the Millionaire Mind Intensive.

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16738 VIA LA COSTA, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272 (MLS # 15821559)


This fabulous home or second is situated in Palisades Highlands behind the gates of the prestigious Enclave Estates. A home that blends warmth with distinctive elegance. With ocean views during the day and twinkling stars at night, the serene nature of this location brings the word vacation to mind. At the end of the day you are away from it all. A grand entry hall, dark wood floors, dramatically high ceilings and a sweeping staircase set the stage. Entertain with pride in your formal dining room and gracious living room. Or, enjoy a more casual atmosphere in the great kitchen and informal dining area across the island. All open to the adjacent family room. On warm evenings, cook in your outdoor kitchen and dine under the gazebo. Five en-suite bedrooms, w/ 4 upstairs and 1 downstairs. A 6th en-suite room that could be a bedroom, gameroom or an office. The master suite spans wide with French doors presenting breathtaking views from the bedroom through to the bath. Top this off w/ an in-home sauna and a sumptuous dressing room.

You can contact Black Moguls Magazine for more information and showing of this property.




Must Attend Conferences & Events for Urban Entrepreneurs

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Black Moguls Magazine wants you #Think Vote in 2016. 55

o much is riding on this election season. All eyes are on the American vote for President. The next Leader of the free world will have a tremendous amount of power and an enormous amount of responsibility. The next President will likely appoint a record number of Supreme Court Justices. Right now, the Supreme Court tilts to the conservative right. There are laws in our country that need a more Constitutional Friendly Supreme Court to review them; and if necessary, strike them down. So, this election is critical to this fact. If we vote for a candidate for President with a history of misleading and outright lying to our community, who will they appoint on the Supreme Court? Who you vote for on the local level is equally as important. Local Judges, Circuit Judges, District Attorneys all MATTER in the #BlackLivesMatter movement. Let’s stop being emotional and reactive. Let’s THINK AHEAD and become proactive. The injustice that has happened to Trayvon and so many others is all centered around the types of laws we have allowed to pass. These laws foster a climate of hate and protect people with the intentions to harm our children. Former President Bill Clinton will go down in history as the President who re-engineered Black Slavery in this country. The Laws he passed under his Administration, have helped to bring our community to its knees with over-policing and mass incarceration. This is WHY we must #ThinkVote. We must read, follow and understand the hidden agendas of Politicians who prey on our emotional relationships with them. There is too much to say about this that cannot be printed in this small amount of space. But the fact that you are reading this particular issue of Black Moguls Magazine…. means you are becoming more aware. Help us to educate the community and others online by using the hashtag

#ThinkVote when commenting on social media. We can do this together one person, one vote at a time. Because what you don’t KNOW…can hurt you! -Swan Simpson, Publisher

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The $2.6 Million Ride The Bugatti Chiron


ogul Elite status comes when one has achieved the ultimate in personal financial success. Millionaires, Billionaires and Trillionaires all get to enjoy some of the finer, most exclusive aspects of life. From the Black & Titanium cards embossed with your name; to the “elite only” styled resorts and places of travel around the world, to the best of the best eating and dining experiences. The Mogul life is indeed the “good life” baby! When money no longer becomes a barrier to entry, then you too have arrived. Some marketers position their products and services only towards the Mogul Elite. Bugatti is one such company. The Automaker, Bugatti, is known for creating fun and fast toys that floss and show your BOSS! After months of anticipation the 1479bhp Bugatti Chiron was unveiled at the Geneva Motor Show. And even by how the name Chiron flows off your tongue, you know she’s sexy as can be. Fitted with an 8.0-litre W16 and capable of delivering 1,180lbs

of torque, the new model is a belting upgrade in the numbers department compared to its predecessor, the Veyron. Should you boldly get behind the wheel of the sexy Chiron, hold on to your wig. This jet on wheels is both fast and furious going from 0-124 mph in 6.5 seconds! The Chiron is expected to surpass the near 270mph barrier which only a handful of road-going vehicles can claim to get close to. You could literally travel from Los Angeles to Las Vegas on the open road in approximately 1 hour. The trip normally takes 4 hours. It’s not an experiment we recommend you try at home. This piece of machinery is not for those ballin’ on a budget. Bugatti says the average buyer will already own “64 cars, 3 jets, 3 helicopters, and a yacht”, which puts the financial threshold for potential customers, sky high. It certainly gives incentive to Moguls on the rise to keep on striving. The price tag is a cool $2.6 Million and there is still time to order the 2017 model.


FROM THE PUBLISHER Unbought and Unbossed The 2016 election season is well underway. The Primaries and State Caucuses have already revealed clear winners as Hillary Clinton & Bernie Sanders compete for the Democratic Candidate for President. And Donald Trump, Ted Cruz and others try to stay alive for the Republican ticket for President. I think it’s important for folks in the media to be unbiased about what the political process truly means for people. I also think it is important that those in the media spend time reporting the actual voting records and backgrounds of the candidates wanting to hold our nation’s highest office. We need to understand and know about political agendas that do not serve us well. This publication, Black Moguls Magazine, has but one agenda. And that is to put Black people back in control of our images. How we are portrayed in the media matters. And it also matters who is in control of that media. If you do not own anything, then you are a slave to everything. By not being owners, we are in a constant state of reaction. Reacting means that we are always playing defense. And any sports fan knows that you will NEVER win a game constantly playing defense. Black America by way of the so called mainstream media has been boxed into a constant state of defense like a dog chasing its tail. Black America is in a constant state of defending our character; defending the actions of a few criminals in our community; defending our struggles with racism and hatred; defending our mental state as we continue to see Black person after Black person lose their lives at the hands of constant police brutality. We are constantly defending our family dynamic; defending single motherhood; missing fatherhood; defending our economic despair; defending how slavery and Jim Crow and White Supremacy smothers the life out of us; defending every damn aspect of our existence. But then you have Black Moguls Magazine and Swan Simpson Media Group. We may not have the budgets of other so called Black publications; and neither do we aspire to be like them. Ebony & Black Enterprise are concerned about Corporate America. But Black Moguls Magazine is concerned about Black America which of course is a part of Big America. This country was literally built on our backs. We too are deserving of the American Dream. Selling out for a few pennies is not an option. We KNOW that our economic survival depends on visionary leaders, Entrepreneurs creating jobs, and financial prosperity in our community. Black people who are risk takers and who solve problems for us as well as the world. Our focus is to move those Entrepreneurs to the front pages of the media and to help them shine. In exchange, we expect our readers to support us by reading and sharing Black Moguls Magazine in social media. There is no faster way to help us get the word out. This is not about agreement with every word on our pages. It’s about our common interests, our common cause, our common good. Follow us on social media @BlackMogulsMag and share your favorite article, advertisers and information with your followers, friends, family and business associates. And know that we will always remain unbought by any special interest group. And unbossed by White America.



S.I.S.T.A.S. Enterprises S

ometimes in life and in business we need that extra push to get us moving in the right direction. Hiring a Coach could be just what the doctor ordered. In today’s business climate, there are many kinds of “Coaches”. Empowerment Coaching is the process of helping people work through roadblocks that are holding them back in life. Shalonda Menefee is one such Empowerment Coach. In 2005 she started a grassroots consulting business called SISTAS. SISTAS started out as her way of helping Minority women, small business owners, and non-profit organizations in the areas of capacity building, organizational development, and management. Her corporate clients are very important to the growth of her company. But Shalonda wanted her business to have greater purpose. The company has expanded its model to include community based events and workshops that help women with loss and the grieving process. When a woman loses her job, a mate, a child, or is given a grim medical diagnosis, her self-esteem can take a massive toll. SISTAS provides a safe space for women to heal and to rebuild themselves and to find the power within to keep moving and functioning beyond their current state of pain and stagnation.

Sistas Initiating Strategies To Achieve Success

SISTAS offers women strategies that lead to life affirming solutions which help them navigate the rough waters when major life events take place. By adding these community based services, instead of just working with an organization, she can also work with the individual who is directly affected. One of her most popular workshops is SISTAS Dolled Up a project that she started in 2009. SISTAS Dolled Up is a workshop where women walk through the process of healing and selfcare by creating a doll that is reflective of who they truly are inside and what they want to become. It is a tangible method of accessing your inner being and breaking through barriers that have held you back in life. The workshop is a way to reconcile the past, embrace the present and manifest the future. SISTAS has also added a new line of handmade Black dolls, cards, head wraps, clothing and journals. Many of her products can be ordered online. And there are future plans take the SISTAS Dolled Up workshops to major cities across the country. Visit her website at and support community based businesses.


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