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My name is Mohamad Al-Amin Younes and I’m currently a senior student of architecture in the Faculty of ARCHIDES at AZM University- Tripoli, Lebanon. There are valuable things I learned so far: never take oneself seriously and explore the world towards what really matter: the people. Adding to that, I learned to manage my time well and use the facilities available at my disposal in the most efficient way possible. In case you missed the previous volume of my portfolio, then you must know that time does not only change the configuration and perception of space, but also changes people’s vision inside that same space. As an intern in my university, I got exposed to numerous crits and debates involving data and parameters which affects the meaning of Architecture ; thus affecting the nature of space quality. My aim is to understand the complex behavior of the relationship between psychology and architecture.



Lebanese but born in Kuwait Salmiya, Hamad Al Mubarak Street 30001. Adress : Lebanon, Tripoli, Quoubbe, Arez Street, Block 171 E Tel : 06/383562-76/745111



Graduated in June 2015 from the LFK school (Lycee Francais de Kuwait). Currently at AZM University, senior year student of Architecture (starting this summer). On my way to get my “Bachelor degree in Architecture”



Mohamed younes

I spend most of my time looking at a wall. I train the muscles of my brain to imagine spaces that come through my mind. I see people walking from all angles. Before I forget the dream, I sketch that mood in order for me to produce an artwork or “collage” in order to better communicate my ideas. Producing collages has been the most effective medium for me to explain my vision and I believe they embody meaning for the project.

Mohamed younes prezi Mohamed younes


ACADEMIC EXPERIENCE 2 Months Community Service : Available report. Helping the community by assissting to the various proposed renovation strategies. Real Client (Tripoli’s Order of Physicians) : One of our design studio projects was about a public building; we have been committed to propose a design for the Lebanese Order of Physicians in Tripoli. Real Client (Jamal Ramadan, M1 Group, Beirut) : Our design studio was commissioned again to design this time a residential building for Mr. Jamal Ramdan and his familly in Beirut.

COMPETITIONS AUF Competition, 2018 : Idea Proposal and developement CTBUH Competition Proposal, 2018 : Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat Competition about reimagining the future vision for tall buildings. We proposed “Ecological Tower”. Faculty logo design Competition: Attempt to design a logo for the faculty, 4 December, 2017 Themar Business Competition, 2018 : Idea Proposal and developement


Microsoft Offices AutoCad 2D SketchUp Rhinoceros 3D Revit ArcGis Keyshot Adobe Photoshop Adobe Indesign Adobe Illustrator Adobe Premiere Vray Lumion Arabic (native) English French Spanish



Built by Associative Data

2 Days Worshop, 2017 : “Reviving Tripoli’s Historical City”: Design proposals which aim to improve the quality living and solve the question of traffic. 2 Days Workshop, 2018 : Placemaking training and Urban planing design. Community participation in Bab alTebbaneh, Tripoli. 2 Days Worshop, 2018 : Train-Train NGo about understaning train station design 2 Days Worshop, 2018 : Juan Palomar lecture about Luiz Baragan Architects and works. 3 Months Internship, 2016 : Internship report. Materials and usage. Observing and understanding the skill. 3 Months Internship, 2017 : Internship report. Building Construction sites. Understading how building technology works in the local market. 6 Weeks Internship, 2018 : Internship at NGa firm. (Nabil Gholam Architects) 6 Weeks Internship, 2018 : Internship at BAD firm. (Built By Associative Data)

01 Suite 101 Verdun Twins Beirut Lebanon

02 Casp 41, Officina C 08010 Barcelona Spain

03 37 North Great Georges Street Dublin 1 Ireland 01 Suite 101 Verdun Twins Beirut

September 3, 2018

To whom it may concern, This document is prepared to verify that Mohamad Younes completed an internship at Built by Associative Data –Beirut, from July 31 through September 03, 2018. During his time with the practice Mohamad assisted in the preparation of representative visualizations, informational diagrams and orthographic drawings for a number of projects including residential and office buildings. He also assisted in preliminary studies and research for a large-scale urban master plan design project. In addition to his reliability in completing professional responsibilities efficiently and effectively, Mohamad has demonstrated notable discipline and a strong interest in learning new skills and taking on challenges. He has proven himself to be a dedicated young designer and it was a pleasure to have him intern at our practice.

Sincerely, Ali Basbous Founder at BAD

Selected Works Project 4 : Material Experimentation Project 1 : Generative Strategy Diagrams

Project 2 : The mask

Project 3 : The Door

Projec Physic Project 5 : Visitor Center

ct 6 :Tripoli Order of cians

Project 8 : AZM Kindergarten

Project 7 : LOPT Office Building

Project 9 : TOYOTA Branch in Tripoli

Project 10 : Tripoli Train Station

Project 12 : CTBUH Competition

Project 11 : Re-Imagining the Mosque

Diagram making for BAD Architects firm EuroFind Office building : An Emphasis on the garden What is crucial about this drawing of the office building is that it is entended to showcase the axonometric drawing of the core of the project: common living and interactive communications. Organic shapes and personal comfort get merged together to ideally respond to the needs and creating new way of inter-communicating..




I was asked to do 2 types of diagrams for the MAK House, Lebanon. One had to show the generative strategy of the whole project and the other had to have an emphasis on the different uses of the spaces in different periods of time.



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“The jaw”

The Mask The main goal of this exercise the exploration of mapping as a process of meaningful detection of data and a revelation of this discovery in the most expressive manner. In the mask, the design concept is inspired from the motion of the face made possible by the lower jaw. As a statement, the mask expresses the movement of the face’s different surfaces impacted by the hinge of the jaw.

Visitor Center Two important challenges have driven this project. The first challenge is to understand the existing design and how it works. Such understanding involves knowledge of materials and its overarching concept. The second challenge lays in building a visitor center which aims at explaining the design philosophy of the precedent. The intervention needs to illustrate a dialectic relationship between both projects. The existing project is Wall House II by John Hedjuk.

The main concept behind the intervention is to have the wall as the main element of the project. Knowing that Wall House 2 carries in the end of its wall 3 suspended functions, it is crucial to reuse the-so -called “cubist painting ’’ which is drawn on a canvas to lead the design intervention. The walls behind are made to stand gradually. They share an expansive space between them so as to welcome more people from so many angle and entrances. This line which is perpendicular to the main wall gives some sort of homogeneity to the project. Matter of fact, the intervention is now a strong part of the main project itself due to the fact that the walls in addition to the wall house help the whole to become a public piazza and common public space to experience the iconic main wall.

Lebanese Order of Physicians

Section A-A 1/100

Basement 2

Basement 2

Ground Floor

Auditorium floor

Mezzanine floor

Order floor 1

Order floor 2

AZM KINDERGARTEN, (ESQUISSE) Zahriyeh, triploli, Lebanon

The project as it is indicated in the title is about designing a kindergarten which plays a third major educational organism in the AZM education center. Having said so, the concept of the kindergarten should maintain this relation between the different compartments present on site. AZM School on the Western side covered by the AZM University which overlooks the coming Western facade of the kindergarten and the AZM institude for craftsmanship on the south is directly obstructing with its reccessed edges the view of the one story high kindergarten. Parameters that should be taken into consideration when designing the kindergarten are the building edges (which are noticed on the site plan), the building heights vis a-vis the kindergarten, the location of the kindergarten towards the other buildings and last but not least, the visual relationship between the kids and the adolescents. As far as the program is concerned, both administration and classroms are seperated in such a way that both own a vision on a piazza. In addition, the bottom end of the courtyard on the western facade is pointing towards the piazza and the open space reinforcing the visual urban relation between the kindergarten with the AZM Institute of Craftsmanship. Building facade are made of coloured structural wooden posts equipped with a skylight that enlights the bottom end of the courtyard.

Creating a link between the three institutions was the main design axis for the exercise . The kindergarten is positioned in a way to leave space in order to boost visual interaction between all sides. It is as if those three builings carry a common courtyard where space quality arises due to apparent void on the site. Thus, one could consider that the spacial magnet here is the void which then becomes a piazza that attracts viewers to look and contemplate the speed of time.

The skylight brings in warm light into the inner playground in green. Children have the luxuray to look at the external part of the project which is the piazza. Growing trees in the playground adds to the life present strengthened by the use of abondant colours on the wooden columns. Nature becomes an integral part of the educational environment inside this kindergarten.

Building Composition


Kalamoun, triploli, Lebanon The goal of this exercise is to design a restaurant on a bridge located on a highway in such a way to meet people’s need and to render the project profitable for the client. The potential of the design intervention will rely on a careful analysis of the Kalamoun highway region so as come up with an added value for the bridge and the restaurant.

Conceptual Sketch

Diagram showing how the crops are connected by the bridge since the Qalamoun was once one piece alongside the sea.

“ By its name, the bridge in which the restaurant is located, is bridging the 2 ends of the highway in such a way that the vegetation proper to the site itself is continuous and express a strong connection between both areas belonging to the Kalamoun region “

Mass Plan

TOYOTA BRANCH IN TRIPOLI Kalamoun, triploli, Lebanon

The goal of this exercise is to design an automotive shop located in an unknown land. To do so, a car brand has been chosen in order to come up with a design that satisfies and reflects the philosophy behind that car brand. I have chosen to locate the site in Qalamoun highway (which previously was the excavation area in Qalamoun next to the bridge design) in such a way to meet people’s need and to render the project sustainable.


RE-IMAGINING THE MOSQUE Mina Harbor, triploli, Lebanon

Whether a person commits faults or not, he should regularly go visit the Almighty and ask for forgiveness..(ranging from the good doers, the wrong doers and the sinners). Nowadays, we neglect the fact that “the mosque” seems to lose the ability to grasp the believers into an atmosphere of meditation, relaxation, increase the desire to repent and find a private moment of peace.. The question that we should ask ourselves is : What is the role of the mosque ? And what should then be the form of the mosque ? Because of stereotypes regarding what people see and use in their daily life, mosques also fall under this stereotypification of form and meaning. With that being said, I will be re-interpreting the form of the mosque with all its architectural components and meaning. Speaking of re-imagining the mosque, one known stereotype is the use of simple materials where light turn the whole into a humble, yet spiritual space. The idea here is to prove that one could get a higher spiritual feeling but using building technology as an effective medium to bring the people into the sacred. Hence, it is essential to avoid empowering the space too much and kill the modest atmosphere of desire of humiliation and forgiveness. Unlike all the mosques I have seen in Tripoli which don’t own the greatness to become the iconic mosque of Tripoli, the re-imagined mosque which has the privilege to be located nearby the Mediterranean sea, shall be designed to carry power and glory so as to become the capital of all mosques of Tripoli. Thus, an emphasis on the structural system as well as the powerful presence of the sea should strongly present .

Following stereotypes COLLAGE ARTWORK # 37

In order for the mosque to be visible from the all corners including the centric node of El Mina (main competitor), the dimension of the Minaret has been set to a minimum of 40m height. The Minaret which is one of the central parts of the mosque is set to be the dominant volume of the whole mosque since it now becomes a space and not just a tower to call for prayer. People from any corner of the city will be able to see the grid mosque since the height dedicated for the Minaret is set to be no less than 35m.

The mosque is designed in such a way to follow (a) certain module, which is the module of the praying area 1.2x0.6. For the sake of structure and spaces that allow people to pray together, another module has been generated (4.8x4.8) so as to create a hub for people to gather around a have a place to meditate and relax inside thhat grid. The grid lines are helping the mosque in fading into the sea.

In caparison to Hagia Sophia, Turkey

In caparison to Al Ameen Mosque, Beirut, Lebanon

In caparison to Al-Shukr Mosque, Tripoli, Lebanon

Map of El Mina with all its mosques

In what way should the project present itself in a plot which offers nearly 6 times the capacity require for this project ? Knowing that the capacity required for the project is nearly as equal as the capacity of Al-Amin Mosque, would it mean that the mosque should be as big as Al-Amin Mosque to be dominant and become an icon at the city scale ? Nowadays, mosques do not ask the right questions about their true use in such a way that they only limit their potential for performing the daily prayers and allowing for certain lectures and communal events to happen. What they should be truly shedding light on is finding a way to bring in new sinners to their gates and help them find a space for them to meditate and find peace, comfort, ease in seeking tranquility and forgiveness.

One of the many experiments done on the general form and layout of the Minaret and other main elements of the project visa-vis the site’s landscape. Minaret becomes the central space and function of the mosque.

Exploded Axonometry showing the mosque spread into components that represent each and every part of the mosque in relationship with the whole.

TRIPOLI TRAIN STATION Mina, triploli, Lebanon

Because of the clash between the collective memory and the current image of the abandoned train station, memory and history have been brought together but never allow to interfere in each other. Such duality could only be expressed by restoring the MACHINE, in other words, restoring the utilitarian value of the site. Since it is impossible to restore the utilitarian value in the literal way, I saw that by restoring the old train rails I could bring back the mechanism of the machine. Hence, by using the rail gauge as a reference grid system, the intervention will follow one main rationel. Train rails working as the regulators. Speaking of train rails, the site has a point where the rails intersect and then become one rail only. The mechanism is gradually fading into the ground giving a dynamic shape for the train and unity, whereas the Machine is elevated in the air celebrating its freedom.

Mina Map

Machine routes on paper COLLAGE ARTWORK # 17

If history was to be embodied through the act reincarnating the train rails, memory will also be preserved by creating a sense of awareness of the present ruins through contradicting the language of those ruins. To do so, technology (light and structural support) is used as a medium to contradict the language of the ruins, hence strengthening their presence of on the site. By referring to a quote by Tadao Ando : ‘’ I like ruins because what remains is not the total design, but the clarity of thought, the naked structure, the spirit of the thing’’. Speaking of ruins, what are the elements that gave me the needed insight on how to awaken the site and re re-imagine its future ?

Old/Existing grid lines

New grid based on the old train rails

CTBUH COMPETITION PROPOSAL 2018 Mina, triploli, Lebanon

The Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat is the world’s leading resource for professionals focused on the inception, design, construction, and operation of tall buildings and future cities. Our tall bulding concept had to tackle the city of Tripoli, where poor provision of electricity and air cleanliness echoed global health crisis. Garbadge stratification is a major health disaster in Lebanon which is expected to persist and affect the citizens more and more in the coming decades. Our Ecological Tower aims at dealing with the biggest of such threat, which is the largest garbadge mountain located in the left aside industrial part of Tripoli near the Mediterranean Sea. Appart from bringing life to the dead part of the city, Ecological Tower wants its citizens to develop a new culture of awareness called “Architecture of Defense”, where architecture at first is used as a tool to create a new safe way of life which prepares and educates people to carry healthy and long life expectancy for themselves and for their children, and second to add additonal value to the poor context. For us, tall buildings of tomorrow should ensure a moderate safety for people’s health (protected smart units) and offer a comprehensive and responsive actions towards having a sustainable life. Designed to become a new vision in architecture, the tower sits on a factory which feeds from garbadge to produce electricity to the building itself and for the whole city (potential storage). Paradoxically, the tower has an idustrial look (in both structure and function) to better connect with its context, but the arcticulation of the kinetic facade is full of colour range in order to regenerate life and dynamism. The tower not only offers low energy consumption technological methods to provide clean hot/cold air, hot/cold water, but also helps the city to expand by allocating new programs, such as a mall (including industrial equipments), an exhibition center of heavy machines and equipments, discovery center, and especifically for such an industrial parcel, habitaional units (significantly abscent due to bad smell and absence of life). For instance, instead of using the car too much, built in public transportation (eco-cars of the future with built-in rails inside the tower) facilitates the access and the circulation of the dwellers inside and outside the city. The lack of greeny, is offseted by the multi-purpose terraced roof which gives a clear view to the city. Last but not least, its is crucial to mention that when the factory finish consuming the garbadge mountain, the tower will then initiate, leaving the accessible roof of the factory (people could walk on it as in the docks) seen so as to comemorate the old presence of the garbadge mountain (a sad but true heritage and historical trait of the city). The diferent opportunties provided by Ecological Tower such as the new practice of self-protection (culturely lead architecture) which originates from the good environmemtal behavior of the dwellers will help in building much aware and smarter generations. Directed towards the Sea, Ecological Tower adds a new vision throughout its activities around the block, and push people towards a much aware type of settlement, towards a new architecture...



Mohamed younes Mohamed younes prezi Mohamed younes @Archi.Collage

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