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Sport has always been considered as the symbol of high morals, values, ideals, and the largest field for the noble competition between the competitive playing teams. It embodies the spirit of challenge and great enthusiasm toward winning the titles and stepping the platforms of crowning. In fact, sport is intended for refinement of souls and minds before being for winning the titles and cups. Hence, the morals are the factors that control and direct sport towards realizing its objectives. Thus, the noble competition, self-assertion and the capability of excellence by using the legitimate methods and within the just competition circumstances, are considered of the most important principles which determine what is moral and immoral in sport, which in turn supersedes the importance of realizing scores and winning titles. Moreover, sport is considered an international language which brings people together and goes beyond the limits of differences and varieties of people on earth. It constitutes a bridge for dialog, approach, respect and accepting the other. Also, it 1

contributes effectively in making the world peace, and is considered as an essential source which provides us with the bonds of love, interrelation, fraternity and provokes the common feeling among people. Practicing sport is primarily intended for educational purposes; but sometimes we can not achieve such enjoyment without the fear of provoking some of the negative behaviors by some people. Quite often we repeat the expression “Sportsmanship� term, but we find in reality many of the negative phenomena and behaviors that are breaching and affecting this principle. Thus, we sometimes see some people committing certain negative conducts, which reflect bad morals and abysmal fanaticism spreading in all sport community. Moreover, we sometimes see reciprocal retaliation, intolerance and unacceptable behaviors happening among the competitive teams’ fans, at the time in which we must work on converting such situations into a conduct that tolerates the other, and takes into account the concepts of respect and accepting the other party regardless of the realized scores. For, 2

the sport filed (Playground) is a miniature image of the actual stage of real life… in which the players are competing each others according to the laws and morals of this game, and the winner is the one who wins victory but without breaching these laws and disregarding the morals of this game being acknowledged by all. (FIGHTING THE FIELDS RIOTS IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF ALL PEOPLE)

The riots and violent behaviors in sport fields representing one of the worest images that causing damages to the society’s security and stability, besides that such behaviors are depriving the sport activities from their brilliant values and their entertainment and competitive features as a result of the violent conducts and riots taking place in fields. The thing which reflects the culture and conduct of the sport club fans, and takes the shape of certain irresponsible behaviors that made some of the fans to commit horrible incidents that are still in the memory of history. So, do you know that… 3

* The first dangerous violent incident happened in the football field located in Ibrox Park in England in the year 1902, and on the date of 18 October 1908, when the Court of Manchester issued judgment according to which it prohibited practicing football due to the violence and riot committed in these matches. * The first sport wars in the world broke out in the year 1969 between Honduras and El Salvador which was called the football war. * The riot case that took place in Glaxo Field in 1920 during the match between the two teams of England and Scotland is considered one of the most known sport riot incidents in the outset of this century in which 40 persons were killed and more than 500 wounded. The match played between Peru and Argentine during the eliminations of Olympiad Tokyo in 1964 is considered one of the worst sport catastrophes in which more than 300 persons died and hundreds wounded after the referee cancelled a 4

score recorded in favor of Peru team on the pretext of offside.

RESPECT THE LAW‌ “Never let your encouragement to your team puts you under the legal responsibilityâ€?

The law, in its capacity as an instrument for ensuring the social order, realizing justice, equality, preventing transgressions and violations, has refused all behaviors that are inconsistent with the social values that are conserved and protected by law. Hence, the Emirates Federal Penal Code has incriminated all offenses and violations committed within or outside the playfields, and determined severe and deterrent penal procedures against whoever may think of instigating riot, physical or verbal violence within the sport installations for ensuring the stability of security and public order, and for protecting the public and private properties by dealing strictly with outlaws. 5

(Brawling, Assaulting & Hitting Others)

Involving yourself in a fight or quarrel with others because your team has lost or won a game is considered uncivilized behavior which may subject you and others to injury and harm. Besides, such illegal behavior shall be punished with imprisonment for a period may reach ten years if such assault and hitting lead to the victim’s death, or for imprisonment or paying financial fines in respect of other cases. So, do you think your team would win if you subjected yourself to punishment !!!

(Showing acts, movements or acclamations that are breaching the public ethics)

The fans of sport teams used to encourage their teams during the matches by chanting some communal slogans for spreading the spirit of enthusiasm during the match. It is regretful that some people used to breach the sportsmanship and code of ethics through chanting slogans violating the morals and offending others, or 6

by showing certain immoral movements or chanting unethical songs or slogans. Therefore, if you ever committed any of the above bad behaviors, this will not be considered as a social misbehavior only, but it will be treated as a crime subject to punishment by law with imprisonment for a period that may reach six months and/or fine up to five thousand dirhams.

(Insulting, Cursing & Offending Others)

Resorting to insulting and cursing by using unethical words against any body whether from the fans, players or referees is considered unethical conduct which is incriminated by law with punishment of imprisonment for two years minimum or with a fine up to twenty thousand dirham ; therefore , never subject yourself to such punishment.


(Bringing or Throwing Fireworks in Fields)

The applicable laws in the State prohibits the unauthorized use or possession of such fireworks without a permit constitutes a crime punishable by law due to their danger and poisonous materials contained in these fireworks, in addition to the injuries and deformations caused to the person dealing with such dangerous materials. Therefore, whoever deals with such dangerous materials of the public will be subject to punishment with imprisonment for a period of six months maximum and fine not exceeding five thousand dirhams or with these two punishments apart from the other punishments in case the violators caused any injury to others. According to FIFA Laws, the fireworks are considered among the prohibited materials that are not allowed to be brought to playfields. Besides, the punishments maybe imposed on the playing teams or clubs either by deducting scores or the matches maybe repeated but without audience. Therefore, be careful and keep away from causing any injury to others. 8

(Sabotage & Assault on Properties)

The riot negative impacts are not restricted to the boundaries of playfields only, but they extend beyond these limits out of the fans irresponsible rashness and frivolity. Sometimes, the sabotage acts extend to public and private properties where some angered fans, as a result of losing the match by their team, start destructing and sabotaging the playfields, or assaulting the public and private properties located outside the playfield without any consideration to all sport principles and ethics that are based on tolerance and the acceptance of loss. Thus, they subject themselves to the legal punishments ranging between the imprisonment up to one year and fine up to ten thousand dirhams.


(Offending the Country’s Reputation & FIFA Penalties)

The international sport laws that are embodied by FIFA principles call for protecting the safety of players and the public, and for deterring strictly anyone may attempt to deform the football ethics and principles, or breaching the sport norms that are based on moral discipline and noble competition spirit whether among the public or the players themselves. Hence, committing certain transgressions and violations by the public or players would place the country in an international embarrassing situation due to its incapability of ensuring and providing all means of security and keeping order within its playfields. Moreover, such misbehaviors would subject the country to disciplinary punishments and penalties imposed by FIFA in such cases. Therefore, let’s protect ourselves and our country from such incidents that are destructive to the sportive humanitarian spirit.



“Football is considered the language of civilization… and its terms are manifested in a highly conceptual class, honest intentions, good objectives, ideal meanings, unbiased and not distorted by discrimination”

Our dear fans…

• The full belief in the notion that sport is manifested in winning and losing, possessing a sportsmanship, accepting the results despite their negativity and the seriousness and relentless effort for improving them according to laws and regulations are all matters of importance for building a prosperous sport system which sole slogan is “Sport is for Sport Sake and Not for Winning and avoiding Loss”. • The conduct of sport fans is considered one of the civilized behavior aspects for the individual of the society and their way of expressing their feelings in a man11

ner reflecting the civilized and cultural standards as well as the values prevailing in their society. Therefore, our individual and collective behavior reflects the image of the State of the United Arab Emirates in front of others. So, do you want others to see us… • Quarrelling within and outside our playfields !!! • Uttering words that are incompatible with our morals and values !!! • Destruct, sabotage and assault the public and private properties !!! • Assaulting and destructing the others’ properties will not let your club win the match it lost. • The respect of the counter party will let him respect you in your team won or lost the game. • You anger because your club has lost the game must not be turned into violence for offending others. • After all, the loss incurred by your club is not considered an eternal loss at all. With the Compliment of the Law Respect Cultural Bureau Ministry of Interior


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