Mohamedelsaid5420@ gmail.com
I’m an Egyptian architect whose vision is to build a livablespace.During college,IHave been involved in continuouslearning and development,notonly because of my passion for architecture but also because ofidentifying what elements that architecture consists of.Ifind value in everything Ido For myselfand humanity.
Since SEP.2018-JUN.2023
Bachelor of Ar chitecturalEngineering. Mansoura university,Egypt
Since MAY.2020-SEP.2023
Intern Site Architect.
Mansoura Consulting office,Egypt.
Practicing on site in different buildings Typologies Like ResidentialAnd office buildings Trained on the building process From excavation to curtain wallfixation.
Since MAY.2021-SEP.2022
Intern VisualArchitect. Vanilla Studio,Egypt.
Practicing online in different visualization scenarios Trained on the Visualization process From Modeling to the Final P roduct.
Since AUG.2022-JAN.2023
Intern BIM Architect. Kaitech,Egypt.
Practicing online in the integrated BIM process Trained on the process From Modeling to the FinalProduct
Since AUG.2022-JAN.2023
Intern ComputationalArchitect. EDIIT,Egypt.
Archstorming Competion in Senegal.
Practicing online in the comutational design methods Trained on the process From Modeling to the Final Product:3D Printing.
Building d4 simulation " IRAN-Internship"
Villa Preparation for clash detection " BIM P ROJECT INTERNSHIP"
01 02 03
Dynamo different problem solving " Problem Solving"
Search Set using XML
Using the power of XML finishing the Search set then making 1 clash test linking it t o the c lash matrix.
Gettingthe clash matrix then running test then using point cloud method to import the point of clashes location then using dynamo making spheres to highlight the element .
Search Set using XML
Using the power of XML finishingthe Search set then making 1 clash test linking it to the clash matrix.
Getting the clash matrix then running test then using switch back method to resolving c lashes.
Search Set using XML
Clash Matrix using X ML
Project setup is a toolfor solving the problem at the project beggining seeting up the project level,section ,elevation ,sheets and etc..
so as r espons i cr eate a dynamo script importing the data from EXCEL to dynamo . Then , or ganizing the vie w according to section .
Importing data omfr Excel.
Preparing the scopebox for elevation making .
Selecting the titlebloc k.
All units in ermet.
Setting the data t o import from excel.
The scopebox helps in set ting the vie w according to the CAD file .
The project setting according to :
1- iVew type
2- View Usage
Final Output:
1- Floor plans
2- Ceiling
Solving the P roblem ofrenumbering the huge number ofrooms in the project.
Responding to the problem Using dynamo givving the abilit y t o renumber rooms in e ach level.
The standar d used is L evel01 = 100 ,Level02=200 ,Etc.
The un arrangement of rooms numbering so setting the le velwe want from the player .
After : Room get renumbered.
According to the basic concept ofparametric design atractor point is used to manipulat e the nfi depth ofthe building.
Using the f amily of curtain p anel adding the depth p arameter. Getting in dynamo measuring the distanc e from the pointoteach panel
Befor running the scr the fin depth is changing manually f or each and that's har d task ot calculat e f or each fin its depth.
running the script make it e asier .
After :
The depth of the fi n get Remaped to the R ange according to Azimuth.
Family ofcurtain wall have instance parameter that get chanded for each.