Portfolio - Mohammadjawad Massoumisangani

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EDUCATION. 2013–17

BSc Architecture engineering Islamic Azad University of south Tehran


Rebuilding Tehran city loop Group work at Design 5 course.


Concept of Place and Semiotic Dr. Avideh Kamrani



Run and design green roof ministry of road & urban development



Diploma of math-physics Farhang Dehkhoda complex high school for education of bright talent


Research Study of restoration of houses in Zayegan village Individual work at Rosta 2 course. Research study of restoration of houses in Niknamdeh village Individual work at Rosta 1 course. Building Measurement of Kazemi historical house Group work at Historican Building Measurment course.


Mohammadjawad Massoumisangani 20th August 1995 Iran





hasht co. Graphic designer Pooyesh group Architect designer

LANGUAGE. Persian English

mother tongue B2


Emerald co. Phase 2 designer


Saze Sanat Samar co. AutoCAD drawing

Adobe Photoshop

Revit Architecture

Adobe Illustrator


CONTACT Phone Email Address 2

00989365401129 moomass@outlook.com unit 16, Nezami St, Tehran, Iran


Adobe Indesign

Membership of Good architecture programme “The platform for better quality of life through raise awareness of people and empowerment of architects for people” as events associate


avante studio The Bench- Competition

Microsopht Office

Sketchup Lumion





Tehran Story

Commercial Complex Design

Redifining T ehran Municipality Building Page: 06–10


With Social Sustainability Approach Page: 10–14





Salahshor Building

Tehran Four Star Commercial Hotel Page: 14–18

Page: 18-22

05 The Bench

The Bench Competition Page: 22-24





Residential Complex

Urban sub-space design


With promoting urban function Page: 24-28

Design of dead urban spaces Page: 28-30

Page: 30-35


Tehran Story

Redefining Tehran Municipality Building Location: Tehran, Iran Year: 2020 Individual work

Each of us has a dream...


eep within our hearts, each of us carries a secret dream, special and unique to each individual. Sometimes another person can share that dream and help it grow to fulfilment: Other times, the dream remains A solitary pursuit known only to the seeker, But secret or shared, No matter what it might be, A dream is a potential which should never be discouraged. For each of us also carries within ourselves A light which can cause the seed To grow and blossom into beautiful reality‌ That same light I’ve seen shine so clearly in you.


▶▶ Guidepath to the Toopkhane

▶▶ Site Location


The site is located in TOOPKHANEH square which is one of the most historical square in Tehran. With connecting Toopkhaneh square by lines to the other old squares in Tehran, Toopkhaneh square is accounted as a center point, the concept is formed.

▶▶ Going Deep

▶▶ Access To The Site

▶▶ Suspended Mass

▶▶ Exploaded Mass

▶▶ Combining Layers


Scale 1:250

Section Scale 1:250


South Elevation Scale 1:250


02 Commercial Complex Design With Social Sustainability Approach Final Thesis Location: Zahedan, Iran Year: 2017 Individual Work


n important issue in this design, is the effect of the structure on its surroundings and context. Baharestan Boulevard has been an important local area and there was a grocery market in the site which provided local people with their daily shopping. Now the site has lost its identity and in order to recover the former identity, the structure should affect its surrounding and remind local people of what the area was used for. The majority area of the site is allocated to shape a public space.


▶▶ Site boundaries

▶▶ The entrance is considered to absorb passerbies

▶▶ The atrium provides a local semi-public area

▶▶ In-ward orientation in public centers causes theme to have the least effect on their surrounding and vicinity.

▶▶ The 4-storey structure and its inward orientation lead to the least relationship between the complex and its neighborhood.

▶▶ The atrium level is 2m higher than the ground floor. This height difference caused the above floor to be formed at the same level with the atrium.

▶▶ The main entrance is higher and more transparent to be well recognizable and inviting.


▶▶ Being located in the local area, the skyline of the structure is designed in accordance with the adjacent areas. In the west side of the site, as the highway is going through the sky, the skyline is designed in a way not to destroy the former view.

▶▶ Patterns of Shell’s Elevation

▶▶ Colors in Zahedan’s Culture

▶▶ Changeable Shell at Night

▶▶ West Elevation


▶▶ North Elevation

▶▶ East Elevation

Commercial Void Office ▶▶ Plan (Level -2)

▶▶ Plan (Level+4)

Circulation Vertical Access Open Spaces Parking

▶▶ Plan (Level +8)

▶▶ Section A


▶▶ Plan (Level+12)

03 Hotel

Tehran Four Star Commercial Hotel Design 5 Location: Tehran, Iran Year: 2017 Group work– Design and Modeling


he fact that we want to establish a hotel in the center of Tehran creates a complex relationship that is centered but never complies. Tehran and its tourists have no similarities. Even the inhabitants of Tehran are not similar, so only empty spaces can fully fill this special gap.






Antagonistic expression through empty concepts in a large hotel. 4 layers history of tehran city map in first Tehran palace (Golestan palace) at1220 and 1236, 1269, 1316 that come overhand to build Tehran hotel. By emptying full-volumes forms, negatively and positively, outside and inside, shadow and bright turn into each other.

▶▶ Add glass layer of the floors

▶▶ A full space and an empty space

▶▶ Several full spaces and

▶▶ Organizing full and empty spaces

several empty spaces

▶▶ Functional form as well as a strong concept that can show the concept well and meet all the needs of the hotel, but it needs to organize a full and empty space.


▶▶ Add up-to-date layers

▶▶ Supermatism Diagram

▶▶ Section Ideogram ▶▶ Site plan

▶▶ First floor plan


▶▶ Second floor plan

▶▶ Third floor plan

▶▶ Fourth floor plan

South–East Elevation Scale 1:350

Section Scale 1:300


South–Wast Elevation Scale 1:350

04 Salahshour Residential Building Location: Zahedan, Iran Year: 2017 Individual Work


▶▶ Spatial privacy The need for spaces with the ability to «see and not be seen» has long existed in Iranian architecture. Spaces for light and air to enter with privacy originating from people›s culture.

▶▶ Project classes based on requirements

▶▶ Balconies with upward view


▶▶ Open balconies The balcony has been an integral part of the architecture of apartment complexes today. A space for direct communication with the outside and spending time and watching.

▶▶ Modified balconies In today›s urban space, due to lack of space in today›s apartments, balconies are used to compensate for the lack of space. This causes damage to the urban landscape, or is converted to closed space by users or used differently.

▶▶ Separation of facade and balcony

▶▶ Balconies with privacy to see and not be seen

▶▶ Wider balconies with less privacy

▶▶ Indoor balconies

▶▶Ground Floor Plan


▶▶First Floor Plan


05 The Bench

The Bench Competition Location: winnipeg, Canada Year: 2017 Avante Studio Group Work–Modeling and presentation


e wanted to value the both physical and spiritual differences of the individuals. We designed the sitting places with different heights and widths to match the physical differences and made it practical for people with different body types. And spiritual wise we designed different shapes and materials to satisfy their different interests and tastes; all of these, were excuses for us to bring together people with their differences in the purpose of communicating and enjoying the same show or view or even a play together at the same time just like a family do, but in their second “home� that is called the society. Because Home is where everyone with their own unique characters come together to feel safe, whole, and belonged.


▶▶ In this “beyond the physical” concept, we focused as equally on the spiritual sides of the project and how people may feel walking through or sitting in the area we created, we wanted them to feel comfortable and adjust it as much as possible to different tastes and interest of each individual, in order to achieve that goal, we used different materials which can be more effective on one’s visual and experimental understanding than imagined and The shapes which can remind and trigger different things and emotions in each person and is compatible to the environment around it. Society in our eyes is a second home so we tried to represent it as such, and make everyone with their own unique characters to come together to feel safe, whole, and belonged.


06 Residential Complex Design With promoting urban function Design 4 Location: Tehran, Iran Year: 2016 Group Work Design


he main purpose of designing this project was to pay attention to the possibility of creating commercial spaces along Shahr-e-Ara Street, as well as to pay attention to sunlight and make the most of it. Due to the annoying light of the north-south stretch, an attempt has been made to create a stretched and narrow space for the access paths to the building and each of the units in this section. Also, another important goal in designing has been to pay attention to the architecture of the area. (Creating an open private space for each unit, creating a central courtyard, etc.)


Proper favorable ▶▶ Proper favorable ▶▶


orientation for better and more use of sunlight orientation for better and more use of sunlight

The studied site has a lot of noise pollution due to its proximity to Shahr-eAra Street and heavy traffic on vehicle and crowded commuting from this street ▶▶

Staining on site (attention to morphology, lighting and acoustics)

Due to the location of the project next to Shahr-Ara Street, it is obvious that the establishment of commercial centers in the vicinity of this street is desirable, and another reason that led to the construction of commercial centers along this street, the distance of residential houses on the first floors It has been adjacent to the main street ▶▶


Location of the studied site New population density: 480 people per hectare ▶▶ ▶▶

Studied area on site with the aim of maintaining and promoting population density ▶▶ Former population density: 170 people per hectare ▶▶

At the beginning of the work, class studies were started on the specified area (intersection of Niayesh, Shahr-e-Ara, Sattar Khan streets) and basic studies of the site were performed ▶▶



▶▶ Detailed Commercial Section


Site Plan Scale 1:500

▶▶ Detailed Commercial Section

▶▶ Passerby Section

Section A Scale 1:500


▶▶ ▶▶ ▶▶


General Occupied area: 28800 m2 Area of each block: 800 m2

Land area: 19000 m2 Occupied area: 6000 m2

▶▶ Typical Plan

4 Floors

4 Floors 6 Floors

6 Floors

8 Floors

8 Floors

Vehicle Entrance

▶▶ Ground Floor Plan

Each building block has 2 elevators, 2 stairs for access to the upper floors and 2 main and axial shafts for construction facilities. ▶▶




▶▶ Furniture Plan


▶▶ Section 1

▶▶ South Elevation

07 Urban sub-space design Design of dead urban spaces Location: Tehran, Iran Year: 2015 Individual Work


esigning and beautifying urban spaces is one of the essentials of a city’s beauty. A beautiful city has happier and more lively people; Because people, whether they like it or not, are in the city spaces every day and face these spaces. One of the design items of urban spaces is urban subspaces such as under bridges, sidewalks, pedestrian bridges, etc. These spaces in Appearance is not very important in the beauty of the city, but it is not, and by designing and beautifying these sub-spaces, the beauty of the city has been doubled. One of the things that does not seem to affect the beauty and cleanliness of the city is concrete pipes and the thickness of municipal sewage; But inside, what a great disaster will happen in the city if these pipes and this sewage disposal system do not exist! These pipes are practically one of the most important beauty elements of a city. In designing this project, an attempt has been made to use these pipes in such a way that they are both practical and give a special beauty to the city, especially at night!


The purpose of designing this project is to improve the organized architecture and improve the quality of urban dead spaces

▶▶ Weak Function ▶▶ Optimal Beauty

▶▶ Better Function ▶▶ Optimal Beauty

▶▶ Suitable Function ▶▶ Optimal Beauty

▶▶ Add Semi–Private Spaces

▶▶ It is not just a place to cross and it is a challenge to recognize the body ▶▶ Plan

▶▶ Section 1–1


▶▶ Section 2–2

▶▶ Challenge people to move in order to interact more with the environment


A house with Tehran construction rules

Technical Design Location: Tehran, Iran Year: 2017 Group Work

The rules of Tehran is so famuse in Iran because of unusefullness so its hard to design. ▶▶ This house is for 3 families one owner of building and 2 tenants ▶▶


08–B Metal Coca-Cola bottle Desall Coca-cola Bottle design Year: 2017 Avante studio Group Work–Modeling and Presentation

to design the new metal Coca-Cola bottle, creating a handy product, suitable for indoor and outdoor use, with an easy to drink system. ▶▶


08–C Class Project about a City Loop Rebuilding Tehran city loop Year: 2017 Group Work maquette Size: 2m * 2m


How we can fix a residential city loop without losing anything? we have found different typologies of housing then each group redesign one of them. At the end they were harmonized.

08–D Good architecture programme

“The platform for better quallity of life through raise awarness of people and empowerment of architects for people”

Event Group developer Year: 2017–18 goodarchitecture.org

Design process


Design process meeting

Design process challange


Design Development


Schematic Design

Biding and Permit

Construction Documents

Pre-design meeting

Design process meeting brochour

Pre-design challange

Project Closeout

Construction Administration

08–E Sketches


▶▶ Drawn with technical pen

▶▶ Drawn with technical render marker

▶▶ Drawn with technical render marker

▶▶ Drawn with technical render marker

▶▶ Drawn with technical render marker

▶▶ Drawn with technical render marker

▶▶ Drawn with technical pen

▶▶ Drawn with technical pen


▶▶ Drawn with technical pen

▶▶ Drawn with technical pen

▶▶ Drawn with technical pen

▶▶ Drawn with technical pen

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