Damascus international airport's Thesis

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Mohammad Jumaa


Dr.Jafar Mansoor Alzahabi

Dr. Bahjat Natouf -


Contents History Of Syria _________________________________________________________________________________ 2 History Of Damascus ____________________________________________________________________________ 4 Damascus International Airport _________________________________________________________________ 6 why damascus airport is important in the world ? _____________________________________________ 14 SWOT Analysis for Damascus airport ___________________________________________________________ 18 why should every architecte design airport ? __________________________________________________ 19 airports classification ___________________________________________________________________________ 22 Terminals types __________________________________________________________________________________ 24 Airport Babel Diagrams __________________________________________________________________________ 25 Main space for each one _________________________________________________________________________ 26 Examples : .Beijing airport . china . Zaha Hadid _________________________________________________________ 27 .Harbin Airport. china . MAD _________________________________________________________________ 31 .Jewel Changi Airport . Singapore . Safdie Architects ______________________________________ 34 SWOT Analysis for examples _____________________________________________________________________ 38 New Design is aimed at ___________________________________________________________________________ 39 Data is Referenced to ____________________________________________________________________________ 43 Mohammad Jumaa


Dr.Jafar Mansoor Alzaabi

Dr. Bahjat Natouf -


History Of Syria Syria (arabic: , romanized: ), officially the syrian arab republic, is a country in western asia, bordering lebanon to the southwest, the mediterranean sea to the west, turkey to the north, iraq to the east, jordan to the south, and israel to the southwest. A country of fertile plains, high mountains, and deserts, syria is home to diverse ethnic and religious groups, including syrian arabs, kurds, turkemens, assyrians, armenians, circassians, mandeans, and greeks. Religious groups include sunnis, christians, alawites, druze, isma’ilis, mandeans, shiites, salafis, and yazidis. Arabs are the largest ethnic group, and sunnis are the largest religious group. Syria is a unitary republic consisting of 14 governorates and is the only country that politically espouses ba’athism. It is a member of one international organization other than the united nations, the non-aligned movement; it was suspended from the arab league in november 2011 and the organisation of islamic cooperation,[12] and self-suspended from the union for the mediterranean. The name “syria” historically referred to a wider region, broadly synonymous with the levant, and known in arabic as al-sham. The modern state encompasses the sites of several ancient kingdoms and empires, including the eblan civilization of the 3rd millennium bc. Aleppo and the capital city damascus are among the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world.[14] In the islamic era, damascus was the seat of the umayyad caliphate and a provincial capital of the mamluk sultanate in egypt. The modern syrian state was established in the mid-20th century after centuries of ottoman and a brief period french mandate, and represented the largest arab state to emerge from the formerly ottoman-ruled syrian provinces. It gained de jure independence as a parliamentary republic on 24 october 1945, when the republic of syria became a founding member of the united nations, an act which legally ended the former french mandate, although french troops did not leave the country until april 1946. The post-independence period was tumultuous, with many military coups and coup attempts shaking the country from 1949 to 1971. In 1958,


History Of Syria Syria entered a brief union with egypt called the united arab republic, which was terminated by the 1961 syrian coup d’état. The republic was renamed as the arab republic of syria in late 1961 after the december 1 constitutional referendum of that year, and was increasingly unstable until the 1963 ba’athist coup d’état, since which the ba’ath party has maintained its power. Syria was under emergency law from 1963 to 2011, effectively suspending most constitutional protections for citizens.



History Of Damascus Damascus , romanized: dimašq, syrian arabic: syriac is the capital of syria; it became the country’s largest city in the early 2010s, following the decline in population of aleppo during the battle for the city. It is colloquially known in syria as and titled the “city of jasmine”. Damascus is a major cultural center of the levant and the arab world. The city had an estimated population of 2,079,000 as of 2019. In south-western syria, damascus is the center of a large metropolitan area of 2.7 Million people (2004).[5] Embedded on the eastern foothills of the anti-lebanon mountain range 80 kilometres (50 mi) inland from the eastern shore of the mediterranean on a plateau 680 metres (2,230 ft) above sea level, damascus experiences a dry climate because of the rain shadow effect. The barada river flows through damascus. Damascus is one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world. First settled in the second millennium bc, it was chosen as the capital of the umayyad caliphate from 661 to 750. After the victory of the abbasid dynasty, the seat of islamic power was moved to baghdad. Damascus saw its importance decline throughout the abbasid era, only to regain significant importance in the ayyubid and mamluk periods. Today, it is the seat of the central government and all of the government ministries. As of september 2019, eight years into the ongoing syrian civil war, damascus was named the least livable city in the global liveability ranking.[6]

History Carbon-14 dating at tell ramad, on the outskirts of damascus, suggests that the site may have been occupied since the second half of the seventh millennium bc, possibly around 6300 bc.[25] However, evidence of settlement in the wider barada basin dating back to 9000 bc exists, although


History Of Damascus no large-scale settlement was present within Damascus walls until the second millennium bc. Some of the earliest egyptian records are from the 1350 bc amarna letters, when Damascus (called dimasqu) was ruled by king biryawaza. The damascus region, as well as the rest of syria, became a battleground circa 1260 bc, between the hittites from the north and the egyptians from the south, ending with a signed treaty between hattusili and ramesses ii where the former handed over control of the damascus area to ramesses ii in 1259 bc. The arrival of the sea peoples, around 1200 bc, marked the end of the bronze age in the region and brought about new development of warfare.Damascus was only a peripheral part of this picture, which mostly affected the larger population centers of ancient syria. However, these events contributed to the development of Damascus as a new influential center that emerged with the transition from the bronze age to the iron age.



Damascus International Airport History Since the onset of the syrian civil war, the airport and the road leading to it have been closed intermittently and most international airlines have ceased flights. Several airlines such as emirates and egyptair with former regular service to damascus have cancelled their flights to damascus. The airport features two duty-free outlets. The departures hall also includes an in-house coffee shop, several souvenir shops, three restaurants, and a lounge for first and business class passengers. NOTE

Location It is located far 24.2 kilometers southwest damascus

Coordinates 33°24’41.48’N


During The War In Syira The Nubers Of Passangers Was Decreased About 1.4 Million P.a Before 2010 ,There Was A Plan To Deveolop The Airport By French Company To Stand More Than 20 Million Passnagers P.a

About Damascus is served by over 40 passengers and cargo airlines from across the middle east, europe, africa and the cis and averages over 4.5 Million passengers p/a.


Damascus International Airport


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Damascus International Airport components of airport

. Two Terminals . Catering building . Control Tower . HOTEL . Hangars . Apron . Two Taxiways . Two Runways . Parking . Fire brigade building . Maintenance building . Building Electrical and Mechanics . Building a security branch


Damascus International Airport site

Area m2

total area

19100000 / 191

airline area

1478645 / 14.7



parking 1


parking 2



/ 10.5

/ 2.28









Damascus International Airport Terminal 1 Ground Floor building

Area m2

the number of floors

New Terminal



Old Terminal



Pilgrims Lounge




45 m




Fire brigade building



export g-storage



import g-storage



Building Electrical and Mechanics



Maintenance building



Control Tower

Terminal 1 Basement Floor


Damascus International Airport Arrivals Public Area Departures

Ground Floor of Main Terminal


Damascus International Airport Departures

First Floor of Main Terminal


Damascus International Airport

Restaurant And Patio



the current situation


Patio in first floor

Control tower


why damascus airport is important in the world ? In general , Syria is located in the middle east which means it works as a bridge between the west and the east , the north and the south . Most airplanes transit in the uae ,labanon ,turkry ,and other countryies around syria . They do not come to syria for transition because we do not encourage them to come . However , Damascus is the oldest city in the world and it has many layers of cultures and many of historical buildings which mean Damascus has the ability to welcome all tourists to tell them a lot of amazing story . The distance between the west and the east is very long , in contract damascus airport is approximately located in the mid of this distance . In addition , the same story is between the north and the south which means airplanes can transit in Damascus airport and returns to Syria can profit from that . There are two runways each one is 60 * 4000 m ,almost airports around the world have just one runway . The area of damascus airport site is very large . It is equal about 191 hectares and it contains . International airport . Local airport . Military airport . Commercial airport


However ,Improving the airport to match the international standards . . Increasing the number of airplanes . . Adding more terminals . . Building wider runways to fit bigger Airplanes .

When airplanes land in damascus for transit . Passengers will look at our culture to tell the others about the History of the oldest capital in the world . 14

why damascus airport is important in the world ?


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why damascus airport is important in the world ?

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why damascus airport is important in the world ?


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SWOT Analysis

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. . . . .

Location is very important for the world . History of syria especially damascus . The oldest capital in the world . Two runways in airport . There are area for expansion .

_________________________________ . . . . .

The number of passengers per year is less than international airport stander . There are just two terminals . One of them is very old . Square of airplanes area enough just for 32 airplanes . Old system in all parts of the airport . There is too much land without plants .

_________________________________ . Add more than terminal . . Add smart a system for all parts of airport for example { elevations . Ceiling . Windows . Other } . . Add value for airport in order to attract tourists . . Add turne conect with damascus . . Add a sustainable system . _________________________________ . It is going to be very old . . Airport is in need of renovation .


why should every architecte design airport ? You have to know how to design by these points : 1 - Great architecture 2 - Construction system 3 - Behavior 4 - Security 5 - Abstract of country 6 - Transportation 7 - Materials 8 - Sustainable system _________________________________ 1 - Great architecture It is a good building to be a land mark for country , so design will depend on all rules in architecture { Area , scale , awesome view , privacy of some function } . _________________________________ 2 - Construction system All know that one third of cost in building is in construction . Design should depend on economy and function and awesome view . The system of construction will be smart to stand all load in less cost in beautiful appearance _________________________________ 3 - Behavior If you want to design a airport you have to know that all passengers came to see the beauty of the country . When they paid for a ticket they want to be in a best moment ( fun ,awesome view ,and relax ) everywhere even in airport . If they be happy will buy a lot of things . Departures are spend more time than arrivals in airport , so for that resone they should feel conftable by green area and color of materials warm or could . They will feel relaxaing after search in their bags by police . 19

why should every architecte design airport ? Sitting area should design to be under three types : . Private . Can moveable within zone . . Semi private . By adding hands to chair . . Public . Without hands to chair . Add screen ad in every where to know all details fastly . Airport are worked under stress and anxiety ,so make warmer materials in rest zone and cold materials in work zone . natural resource like light and air are the most positive effect for health ,put patios and indoor landscape and open view on runway . curve is felt more comfortable for passengers more than straight line that let us feel stress . _________________________________ 4 - Security All parts of airport should be undercontroling to safety from all things .For example, . Who has drugs in his bag or guns . . Who does not know how to go to his destination . . Who lost his thing . . To organizing all things . _________________________________ 5 - Abstract of country Arrivals and departures want to see frame of country in airport by adding some of most popular in that there { furniture , lighting , shape of building , squares , construction } to keep this image in their mind to travel with him to their country and tell that to their friends and family . _________________________________ 6 - Transportation Transportation is the most complex movement special in airport . To make it undercontroling should design urban in four ways : . Airplane runway .


why should every architecte design airport ? . Circulation of cars . . Circulation of pedestrians . . Emergency way . _________________________________ 7 - Materials A large part of cost is in materials . To make it economic most care about every details like Tiles / floor / gibson board / exterior materials / interior materials . Most materials are used : . Alucobond . Fiberglass . Stone . Wood . Aluminum . Steel . glass . Concrete runway materials can be : . earthy . concrete . asphlt . grassy . Cobblestone A smart design that is how to make mixture of more than one material and work as one part of building in a harmony solution . _________________________________ 8 - Sustainable system Airport is produced a lot of pollution from airplane and cars .However, pollution can reduced by create a new system depend on sustainable system that make environment more healthy . . Electricity is produced by solar panels and fans . . Use materials has a long life and can recycling . . Planting little trees and make more green area than usual . . Use cars and smart small train { to transport inside airport } work on electricity . _________________________________ In conclusion ,use these main notes as main point of design can give us a original product that be harmony with environment and site . And make all arrivals and departures in breast and happy . And remember that when design is finished it will be for ever so put your finger print in that landmark to make it a part of history and for far future . 21

airports classification . International airport . Local airport . Shipping airport . Military airport . Ambulance airport . Commercial airport _________________________________ International airport has the biggest functions from other . Some main functions in airport . . Terminals . Hangars . Apron/ramp . Taxiway . Runway . Parking . Fire brigade building . Maintenance building . Building electrical and mechanics . Building a security branch . Hotel . Catering building _________________________________ How to choose site for airport ? . Away from urban expansion . The situation of climate and wind . Easy way to arrive to airport . Airport can expansion in the future . Another airport located near by a new one 22

International airport

18.1 m

. Topography of site . Economic of airport . Close to city . Runway should be with wind direction . What are types of airplanes will use their ? . How many arrivals and departures per year ? _________________________________ Dimension of airplanes Should decide how many airplanes Be in airport in the same time ? How long length airplane will stand there ?

c 88.4 m



84 m

All things are related with counts and large of airplanes because the numbers of arrivals and departures will be more with more trips . Runway should design to can stand width of airplane that choosed .


Terminals types . liner design Departures and arrivals go directly to airplane or to terminal . There is just a wall in mid between public area and duty free . 1- Public area . 2- Duty free . _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ . Finger Desgin Departures and arrivals go into a tunnel to airplane or to duty free than to terminal . 1 - Public area . 2 - Duty free . 3 - Tunnel . _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ . Island desgin Departures and arrivals go into a tunnel to island . There is a duty free . They wait there for their tour . Tunnel which connect between island and terminal should be in high level more high than of the biggest airplane there . 1 - Public area . 2 - Tunnel. 3 - Island . 24

Airport Bubble Diagrams




Main space for each function

If Terminal stands 20 Million passangers annoul . 20 Million / 360 days * 24 hours = The Result * total area for each service = How Much Space Does each function Need .


Beijing airport . china . Zaha Hadid


Beijing airport . china . Zaha Hadid


Beijing airport . china . Zaha Hadid


Beijing airport . china . Zaha Hadid Public Area transit Area Administration Check In Security Beijing Daxing International Airport is a new airport in the Daxing district 46km south of the city centre . . Initially serving 45 million passengers per year . . Beijing Daxing will accommodate 72 million travellers by 2025 . . Beijing Daxing’s 700,000m2 passenger terminal includes an 80,000m2 ground transportation centre offering direct connections to Beijing . . 79 gates with airbridges connect directly to the terminal .


Harbin Airport. china . MAD


Harbin Airport. china . MAD


Harbin Airport. china . MAD


Jewel Changi Airport . Singapore . Safdie Architects


Jewel Changi Airport . Singapore . Safdie Architects


Jewel Changi Airport . Singapore . Safdie Architects


Jewel Changi Airport . Singapore . Safdie Architects Terminal 1 Terminal 2 Terminal 3 Terminal 4 Public Area

The airport is located in Changi, at the eastern end of Singapore, approximately 20 km from Marina Bay . . Jewel Changi Airport, which opened on 17 April 2019, is a multi-use structure, mainly a shopping mall, interconnecting Terminals 1, 2 and 3 . Announced in 2013 . Changi served 68.3 million passengers, making it the 18th busiest airport in the world . . Changi Airport serves more than 100 airlines flying to 400 cities in around 100 coun tries and territories worldwide . . The airport terminal structure is projected to be larger than terminals 1, 2 and 3 combined . . The airport has won over 620 awards since its opening, including 28 “Best Airport” awards in 2019 .


SWOT Analysis for examples

S w o t

Beijing Zaha Hadid

Harbin MAD

Jewel Changi S-Architects

Large skin without columns in the mid Stand more than 45 million passengers per annum

Large skin without columns in the mid Skin works as structure for building

Making forest inside main hall to add sustainable system to building Skin works as structure for building

High cost . High cost . Airport was used a lot of Airport was used a lot of spaces . spaces .

need maintenance periodically .

Airport can expansion in Airport can expansion in the future . the future .

attractive for all tourist .

Any defect in metal joint Any defect in metal joint leads to a high risk . leads to a high risk .

Any defect that spoils the environmental system of the building .


New Design is aimed at there are many resons of devoloping damascus airport . in fact , that one called local airport because terminal is too small and the number of airplanes who can stand in square just 32 ones . . design will be attractive for all tourists from around the world as a land mark . . the main concept is to let tourists come and buy things from our traditional to returns that a good economy for my country . . Adding terminals to increase the number of tourists . . Adding Smart system to the airport . . Design will be more comfortable for departures and arrivals . . Making Damascus airport as a bridge between the north and the south and the west and the east . . Adding new technology for building . . Making design modernist . . Adding Parametric design to adaptive with all parameters . . Airport is not just for passengers . It also for all people to spend a good time there .


New Design is aimed on Site analysis

First proposal

Second proposal


New Design is aimed on First proposal

Linear Mass


New Design is aimed on Second proposal

Large mass as one block


Data is Referenced to WEB Site : . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

http://reparametrize.com/ http://www.greenvilledowntownairport.com/AirportSign.html https://centreforaviation.com/data/profiles/airports/damascus-international-airport-dam https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syria https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Damascus https://theconstructor.org/transportation/airport-components/20033/ https://kepler.gl/ https://www.bibliocad.com/en/library/plano-urban-damascus-syria-damascus-_80021/ https://www.archdaily.com/ https://www.pinterest.com https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCftwRNsjfRo08xYE31tkiyw https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjYfxOwPsnoFOmbde2Cuz5Q https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNGpYr7N7jCZbtjcgGqXz2g https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTbEtmAsXnsLTQ823rMl1LQ

Books references : . . . transportaion . airport engineering- third edition-Norman ashord and Paul Wright


: Dr.Ziwar Al nouri Arch.Bilal Baghdadi Arch.Ahamd Ibrahem Arch.Ali Hamowi Arch.Shade Barkil Arch.Abd Al rhaman Balbos Arch.Bashar Al Dimashqui 43

Mohammad Jumaa


Dr.Jafar Mansoor Alzahabi

Dr. Bahjat Natouf -


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