Redesign for Faculty of Environmental Designs

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FED Faculty Of Environmental Design KING ABDULAZIZ UNIVERSITY Supervisor : Dr. Farag Mohamed Zaki Abd Elnaby Supervisor : Prof. Khaled Mahmoud Sami Sayed



Sustainable FED Building Introduction The project aims to significantly improve the building of the Faculty of Faculty Of Environmental Design, both architecturally and environmentally. The building does not appear to be a college of architecture and planning in terms of design for the external facades and internal spaces. This project focuses on analyzing and criticizing the building on its current state from sustainable aspects and highlighting solutions aimed at environmentally and then re-designing the building to reflect its function, while reducing the operating cost of the building using appropriate passive design ways to achieve this goal.

‫ ال يظهر المبنى أنهاا كلياة دند اة معمارياة‬.‫ من الناحية المعمارية والبيئية بشكل كبير‬،‫يهدف المشروع إلى تحسين مبنى كلية تصاميم البيئة‬ ‫ يركز دذا المشاروع علاى تحليال ون اد المبناى علاى و اعة الارادن مان‬، ‫وتخطيطية من حيث التصميم للواجهات الخارجية والمساحات الداخلية‬ ‫ ما ت ليال تكلفاة تشاييل المبناى با اتخدا‬، ‫النواحي المستدامة وإبراز الحلول الهادفاة بيئيا وا ومان ام إعااد تصاميم المبناى لايعك وظيفتا‬ .‫التصميم السلبي المنا ب طرق لتح يق دذا الهدف‬

King Abdulaziz University

Site Location The FED building is a part of the new academic square in the center of the campus of King Abdulaziz University. The building located on the faculties street from the southern side of the academic square. The colleges street is one of the most important streets, its considered as an Axis separating between the male section and female section.

‫دو جزء من الساحة األكاديمية الجديد‬FED ‫موق الموق مبنى‬ ‫ المبنى ي على شارع‬.‫في و ط حر جامعة الملك عبد العزيز‬ ‫ يعتبر شارع الكليات‬.‫الكليات من الجهة الجنوبية للساحة األكاديمية‬ ‫من أدم الشوارع ويعتبر محورا يفصل بين قسم الذكور وشطر‬ .‫الطالبات‬

King AbdulAziz university is considered one of the most important landmarks in Jeddah. It is one of the most popular places in Jeddah on a daily from all sectors of the society, because it contains many activities and educational and recreational services. The project comes as a continuation of campus development in terms OF urban and environmental. The project aims to improve one of the buildings of the academic terms architectural and environmental significantly.

‫ الحتوائها‬، ‫ ودي من أشهر األماكن في جد بشكل يومي من جمي قطاعات المجتم‬. ‫تعتبر جامعة الملك عبد العزيز من أدم معالم جد‬ .‫تمرارا لتطوير الحر الجامعي من الناحية الحضرية والبيئية‬ ‫ يأتي المشروع ا‬.‫على العديد من األنشطة والخدمات التعليمية والترفيهية‬ ‫و‬ .‫يهدف المشروع إلى تحسين كلية تصاميم البيئة من حيث المصطلحات المعمارية والبيئية بشكل كبير‬

Urban Study Of Academy

Nearby buildings

Wall temperatures

Wind study

Study Analysis

Study Analysis

Study Analysis

Study Analysis

Study Analysis

Study Analysis

Study Analysis


Center Of University

Attention Point

Became A Landmark

Based on what has been done of development of campus, academic square is the most prominent place of the university, because of existence colleges and services in addition to its location in the center of the university.

The site of Faculty of Environment Designs is a big challenge because it is located on a high traffic density street (Colleges street), in addition to it is opposite to the old campus area, which makes it a gateway through which to the academic square.

Historically, Faculty of Environment Designs is the first college building was established in the academic square, and has since become a landmark to arrive to the academic square.

‫ فإن‬، ‫بناء على ما تم إنجازه من تطوير الحر الجامعي‬ ‫و‬ ‫ لوجود‬، ‫الساحة األكاديمية دي أبرز مكان بالجامعة‬ ‫كليات وخدمات باإل افة إلى موقعها في و ط‬ .‫الجامعة‬

‫يشكل موق كلية تصاميم البيئة تحدياو كبيراو لوقوعها‬ ‫ باإل افة‬، )‫على شارع كثيف المرور (شارع الكليات‬ ‫إلى أنها م ابل منط ة الحر الجامعي ال ديمة مما‬ ‫يجعلها بوابة يمكن من خاللها الوصول إلى الساحة‬ .‫األكاديمية‬

‫ تعد كلية تصاميم البيئة أول‬، ‫من الناحية التاريخية‬ ، ‫مبنى جامعي تم إنشاؤه في الساحة األكاديمية‬ ‫ومنذ ذلك الحين أصبحت عالمة بارز للوصول إلى‬ .‫الساحة األكاديمية‬

Vision And Goals Vision: Make the building a good development example compatible with the local environment.

SOCIAL Goals: - Create social environment motivate to work and study. - Improve entertainment aspects and sharing Criteria: - Redesign the spaces correctly. - Linking with outside spaces. - Provide recreational spaces for leisure.



Goals: - Target students coming through the gate to the academic square. - Reduce dependence on electricity.

Goals: - Target students coming through the gate to the academic square. - Reduce dependence on electricity.

Criteria: Provide an exhibition for student work. - Provide commercial activities. - Utilization of natural resources.

Criteria: Provide an exhibition for student work. - Provide commercial activities. - Utilization of natural resources.

Case study

Melbourne School of Design Architects : John Wardle Architects, NADAAA Location : Melbourne VIC, Australia Area : 15772.0 m2

Project Year : 2014 Floor levels : Footprint : Client

6 floor

3,330 sqm

: Faculty of Architecture,

Building and Planning, University of Melbourne


650m² 175m²


Ground floor

Small Exhibition Cafe Workshop

Entry to Auditoriu

Union Lawn Foyer New entry Courtyard

Main Exhibition


Void to Lower Level Library

Level : 01 Student & offices

Landscape Terrace

Print room

Studio spaces


Office of Dean & General Manager

Void to Exhibition space below .

Terrace Large Seminar rooms

Studio spaces

Level : 02 Student & offices

Level : 03 research & offices

Level : 04 Studios research & offices

Perspective Section

Perspective Section

Perspective Section Library

Southwest International Ethnic Culture and Art Center Architects : Tongji Architectural Design and Research

Location : Kunming, China Area : 17,540m2 Project Year : 2013

Floor levels : Footprint : Size :

6 floor


Green Area 9,214m2; Above Ground 34, 500m2; Underground 7,505m2; 1st Floor 7,200m2; 2nd Floor 5,700m2; 3rd Floor 6,000m2; 4th Floor 6,300m2; 5th Floor 6,500m2; 6th Floor 3,200m2






1ST Floor

2ND Floor

3RD Floor

4TH Floor

5TH Floor


Section AA

Phil and Penny Knight Campus for Accelerating Scientific Impact Architects : Bora Architects, Ennead Architects Location : Eugene , United States

Area : 225000 ft² Project Year : 2020 Floor levels : Awards :

5 floor

AIA Education Facility Design Award

Master plan

Master plan


Level 1

Mezzanine plan

Level 2

Level 3


Jauns Museum Architects : mlzd Location : Rapperswil-Jona Switzerland

Area : 990 m² Project Year : 2011

Floor levels :

4 floor

Client : Ortsgemeinde Rapperswil-Jona type : competition 1st

Ground floor

1ST floor

Elevation & Section

U.S. Embassy Compound Architects : Ennead Architects Location : Ankara, Turkey Area : 9000 m² Project Year : 2020

Floor levels :

4 floor

Client : Ortsgemeinde Rapperswil-Jona type : competition 1st

Concept & Master plan

Concept & Master plan


Sun path

Day length varies greatly throughout the year. The shortest day is December 21 10:48 daylight hours. The longest day is June 20 with 13:27 daylight hours. .‫ اعات نهار‬10:48 ‫ ديسمبر‬21 ‫ أقصر يو دو‬. ‫طول النهار يختلف اختالفا كبيرا على مدار العا‬ .‫ اعات النهار‬13:27 ‫ يونيو م‬20 ‫أطول يو دو‬

Current Functions

Sunrise and sunset with twilight ‫شروق الشم وغروبها م الشفق‬ The last sunrise is at 5:39 am on June 6, The last sunrise is one hour 24 minutes later at 7:03 AM on January 16th. The closest sunset is at 5:39 am on November 27, The latest sunset is 1 hour 30 minutes later at 07:09 on July 4th ، ‫ يونيو‬6 ‫صباحا في‬ 5:39 ‫آخر شروق الشم دو الساعة‬ ‫و‬ . ‫ يناير‬16 ‫صباحا في‬ 7:03 ‫ دقي ة في تما الساعة‬24 ‫وآخر شروق الشم دو اعة واحد بعد‬ ‫و‬ ، ‫ نوفمبر‬27 ‫ على‬05:39 ‫في أقرب غروب الشم دو في‬ ‫ يوليو‬4 ‫ على‬07:09 ‫ دقي ة في وقت الحق في‬30 ‫ اعة و‬1 ‫و أحدث غروب الشم دو‬

Day and night hours ‫اعات النهار والليل‬ The length of the day in Jeddah varies throughout the year. In 2021, The shortest day is December 21, 10 hours and 49 minutes of daylight; The longest day is June 21, with 13 hours and 27 minutes of daylight.

، 2021 ‫ في عا‬. ‫يختلف طول اليو في جد على مدار العا‬ 13 ‫ م‬، ‫ يونيو‬21 ‫ دقي ة من وء النهار ؛ أطول يو دو‬49 ‫ اعات و‬10 ، ‫ ديسمبر‬21 ‫أقصر يو دو‬ .‫ دقي ة من و ح النهار‬27 ‫اعة و‬

Maximum temperatures cool



Average temperatures and precipitation ‫متو ط درجات الحرار ودطول االمطار‬

The ratio of the number of days to temperature ‫نسبة عدد األيا لدرجات الحرار‬

Summer from 17 May - 10 October with average daily maximum temperature above 37°C. The hottest day of the year is July 7, with an average high of 39°C and a low of 26°C. Winter from December 13 - February 29 with the average daily maximum temperature below 30°C. The coldest day of the year is February 12 with an average low of 18°C and a high of 29°C. .‫ درجة مئوية‬37 ‫ أكتوبر م المتو ط اليومي لدرجة حرار العظمى فوق‬10 - ‫ مايو‬17 ‫الصيف من‬ .‫ درجة مئوية‬26 ‫ درجة مئوية وانخفاض‬39 ‫ م ارتفاع متو ط من‬،‫ يوليو‬7 ‫ا حن يو من أيا السنة دو‬ .‫ درجة مئوية‬30 ‫ فبراير م المتو ط اليومي لدرجة حرار العظمى أقل من‬29 - ‫ ديسمبر‬13 ‫الشتاء من‬ .‫ درجة مئوية‬29 ‫ وارتفاع من‬،‫ درجة مئوية‬18 ‫ فبراير م أدنى مستوى متو ط من‬12 ‫أبرد أيا السنة دو‬

Maximum temperatures

Cloudy, sunny, and precipitation days ‫األيا المييمة والمشمسة والممطر‬

Precipitation amounts ‫كميات دطول األمطار‬

The graph shows the monthly number of sunny, partly cloudy, overcast and precipitation days. Days with less than 20% cloud cover are considered as sunny, with 20-80% cloud cover as partly cloudy and with more than 80% as overcast ‫ واأليا‬، ‫جزئيا‬ ‫ الملبد بالييو‬، ‫يو ح الر م البياني العدد الشهري لأليا المشمسة‬ ‫و‬ ‫ م غطاء‬، ‫ مشمسة‬٪ 20 ‫ تعتبر األيا التي ي ل فيها اليطاء السحابي عن‬. ‫الملبد بالييو‬ ‫ ملبد بالييو‬٪ 80 ‫جزئيا وأكثر من‬ ‫ تكون غائمة و‬٪80-20 ‫من السحاب بنسبة‬

Wind speed & direction

‫رسعة الرياح‬

Average maximum and minimum wind speeds ‫متو ط رعات الرياح العظمى والصيرى‬

Wind direction ‫اتجاه الرياح‬

Wind speed ‫عدد األيا لسرع الرياح‬

The wind is most often from: North (26% of the time) Northwest (23% of the time) West (12% of the time) Wind less often from the southeast (1% of the time) East (2% of the time), South (2% of the time), and Southwest (5% of the time) : ‫تكون الرياح في معظم األحيان من‬ )‫ من الوقت‬٪12( ‫ من الوقت) اليرب‬٪23( ‫ من الوقت) الشمال اليربي‬٪26( ‫الشمال‬ )‫ من الوقت‬٪1( ‫الرياح األقل في كثير من األحيان من الجنوب الشرقي‬ )‫ من الوقت‬٪5( ‫ وجنوب غربي‬،)‫ من الوقت‬٪2( ‫ الجنوب‬،)‫ من الوقت‬٪2( ‫الشرق‬

Wind rose









Year September





Average maximum and minimum relative humidity ‫متو ط الرطوبة النسبية العظمى والصيرى‬

Humidity rate ‫نسبة الرطوبة‬

Relative humidity typically ranges from 30% (dry) to 89% (very humid) throughout the year. It rarely drops below 17% (dry) and reaches 96% (very wet). The air is driest on July 7, when relative humidity drops below 39% (comfortable) three out of four days. It is the most humid around October 3, exceeding 84% (wet) three out of four days. ، ‫ (الرطبة جدا) على مدار العا‬٪89 ‫ (الجاف) إلى‬٪30 ‫الرطوبة النسبية تتراوح عاد من‬ .)‫ (رطب جدا‬٪96 ‫ (الجاف) ووصلت إلى‬٪17 ‫ونادرا ما تصل انخفا إلى ما دون‬ .‫ (مريح) ال ة أيا من أصل أربعة‬٪39 ‫ في الوقت الذي تنخفض الرطوبة النسبية أقل من‬،‫ يوليو‬7 ‫الهواء دو األكثر جفافا في‬ .‫ (الرطبة) ال ة أيا من أصل أربعة‬٪84 ‫ أكتوبر تتجاوز‬3 ‫دو األكثر رطب حوالي‬

Comfort zone in humidity

In the wet period of the year it lasts for 8.2 months from 8 April to 13 December, During this period the comfort level is humid and hot, at least 38% of the time. The most uncomfortable day of the year is September 8, with conditions humid and hot 91%. The least humid and hot of the year is on January 21, with conditions humid and hot 21%. ،‫ ديسمبر‬13 ‫ أبريل إلى‬8 ‫ أشهر من‬8.2 ‫في الفتر رطب من العا يستمر لمد‬ .‫ من الوقت‬٪38 ‫ ال ي ل عن‬، ‫وخالل دذه الفتر مستوى الراحة دو رطب وحار‬ ‫ واكثر يو غير مريح‬.٪91 ‫ م الظروف رطب وحار‬، ‫ بتمبر‬8 ‫في السنة دو‬ .٪21 ‫ م الظروف رطب وحار‬، ‫ يناير‬21 ‫و األقل رطب وحاره في السنة دو يو‬

‫مستويات الراحة يف الرطوبة‬


And throughout the year, the dew point is usually from 10°C (very comfortable) to 26°C (uncomfortable) And rarely below 3°C (dry) or above 29°C (very uncomfortable). The time of the year between January 3 and February 27 is the most comfortable, the dew point which is neither too dry nor too humid and hot )‫ درجة مئوية (غير مريح‬26 ‫ درجة مئوية (مريح جدا) إلى‬10 ‫ ن طة الندى يختلف عاد من‬،‫وعلى مدار السنة‬ ° 3 ‫ ونادرا ما يكون أقل من‬C .)‫ درجة مئوية (جدا غير مريح‬29 ‫(الجاف) أو فوق‬ ‫ م ن طة الندى التي ليست جافة جدا وال رطب وحار جدا‬،‫ فبراير دو األكثر راحة‬27 ‫ يناير و‬3 ‫الوقت من السنة ما بين‬

Solar energy

The period of the brightest year lasts for 4.0 months, from April 13 to August 12, With a daily average of incident short wave energy per square meter above 7.2 kWh. The brightest day of the year is June 23, with an average of 7.8 kWh. The dark period of the year lasts for 2.7 months, from November 6 to January 29, With a daily average incident short wave energy per square meter of less than 5.2 kWh. The darkest day of the year is December 22, with an average of 4.6 kWh.

، ‫ أغسط‬12 ‫ أبريل إلى‬13 ‫ من‬، ‫ أشهر‬4.0 ‫إشراقا لمد‬ ‫و‬ ‫تستمر فتر العا األكثر‬ ‫ كيلو وات‬7.2 ‫بمتو ط يومي لطاقة الموجات ال صير الحاد ة لكل متر مرب أعلى من‬ . ‫ كيلوواط اعة‬7.8 ‫ بمتو ط قدره‬، ‫ يونيو‬23 ‫و اكثر يو مشرق من أيا السنة دو‬ ، ‫ يناير‬29 ‫ نوفمبر إلى‬6 ‫ من‬، ‫شهرا‬ 2.7 ‫تستمر الفتر المظلمة من العا لمد‬ ‫و‬ . ‫ كيلو وات في الساعة‬5.2 ‫بمتو ط يومي لطاقة الموجات ال صير الحاد ة لكل متر مرب أقل من‬ . ‫ كيلوواط اعة‬4.6 ‫ بمتو ط قدره‬، ‫ ديسمبر‬22 ‫في مظلم أيا السنة دو‬ . ‫اعة‬

Climate studies summary


FED It concerned with teaching of physical planning and design sciences. It contains four sections: Planning, Landscape architecture, Architecture, and Geomatics. It includes studios, offices, halls and classrooms, in addition to laboratories equipped with equipment's. Founded in 1976, then college moved to new building of academic square in 2013. New faculty of environment designs building was first college building establish in the academic square. It is located in southern part of academic square and contains five floors, two front and rear courtyards, and a lobby in the middle of the building.

FED - College is located in the southern part of the academic square. - College is connected directly to the most lively street (Colleges street). - The importance of college site is that it is considered the gateway to academic square in the southern part of it, and a contact point with the old campus. - College building has three free facades that are not connected to any adjacent building.



Area Per Person


Office unit

Office unit

Problem Statement

Problem Statement In spite of the simplicity of the exterior shape of the building, but it still has many problems. The most prominent of these issues are:

‫بالرغم من بساطة الشكل الخارجي للمبنى إال أن ال يزال يعاني من‬ :‫ ومن أبرز دذه ال ضايا‬.‫العديد من المشاكل‬


Structure Building

‫الهيكل‬ ‫المبنى‬

Enormity of the building structure contributed to see the building huge and visually uncomfortable. In addition it caused its obstruction in use of spaces appropriately.

‫ادمت خامة ديكل‬ ‫المبنى في رؤية المبنى‬ .‫بصريا‬ ‫خما وغير مريح‬ ‫و‬ ‫و‬ ‫باإل افة إلى أن تسبب‬ ‫في إعاقة ا تخدا‬ .‫المساحات بشكل منا ب‬

Problem Statement In spite of the simplicity of the exterior shape of the building, but it still has many problems. The most prominent of these issues are:

‫بالرغم من بساطة الشكل الخارجي للمبنى إال أن ال يزال يعاني من‬ :‫ ومن أبرز دذه ال ضايا‬.‫العديد من المشاكل‬


Waste energy

‫الطاقة‬ ‫المهدر‬

Not benefiting of natural ventilation and replace it with excessive use of air conditioning.

‫عد اال تفاد من‬ ‫التهوية الطبيعية‬ ‫وا تبدالها باإلفراط في‬ .‫ا تخدا أجهز التكييف‬

Problem Statement In spite of the simplicity of the exterior shape of the building, but it still has many problems. The most prominent of these issues are:

‫بالرغم من بساطة الشكل الخارجي للمبنى إال أن ال يزال يعاني من‬ :‫ ومن أبرز دذه ال ضايا‬.‫العديد من المشاكل‬


Unused spaces

‫المساحات غير‬ ‫المستخدمة‬

Enormity of the building structure contributed to see the building huge and visually uncomfortable. In addition it caused its obstruction in use of spaces appropriately.

‫بعض المساحات التي تم‬ ‫تصميمها لم يتم تصميمها‬ ‫بشكل صحيح وبالتالي لم‬ .‫تستفد منها‬

Problem Statement In spite of the simplicity of the exterior shape of the building, but it still has many problems. The most prominent of these issues are:

‫بالرغم من بساطة الشكل الخارجي للمبنى إال أن ال يزال يعاني من‬ :‫ ومن أبرز دذه ال ضايا‬.‫العديد من المشاكل‬


Building materials

‫مواد‬ ‫البناء‬

The materials used have healthdamaging aspects in addition to their enormoys use make the building looks dull.

‫المواد المستخدمة لها‬ ‫جوانب ار بالصحة‬ ‫باإل افة إلى ا تخدامها‬ ‫الهائل يجعل المبنى يبدو‬ .‫بادت وا‬

Problem Statement In spite of the simplicity of the exterior shape of the building, but it still has many problems. The most prominent of these issues are:

‫بالرغم من بساطة الشكل الخارجي للمبنى إال أن ال يزال يعاني من‬ :‫ ومن أبرز دذه ال ضايا‬.‫العديد من المشاكل‬


Building Entrance

‫مدخل‬ ‫المبنى‬

Students enter the building through the main entrance at a low level and then use the vertical connection to move up into the building's lobby.

‫يدخل الطالب المبنى من‬ ‫خالل المدخل الرئيسي‬ ‫بمستوى منخفض م‬ ‫يستخدمون االتصال‬ ‫الرأ ي لالنت ال إلى رددة‬ .‫المبنى‬

Problem Statement In spite of the simplicity of the exterior shape of the building, but it still has many problems. The most prominent of these issues are:

‫بالرغم من بساطة الشكل الخارجي للمبنى إال أن ال يزال يعاني من‬ :‫ ومن أبرز دذه ال ضايا‬.‫العديد من المشاكل‬


Studios depth

‫عمق‬ ‫اال تديو‬

Lack of natural lighting in the studios due to the depth of the studio and the length of the distance between the window and the opposite side.

‫عد وجود إ اء طبيعية‬ ‫في اال توديودات بسبب‬ ‫عمق اال توديو وطول‬ ‫المسافة بين النافذ‬ .‫والجانب الم ابل‬

Problem Statement In spite of the simplicity of the exterior shape of the building, but it still has many problems. The most prominent of these issues are:

‫بالرغم من بساطة الشكل الخارجي للمبنى إال أن ال يزال يعاني من‬ :‫ ومن أبرز دذه ال ضايا‬.‫العديد من المشاكل‬


Offices without daylight

‫مكاتب‬ ‫بدون وء‬

The lack of daylight in most of faculty members offices because there is no windows that allow the entry of daylight or fresh air

‫مكاتب بدون وء النهار‬ ‫قلة وء النهار في معظم‬ ‫مكاتب أعضاء ديئة‬ ‫التدري لعد وجود نوافذ‬ ‫تسمح بدخول وء النهار‬ ‫أو الهواء الن ي‬

Problem Statement In spite of the simplicity of the exterior shape of the building, but it still has many problems. The most prominent of these issues are:

‫بالرغم من بساطة الشكل الخارجي للمبنى إال أن ال يزال يعاني من‬ :‫ ومن أبرز دذه ال ضايا‬.‫العديد من المشاكل‬


Building atrium

‫فناء‬ ‫المبنى‬

The interior courtyard of the building occupies a large area that requires expensive cost to cool the air in it

‫تشيل الفناء الداخلي‬ ‫للمبنى مساحة كبير‬ ‫تتطلب تكلفة بادظة لتبريد‬ .‫الهواء فيها‬

Problem Statement



5 Floors

High = 25.5 m

2 Main Entrances

3 Free Facade

Components Area : 321 m²

Area : 321 m² Students : 40 Student area : 8 m² Standard : 3.5-4.5 m²

Built-up area Area : 5,710 m² Void : 406 m² Solid: 5,304 m²

Student area in studio 8% 92%

Studio depth from window :

16.5 m Standard : 4.5-6 m *D = 1.5 x Hw

Corridor ratio Area : 1,055.6 m² Ratio : 20%

Space depth

Components Area : 1,861 m² Void : 456.3 m² Solid: 1,404.7 m²

Facade Void Ratio East Area : 2,125 m² Void : 1456 m² Solid:330 m²

22% 77%

24.5% 75.5%

Facade Void Ratio Front

Facade Void Ratio West Area : 2,125 m² Void : 510 m² Solid: 1,593 m²

24.5% 75.5%









Neighboring B










Views (From site) +




Open space




Open space

Open space


Dimensions And Area 22




84 12

60 26


21 19







Sun Path

Wind Rose














Views (From Site) F












Views (To Site) B











All site analysis


Ground floor Keywords

Ground floor

First floor Keywords

First floor

Second floor Keywords

Second floor

Third floor Keywords

Third floor

Fourth floor Keywords

Fourth floor

First floor

Current Functions Employee offices : 19 office Academic offices: 128 office Lifts : 6 Staircase : 5 Labs : 12 Studios: 27

AR 10 : LA 6: URP 7: GEOM 4:


type A 2 3 3 3

type A: 194 m² type B: 300 m²

type B 8 3 4 1

Ground floor

First floor

Second floor


Third floor

Fourth floor


Shared studio

16.8 m


16.8 m






Area 16.8 m 9.6 m

Classroom 9.6 m


Office-A 3.2 m 3.2 m

9.6 m

9.6 m


6.6 m

3.2 m

Office-B 6.6 m

3.2 m

Structural System the structure system of the building is two way slab, it made of reinforced concrete cast in site. Lifts walls are reinforced concrete. The floor of corridors have separate structure from the structure of the interior spaces. Height of space : 5 m Clear height: 3.6 Depth of ceiling : 1.15 m. Thickness of floor : 0.24 m Depth of beam : 0.55 Diameter of column : 0.9 m


Strategies The faculty of environmental designs envelope has a large unused and waste area , that area undersigned and unusable , students in FED needs some diversity and experience because the college doesn't has an outdoor suitable or shaded area to be used . By creating skin what can mix the outdoor and indoor spaces and replace all the inside solid facades with glass , that can that can make transparency between outdoor areas and indoor spaces , and it can be overlooking in front of the green area outside and create a space . ‫تحتوي كلية التصميمات البيئية على مساحة كبير غير‬ ‫ ودذه المنط ة غير مصممة وغير صاالحة‬، ‫مستخدمة‬ ‫إلى بعض التنوع‬FED ‫ يحتاج الطالب في‬، ‫لال تخدا‬ ‫ألن الكليااة ال تحتااوي علااى منط ااة خارجيااة منا اابة أو‬ ‫ ماان خاالل التيطيااة ماا يمكاان أن‬.‫مظللاة ال اتخدامها‬ ‫يمااازج باااين المسااااحات الخارجياااة والداخلياااة وا اااتبدال‬ ‫ يمكااان أن‬، ‫جميااا الواجهاااات الصااالبة الداخلياااة بالزجااااج‬ ‫يجعل ذلك شفافية بين المساحات الخارجية والداخلياة‬ ‫ ويمكن أن يطل على المنط ة الخضراء بالخارج ويخلق‬، . ‫مساحة ترفيهية ومنا بة لال تخدا‬



Fresh air & wind


Strategies Usually the building facade reflects the building uses and identity, but that doesn't fit with FED building which has a solid block facades, huge mass and small closed windows. Skin facade can make a new facade reflects the identity of the faculty of environmental designs and it can be unique. By facade treatment and study the envelope in the current situation, the building shape can be an attraction point.

‫عاااد و مااا تعك ا واجهااة المبنااى ا ااتخدامات المبنااى‬ ‫الاذي‬FED ‫ ولكان داذا ال يتنا اب ما مبناى‬، ‫ودويت‬ ‫يحتوي على واجهات كتلة صلبة وكتلة خمة ونوافاذ‬ ‫ يمكاان أن تجعاال واجهااة الجلااد واجهااة‬.‫صاايير ميل ااة‬ ‫جديد تعك دوية كلياة التصااميم البيئياة ويمكان أن‬ ‫ ماان خااالل معالجااة الواجهااة‬.‫تكااون فريااد ماان نوعهااا‬ ‫ يمكاان أن يكااون‬، ‫ودرا ااة اليااالف فااي الو ا الحااالي‬ .‫شكل المبنى ن طة جذب‬



Fresh air & wind


Strategies The solid facade at faculty of environmental designs has no transmittance of fresh air ventilation, that causes the lack of open spaces and outdoor areas, which the students needs to be creative and take a break outdoor and smell some fresh air. The facade can be a part of creating a good space, that can be happen by making the skin facade transmittance air and controls the air ventilation and orientation, and create suitable outdoor open spaces.

‫الواجهة الصلبة في كلية التصميمات البيئية ال تحتاوي‬ ‫ ممااا يتساابب فااي‬، ‫علااى نفاذيااة لتهويااة الهااواء الن ااي‬ ‫ األمار‬، ‫قلة المساحات المفتوحة والمسااحات الخارجياة‬ ‫الذي يحتاج الطالب إلى اإلبداع واال تراحة في الهواء‬ ‫ يمكن أن تكون‬.‫الطلق وا تنشاق بعض الهواء الن ي‬ ، ‫جزءا من إنشاء مساحة جيد‬ ‫الواجهة و‬ ‫يمكان أن يحادث ذلااك عان طرياق جعاال نفاذياة واجهااة‬ ‫ وإنشاء‬، ‫دواء يتحكم في تهوية الهواء وتوجيه‬ ‫الجلد‬ ‫و‬ .‫مساحات مفتوحة منا بة في الهواء الطلق‬



Fresh air & wind


Strategies Solar photovoltaic (PV) modules generate electricity from sunlight, which can be fed into the mains electricity supply of a building. Reducing the need for fossil fuel generation, the growing grid-connected solar PV sector across the globe is helping to save money, energy saving and cut greenhouse emissions. Solar Roof complements architecture while turning sunlight into electricity. With an integrated battery, energy collected during the day is stored and made available any time, effectively utility. The fifth facade considered as important element so, taking this advantage by saving energy and reuse it is a very important part of the new vision. ‫الكهربااء‬PV) ( ‫تولد وحدات الطاقة الشمساية الكهرو اوئية‬ ‫ والت ااي يمك اان تي ااذيتها ف ااي إم اادادات‬، ‫م اان ااوء الش اام‬ ‫ ت لياال الحاجااة إلااى توليااد الوقااود‬.‫الكهرباااء الرئيسااية للمبنااى‬ ‫ يساااعد قطاااع الطاقااة الشمسااية الكهرو ااوئية‬، ‫األحفااوري‬ ‫المتنامي المتصل بالشبكة في جمي أنحاء العالم على توفير‬ .‫المااال وتااوفير الطاقااة وخفااض انبعا ااات االحتبااا الحااراري‬ ‫يكمل الس ف الشمسي العماار بينماا يحاول اوء الشام‬ ‫ يااتم تخاازين الطاقااة التااي‬، ‫ م ا بطاريااة متكاملااة‬.‫إلااى كهرباااء‬ ‫ ودي مفيد‬، ‫يتم جمعها خالل اليو وإتاحتها في أي وقت‬ ‫ لذا فاإن‬، ‫مهما‬ ‫عنصرا‬ ‫ تعتبر الواجهة الخامسة‬.‫بشكل فعال‬ ‫و‬ ‫و‬ ‫اال ا اااتفاد م ا ااان د ا اااذه المي ا اااز بت ا اااوفير الطاق ا اااة وإع ا ااااد‬ . ‫جدا من الرؤية الجديد‬ ‫ا تخدامها جزء مهم و‬



Fresh air & wind


Design Approach The building will be treated with the preservation of some floors and walls and the removal of some of them to achieve maximum ventilation and natural light. Some floors slabs will be removed while maintaining the because of difficulty of dealing with the existing structure and this will help to reduce the losses. structure In addition to creating public spaces and activities for students and improving the quality of work and study by providing shared work spaces and visual communication. Achieve four elements:

Building needs

Building needs Gallery

Print Hall



Jory Presentation

In &outdoor sitting

Games Hall


Study room


Strategies of Sustainable Design

Home + Site + neighborhood strategy

Mahoney's Table

Mahoney's Table

Mahoney's Table specifications & requirements

Mahoney's Table Recommendations for architectural details

Mahoney's Table

Concept Strategies Design Approach

Visual connectivity

Redesign corridor

The building will be treated with the preservation of some floors and walls and the removal of some of them to achieve maximum ventilation and natural light. Some floors slabs will be removed while maintaining the because of difficulty of dealing with the existing structure and this will help to reduce the losses. structure In addition to creating public spaces and activities for students and improving the quality of work and study by providing shared work spaces and visual communication. Achieve three elements: 1. Natural ventilation 2. Natural lighting 3. Interconnection of spaces

Construction Strategies

Remove slabs

Redesign facade


Concept sketch

Concept sketch

Concept sketch

Concept sketch

Concept 0-As is

Concept 1-Connecting & Relationships

Concept 2-Building needs

Concept 3-Ventilation & visibility

Concept 4-Connecting & Green Area

Concept 5-College majors

Concept 6-Link to the academic

Concept 7-Ventilation control

Concept 8-Double Skin





Site plan


Ground floor


First floor


Second floor


Third floor


Fourth floor


Roof floor


West elevation

West elevation

West elevation

West elevation

Analysis & diagrams

Exploded diagram



Wall temperature

Wall temperature
















Thermal comfort

Thermal comfort

Structural system

Structural system


Checklist LEED

Location & Transportation

Water Efficiency

Water Efficiency

Water Efficiency

Water Efficiency

Materials and Resources

Indoor Environment Quality

Indoor Environment Quality

Indoor Environment Quality

Indoor Environment Quality

Indoor Environment Quality

Indoor Environment Quality




External walls section

External walls section

Jeddah heritage

Jeddah heritage

Energy & Atmosphere




wind & sun energy diagram

Energy consumption & production

Renewable Energy Elements

Costs before & after renewable energy





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