Contents Curriculum Vitae. Motivation Letter. Plan of Action.
Ali El-Sherif’s Candidature For IFMSA-EGYPT NORA 2012-2013
Curriculum Vitae Ali Hassan Saad El-Sherif 15 Al Imam Ali St. – Ismailia Sq. - Heliopolis - Cairo - Egypt Cellular: +20100 83 99 165 Email: Skype: Ali.elsherif90 Twitter: Ali_H_ElSherif Facebook: Ali.h.elsherif
Personal Data:Date of Birth: August 31st, 1990. Nationality: Egyptian. Occupation: 4th year Medical Student.
Education:2008-Present: Faculty of Medicine – Al Azhar University. 1998-2008: Al Azhar Language School (Tawakul Institute) –Tanta - Gharbiya. 1996-1998: Al Azhar Language School – Nasr city – Cairo.
Ali El-Sherif’s Candidature For IFMSA-EGYPT NORA 2012-2013
Curriculum Vitae Competence and experience:Local Experience with AMSA:•
Local Officer on Reproductive health including AIDS for the terms 2011, 2012.
FGM Step-down training
AMSA Constitution and bylaws task force -2011.
Chairperson at AMSA 3rd Conference – 2012.
HY5 Local Campaign – Al-Azhar Park – 2011.
Breast Health Global Initiative. – 2011
Spokesperson at AMSA 2nd Annual conference -2011.
Vice LORA for the term 2010.
Local Coordinator for WAC 2010.
AMSA member since March 2010.
Ali El-Sherif’s Candidature For IFMSA-EGYPT NORA 2012-2013
Curriculum Vitae National experience with IFMSA-Egypt:•
Attendance of March Meeting 2012 – Ghana
Attendance of Projects Leadership Program workshop During MM2012.
IFMSA-Egypt Winter Camp 2012 – Ismailia
TNT in IFMSA-Egypt held in Benha – 2012
National Coordinator of "Mr. and MS. Breastestis" 2011-2012
Member in the Editorial team of IFMSA-Egypt-SCORP newsletter "Humanitarian Call" -2012
National TOT on HIV/AIDS – Alexandria – 2011.
Attendance of Egypt Race for the Cure 2011, 2010.
International Peer Education Training – 2011 - Tunisia
SCORA Summer Camp 2011- Menoufia
Attendance of most of SCORA national sessions during GAs and national meetings.
Attendance of 7 IFMSA-Egypt GAs since July2010.
Attendance of National Workshop on reproductive neoplasms at Mansoura University –2010
Professional Exchange Experience "Outgoing Exchange 2010" –Armenia
Ali El-Sherif’s Candidature For IFMSA-EGYPT NORA 2012-2013
Curriculum Vitae General Assembly Meetings and National meetings:1–IFMSA GA – March Meeting – Ghana -2012 2– IFMSA-Egypt GA – AMSA – April, 2012 3– IFMSA-Egypt GA – TSSA – Jan., 2012 4– IFMSA-Egypt GA – MSSA-Mansoura – Oct., 2011 5– IFMSA-Egypt GA –SSS – 17th Sep., 2011 6– SCORA Summer Camp. 19th-21st Aug., 2011. 7– IFMSA-Egypt GA – Alexandria University. 29th April, 2011. 8– SCORA national meeting -Mansoura University. April, 2011. 9- IFMSA-Egypt GA - ZMSSA. Oct 29th, 2010. 10- IFMSA-Egypt GA – MSSA-Mansoura. July, 2010.
Ali El-Sherif’s Candidature For IFMSA-EGYPT NORA 2012-2013
Curriculum Vitae Certificates taken:1- Attendance of SCORA Session in the March Meeting 2012 - Ghana 2- IFMSA Certified Trainer Feb., 2012. 3- National TOT on HIV/AIDS 2011 4-International Peer Educator – 2011 5-National workshop on Reproductive oncology -2010 6-Local training On HIV/AIDS – AMSA – 2010 7- Training at Path-Physiology Department - Yerevan State Medical University (YSMU) – Armenia
Trainings I gave:1-Motivation and Empowerment – winter camp 2012 2-Time management – MMSA- 2012 3-HIV/AIDS Training – BMSA-2012 4-HIV/AIDS Local Peer Education – AMSA- 2010
Other Activities:1- Attendance of Dr. Farouk El Baz‘s session at American University in Cairo (AUC).2010 2- Attendance of Various Bibliotheca Alexandria Conferences between 2006 and 2007. 3- Attendance of French and English Courses at AXON center. Alexandria, 2006
Ali El-Sherif’s Candidature For IFMSA-EGYPT NORA 2012-2013
Curriculum Vitae Spoken Languages:Arabic: Mother language. English: Well Spoken and Written. French: Basics.
Travelling abroad:1-Ghana: March Meeting 2012. 2-Tunisia: IPET training. 3-Armenia: Through IFMSA-Egypt Outgoing Exchange 2010. 4-Saudi Arabia: Through my family.
Computer Skills:1-Windows Operating System 2- Microsoft Office (Word-Excel-PowerPoint) 3- Internet Fundamentals
Ali El-Sherif’s Candidature For IFMSA-EGYPT NORA 2012-2013
Curriculum Vitae Work Place Characters:1- Helpful, Positive attitude and creative. 2- Self-motivated. 3-Enjoy the Team work and Spirit. 4- Open-minded.
Hobbies:1- Reading. 2- Writing. 3- Handball. 4- Listening to Music. 5- Travelling.
Favorite Quotations:"A doctor's mission should be not just to prevent death... but also to improve the quality of life" Dr. Patch Hunter Adams
Ali El-Sherif’s Candidature For IFMSA-EGYPT NORA 2012-2013
Motivation Letter Cairo, 12th Sep., 2012
Dear IFMSA-Egypt Family,
It's an honor to write for you in such letter, First, please let me to introduce myself, my name is Ali Hassan ElSherif, I am going to my 5th year at the faculty of medicine-Alazhar University, and I am the candidate for the National Officer on Reproductive health including AIDS (NORA) Currently, I am the Local Officer on Reproductive health including AIDS (LORA) at AMSA, and the national Coordinator of "Mr. and Ms. Breastestis" The story has begun since March 2010, when I joined AMSA team, and from the first moment, I chose SCORA being an active member from the start, Thanks to those who motivated me in AMSA. My first GA was in Mansoura, July, 2010 with the first SCORA session to attend. I enjoyed the spirit that I got here in SCORA, with motivated faces who want to make a change. I found myself, few hours after the GA searching on Google and Facebook, on our topics, without any guidance... Just I got the self-initiative to start. After My return from exchange program experience to Armenia in Sept.,2010 I could join all SCORA Activities , and I cannot remember missing any event , project during my two and half years. I worked as vice-LORA at the beginning of the term 2011, and ended as LORA at the same term, and for 2012's term till now. I always keen on learning more and more about SCORA world, so I got my chance to be an international Peer Educator after attendance of IPET in Tunisia, 2011. With more and more involvement to work, I was one of the IFMSA-Egypt delegates to MM2012-Ghana , Gaining the international experience.
Ali El-Sherif’s Candidature For IFMSA-EGYPT NORA 2012-2013
Motivation Letter Why I am applying for that post? First of all, I got an experience that I should deliver as a sign of responsibility and dutifulness, with a realistic plan, and I am aware of the problems that SCORA is facing today and how we can solve them. I always believe that the real power of the team is the power of each member of it, who work in synchronization with each other, my dream is to empower SCORA members; therefore we can reach our goals. SCORA has proven within the last few years, that we can face the challenges successfully, Challenges of time, idea, taboos, to make a change. Our community really needs our cooperation to achieve its demands… and the power is in the youth people, who are medical students... Who are IFMSAians. To conclude, I hope I assured you of my motivation. Thank you very much for your time and consideration. Also you will find here my C.V., Plan of Action, Please feel free to ask questions, if you have any. And finally, I am hopeful to be that right person, in such place like that. I'd like to end with Lao Tzu's quote "Go to the people. Learn from them. Live with them. Start with what they know. Build with what they have. The best of leaders when the job is done, when the task is accomplished, the people will say we have done it ourselves." Thanks a lot,
f i r e Sh
l E Ali
Ali El-Sherif’s Candidature For IFMSA-EGYPT NORA 2012-2013
Plan Of Action Strength Weakness
SWOT Analysis:-
Opportunities Threats
1-Recognized NGO. 2-19 LCs all over Egypt.
3-EMSA has no SCORA 4- LCs local activities.
1-Lack of experience at the new LCs. 2-A non-Realistic time plan. 3-Missunderstanding of the difference between Project, Initiative and event.
4-Lack of SCORA national manual. "till 12th sep.,2012" 5-Loss of communication between LCs. 6-Publication is not as expected from SCORA. 7- Not good transparency of actual work.
Ali El-Sherif’s Candidature For IFMSA-EGYPT NORA 2012-2013
Plan Of Action 1-Old and experienced SCORA members who can help new LCs. 2-SCORA full Strategic plan.
3-Being NGO will help in the fund process. 4-Activation of the Project national team. 5-New LCs motivated to work. 6-Stable political state.
1-LCs Competition as a double edged weapon. 2-Dismotivated team during Work.
3-Changes in our time plan may interrupt the schedule.
Ali El-Sherif’s Candidature For IFMSA-EGYPT NORA 2012-2013
Plan Of Action Action Plan 1- Team Building:A• • •
New LCs:There are 6 new LCs "AAMSS-BMSA-KMSA-FMSA-MMSA-SMA" We will give them support by SCORA Manual, local visits and trainings. Their opinions always should be considered within our national meetings.
National teamI will make 2 national trainings:-
1-Standing Committee management training: for experienced SCORA members allover IFMSA-Egypt and LC representatives, so they will get the good experience, therefore they managerial skills will help them to lead SCORA successfully in their own LCs. 2-SCORA Members national training:That will help the new comers from all LCs and the new LCs... Aiming to make them aware with SCORA world, and increase the national spirit between all of SCORA Angels.
Ali El-Sherif’s Candidature For IFMSA-EGYPT NORA 2012-2013
Plan Of Action 2- Timing of Plan:-
A- The problem of the timed plan, that sometimes we ďŹ nd some unexpected conditions that may change our schedule of work, so all LCs must take apart in the decision of our national plan. B- Deadlines of reports, calls, mails should be respected.
Ali El-Sherif’s Candidature For IFMSA-EGYPT NORA 2012-2013
Plan Of Action 3- SCORA Projects:A-
We have ill-defined meanings of Project, initiative and event. Knowing the difference
will facilitate the work process and schedule. Solution:Make a session in our national meeting about those different phrases. B-
For the term 2011/2012, we had a list of national work included:-
Mr. and Ms. Breastestis.
World AIDS Campaign.
International Womens' Day.
SCORA X-Change
For the upcoming term, we have a two sustained things:1-
Mr. and Ms. Breastestis.
World AIDS Campaign.
Mr. & Ms. Breastestis So, as you see … Some ideas are really Motivating to work, For example: "Men Awel El-Satr" Experience within SSS, Youth Health Experience within SMSA, Breast Feeding from ZMSSA, or even MDGs, which came up from some active members. N.B: Ideas are not excluded with old LCs only, but including also new LCs. We can support them with all kinds of support. C-Monitoring the efficacy of the project: LCs should decide if the project are compatible with our vision and mission, and if they make the expected outcome or not, that will be in a task force in cooperation with Project team in IFMSA-Egypt. D- Discuss IFMSA transnational projects that are in a relative relation to our cause.
Ali El-Sherif’s Candidature For IFMSA-EGYPT NORA 2012-2013
Plan Of Action 4- Empowering SCORA "One hand … One team":-
Local Visits: It's an essential thing that I am taking it seriously to be done. As I am
used living among Cairo, Tanta, Alexandria and Mansoura, will make it a realistic mission for me, for the LCs allover Egypt, it will not make a hard mission for me. B-
Promote the interaction between LCs, as a unified team, with trainings, Social
atmosphere during work. LCs should keep in touch and in a helpful direct contact with each other. C-
Share all of our work with the utmost transparency, so that we can take the perfect
decision. D-
As IFMSA-Egypt has about 19 different LCs, We can make Sub national Events
between LCs sharing the same region like Cairo LCs"AMSA-AUSSS-MMSA-O6U-SSS".
Ali El-Sherif’s Candidature For IFMSA-EGYPT NORA 2012-2013
Plan Of Action IFM
5- SCORA Publications:-
Publications in SCORA include:1-
Local Publications: In order to promote SCORA within LCs, we should publicate for our
Standing Committee, to attract those who believe in our cause at LCs, respecting each LC's policy. 2-
Publication of our work, with photos, Facebook pages, Twitter accounts, Electronic and
regular newspapers. 3-
Newsletter of our work, hopes, experiences, not only a regular newsletter, but a special
one. 4-
Publications of our projects during GA/RM.
6-External partners and Fundraising:A-
As IFMSA-Egypt has been recognized as NGO, our contact with the external partners will
be more serious and easier than before. B-
External partners include UNAIDS, UNFPA, Care, BCFE, Caritas and other partners includ-
ing Governmental partners from ministry of health. C-
Fundraising training is a must within SCORA, to give the LCs the opportunity to raise the
fund locally in-case of lack of national fund. D-
Sign a protocol with Y-Peer Egypt, so it will help us to make more peer educators.
Ali El-Sherif’s Candidature For IFMSA-EGYPT NORA 2012-2013
Plan Of Action 7- Training Team:-
SCORA has a well-trained old members allover Egypt, that we can ask them for giving
sessions as I have mentioned in the first subject regarding Team building. B-
In cooperation with certified trainers in IFMSA-Egypt, they can give us different sessions
in different issues that we need. C-
With the cooperation with Y-Peer Egypt, that will provide us with a core team of peer
Ali El-Sherif’s Candidature For IFMSA-EGYPT NORA 2012-2013
Plan Of Action 8- As a Team of Officials Member:1-
Cooperate with other officials.
Keep in touch with Training Support Division Director.
Be motivated for work.
Support IFMSA-Egypt Projects team.
Support IFMSA-Egypt activities, trainings and projects.
Good Representation of IFMSA-Egypt within IFMSA, and external partners.
Attend GA/RM.
Support LCs as possible as I can if they requested me.
Ali El-Sherif’s Candidature For IFMSA-EGYPT NORA 2012-2013
Plan Of Action Strategy and Policy:1Parallel to Team building stage, we should set up our strategy for the upcoming period … A Real one, not only an ordinary session during our meeting. 2Technically, we have some defects in the reporting; So We should start our reporting form, as a part of our identity, and at the same time more easy to fill. 3- We should put in our consideration also SCORA international Strategic plan. 4- We should start sharing different experiences like MDGs. 5- Women Empowerment is an important phrase that needs to be in practice. Chat conversation end
Last but not least, as you see… Most of my phrases begin With "WE", that means "WE" are the leaders for the change, not me only, it's just everyone has a perfect role in our work… That is the real leadership.
Ali El-Sherif’s Candidature For IFMSA-EGYPT NORA 2012-2013 Layout & Design by: Ebraheem Mousa