Global citizen booklet

Page 1

Table of Contents A letter to parents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................. 3

Where can I go? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15–17

AIESEC – Who are we? . . . . . . . . . . . . ................. 4

What will I do? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Our Global Partners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................. 5

How long will I stay? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

What is Volunteer Exchange Program? .. . . . 7

How much does it cost? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Why Volunteer Exchange Program? .. . . . . . 8–9 Who can go? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................. 11 Why AIESEC? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... 12–14

A letter to parents Our world is getting smaller, faster and more complicated. To succeed in tomorrow’s world, young people need the skills necessary for an ever increasing number of industry, government and private sector career pathways: knowledge of another culture, the ability to communicate with people from different linguistic backgrounds, flexibility, tolerance and understanding of alternate points of view and the maturity to make wise choices and decisions. It is essential to make the right decisions, and now is the time to consider the opportunities. There may never be another opportunity for your child to travel overseas, immerse themselves in the culture and have fun... all with the support of a hosting entity and the resources of our international partners and AIESEC in Egypt. In this brochure, we have provided information and advice to help you evaluate the options open to your child. If you have any queries, we welcome your calls or a visit to our offices.


AIESEC – Who are we? AIESEC is the world’s largest youth-run organization. (Non-profit, Non-political, Non-religious and Non-governmental)

AIESEC is active in over 2400 universities across more than 124 countries and territories, our international platform enables young people to explore and develop their leadership potential for them to have a positive impact in society.


Our Global Partners


Volunteer Exchange Program

What is Volunteer Exchange Program?

Volunteer Exchange Program is a program designed for youth to volunteer abroad for six weeks and exchange culture, family and possibly language for a limited time in another country. AIESEC Volunteer Exchange Program fosters mutual understanding, respect and civil engagement among internationals. During the exchanges, students participate in workshops, community service activities, team building exercises, meetings with community leaders, leadership development and live with internationals.


Why Volunteer Exchange Program?

Leadership Development


Employability Skills

Focused on empowering tomorrow’s leaders, AIESEC provides;

Prospective employers in almost every field look favorably upon

Volunteer Exchange, which encourages leadership in today’s

experience gained while living overseas and knowledge obtained

youth. Taking part in one of our volunteer exchange program is

of another language and culture. Make yourself stand out to fu-

an opportunity for younger generations to build self confidence,

ture employers with international study experience. Living abroad

set goals, accept themselves and others, become leaders and

expands your horizons and demonstrates to your employer that

make a difference by giving back to their communities.

you’re willing to take risks and solve problems under challenging



Upon their return home, students apply what they have learned to implement projects that serve needs in their communities.

These life skills will set you apart from other job applicants and put you ahead of the competition no matter what professional

Stand Out One of the most obvious benefits is included is personal develop-


path you pursue.

Self Confidence

ment. Personal development, along with initiative, focus, determination, flexibility, responsibility, growth in self-confidence and the

Self-development and awareness leading to enhanced self-confi-

ability to better organize one’s life, flows from the independence

dence and self-esteem. This is often the most noticeable change

inherent in undertaking an exchange program. Knowledge of

in returned exchange students.


world enables students to think and communicate at the global level. Growth in cultural knowledge and a newfound international approach and perspective go hand-in-hand with the skills gained from immersing in a second culture. These significant attributes produce an advantage over peers, a catalyst for future academic and career choices, increased knowledge and interest for a better future — and the necessary ingredients for the emergence of admirable, future leaders.

It’s Life Changing


Exchange expands your learning horizons. Your peers will open your eyes to new languages, cultures and ways of living that will forever change how you act in the world and how the world relates to you.


Think Big



Exchange will stretch your personal comfort zone. You’ll be chal-

Meet new friends from all around the world. You will also meet

lenged to think outside the box of everyday living and find your

tons of native friends in your exchange country that you will have

way in locations, cultures and languages that are – literally – for-

a close relationship with for the rest of your life. The friendships

eign to you. There’s no better way to grow your own sense of

one creates while on exchange are often very long-lasting – and

yourself and your capabilities.

studded with great memories!

Life Skills


Get A “Second Family”

Exchange increases your options by making you different from

They will take you to their heart and always welcome you as a

students who have stayed put all their lives. International expe-

member of their family. The attachment with a host family stays

rience sets you apart and gives you both learning and life skills

forever and will always be appreciated.



that you’ll use for the rest of your life.

It’s Affordable


Educational Development


Awareness and adoption of alternative approaches to learning.

You get an international experience with reasonable fees. The bottom line is that; exchange is an experience you can’t afford to

Global Awareness

pass up!

It’s Fun



Develop interest in global issues as well as a broader general knowledge.

Through the AIESEC Exchange program, you can travel the world, meet amazing new people and experience beautiful new cultures!




Youth from 18 to 29 years of age qualify.

Time availability for a 6-week internship.

Attributes Students should be socially mature, flexible, resilient, realistic, resourceful, accepting of cultural differences, tolerant, ready to face a challenge, have integrity and an adventurous spirit.

Who can go?

Finance Participants will need to pay the program fees; (1400 L.E. contract fees, plane tickets, VISA) and have pocket money while abroad.

Language Basic / Good English understanding & speaking.



In the 1400 L.E. you have included:


- Interview and Selection Process - Included Preparation Seminar and Post Exchange Seminar - AIESEC consultancy and support before and during the internship - 200 L.E. refund after submitting internship report material

YES WE DO! 1. Is AIESEC experienced in operating exchange programs?

3. Will you be able to discuss your program with AIESEC staff and management directly? Will they be responsive to your individual needs? YES, we pride ourselves on our openness and accessibil-

YES, AIESEC has been managing these programs for more

ity as an organization. We value each student as an indi-

than 65 years and are very experienced.

vidual. AIESEC offers regular information sessions, holds

2. Are AIESEC’s program prices affordable? YES, AIESEC is a non for profit organization and has managed to keep costs competitive and affordable. You only

open days and welcomes visits to our office so that you can meet and feel comfortable with the people managing your program.

have to pay:

4. Does AIESEC work with professional and experi-

- Program fees: 1400 L.E. contract fees

enced partner organizations abroad?

- Plane tickets - VISA - Pocket money while abroad

YES, we have developed strong relationships with professional international organizations that share our vision and respect our requirements.


Why AIESEC? 5. Will you get 24-hour support while abroad and in Egypt? YES, AIESEC staff will answer you. 6. Will AIESEC provide you with a pre-departure and a post-arrival orientation, handbooks and other support to help prepare for your adventure? YES, you will receive a pre-departure orientation and another when you arrive in your chosen country. 7. Does AIESEC offer support and benefits upon return to Egypt? YES, we are here for you when you return and available to assist with reintegration or just to listen to stories about your great experiences. We offer membership and other opportunities for you to remain involved so you can share your newfound knowledge to assist other young people.


Available Countries


















What will I do?

During the exchanges, participatants take part in workshops, community service activities, team building exercises, meetings with community leaders, leadership development and live with internationals.

How long will I stay?



How much does it cost?

Internship Fees: - Accommodation provided - AIESEC Fees 1400 L.E. NOTE: [ Flight tickets, Visa fees, your pocket money and any other fees are not covered by AIESEC]


“Global Citizen� by AIESEC in Egypt is a program that gives young people the chance to drive impact globally by experiencing life changing internships for 6 weeks. It helps in improving and acquiring new skills by going through a challenging experiential leadership journey.

Find us on the social networks: @AIESECEGYPT

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