Graduate Architect Portfolio

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MOHAMED SALAH GR AD U AT E A R C H I TE C T CONTACT M ob i l e : + 97 1 5 5 1 3 1 3 2 0 2 E - ma i l : m o h d .s . a lh a j @g m ai l .co m S oc ia l Me d ia : / iS al a a 7 ww w. l i n ke d i n. co m / in / m sa lh aj w ww.


EDUCATION Ba c helo r o f A rc h i te ctu ral E ng ineering Co l le g e of E ng i ne e ri ng - Aj man Uni versi ty / UA E S ep t 2 012 - J u ne 201 7 EXPERIENCE Ajm a n M uni c i pal ity I Jun e 201 6 - Sept 2016 In te ch ectt terrn n Ar A rc hiittec In volve d i n d e si g ns f rom con cept ion t o deve lo p m en t s t ag e . I n c h a rg e o f c r e a ti n g d es ig n p r opoal docu men ts , i nc l udi ng resea rch and concept d ia g ra m s , t ec h n i c a l d r a w i ng s , an d p er s p e c t iv e r enderin g.Inv o lv ed i n t he de si g n of Mart yr ’s Yard So la r D e ca t hl on Mi ddl e E ast I J une 2016 - O c t 20 1 8 In tern A rc hit ec t D ev elope d a se t of de sign drawings incl udin g s tru c t u re ,e q u ip m e n t, m at e ri a l s , an d c on s tr u ct i on deta il s.S erv ed on C ommun i cat ions Commit t ee a n d c r e at e d g ra ph i c a l a n d w r i tte n c o nt e nt t o pr omot e th e pr oj ec t a nd t h e t eam . A jm an Un iv e rs it y Fa b La b I Jan 2014 - Ma y 2 0 1 6 St ud e nt s A s s is t an t Inst ru ct e d th e s tu den ts o n how to us e t he m a c h ine s wit h r e g a rd to t he s a fe ty p ro c e d u r es . A jm a n U n iv e rs ity I S um 201 4 - Sum 2015 R eg i str at ion Coo rdin at or Co ord ina te d t he st ude nt s a dmis sions and re g is tr a tio n p ro c e s s e s a n d g a v e a d v i c e a b o u t t he engi nee ri n g c o lle ge . UA E Re d C res c en t I Jan 201 4 - Current Vo l unt ee r P artici pat ed in s o ci al servi ces . A tt ended v ar io u s w o rk s ho p s o n f ir s t -a i d a n d n a tu ra l d i s a s t er s. ACHIEVEMENTS A jm an Agr ic u lt ure Awar d. (F irs t P riz e) Aj ma n o n Nov 2016

Na s s e r B in Ha m a d In t e r n a tio n a l Yo u t h C rea t iv it y Awar d. ( Pa r tic i p a n t ) B a h ra in o n Ma y 2 0 1 6

Th e Hy p er loo p Sta ti on De sign Compet it ion . 1 2 0 H o u r s In te rn a ti o n a l Arc h i t ec tu r e Stu de n t Compet i tion. ( P a rti c ip a n t) Ch i n a o n Fe b 2 0 17 ( Fin a lis t ) D ub ai on O ct 2 016 Aj ma n Tra ns p or t Pho t ogr aphy Compet it ion . (W in ner ) Aj m an on Mar 2 017 i nner




SUDAN PAVILION FOR DUBAI EXPO 2020 Concept Preserving the Sudanese architectural identity thoroughbreds of private old st Nubian vernacular architecture and the content of the beauty, culture and traditions and linked closely to the natural environment building materials harsh climate is warm and struggling passive design. A courtyard or court is an enclosed area, often surrounded by a building or complex, that is open to the sky.


Design Process







Ů?After EXPO 2020

By April 2021 Dubai EXPO will end.

So We need to collect the pavilion.

And travel across continents.

To settle in the homeland.


Ground Floor Plan

Section A-A


First Floor Plan

Section B-B





The shape of the site gives me total freedom to design. I push the whole site to a height of 45 meters to play with the maximum volume. I decided to design 2 building . The shape of the site tells me how to split the volume and where we should put them both. To have the maximum direction of views i decided to use a square shape for the base of the towers, taking advantage of the great views around sheikh zayed road. Taking the mass that doesn’t belong to the square shap , by overlap them to grow up the building height. Surroundings’ characteristics and future streets alignments gives us the geometry optimization.








The Library building concepts combines a static learning center for libraries, offices, lecture halls, and an auditorium, with flying workspaces and off-site to allow for more dynamic collaboration and exchange. This concept might sound crazy, but it is certainly a great example of a minimal footprint. The studio spaces will be split between an off-site “floating building” with “plug-and-play” flying classrooms for minimal environmental impact. The complex is to operate as an educational machine, providing the structure to support multiple programs, and a dynamic, kinetic architecture that inspires awareness and innovation for young environmental designers, “Learning through motion and arising the activist part of the student.








Free forms constitute one of the major trends within contemporary architecture. In its earlier days a particularly important figure was the design approach based on digital reconstruction of physical models, resulting in shapes which are not too far away from developable surfaces and thus ideally suited for his preferred characteristic metal cladding. Nowadays we see an increasing number of landmark buildings involving geometrically complex freeform skins and structures.





The Hyperloop Station Design Competition Dubai - United Arab Emirates

Fast , Future , Connection , Speed ‌‌ Our first impression about the Hyperloop project , With scientific fact that metro exceeds speed of sound, We imagine the station as a moment the capsule exceeded the sound barrier. Through repeated and sequential arcs surrounding the main building of the station.



Jadat Alez (Martyrs' Yard) Ajman - United Arab Emirates

A memorial built under the supervision of Ajman’s Municipality to commemorate the martyrs.



Khosa Bosa Children Park Ajman - United Arab Emirates

When yesterday’s traditional games meet today’s technology in a joyful playground, Khosa Bosa.



Al-Manama Children Center Al-Manama - Bahrain

Because children’s safety is always a top priority, a child’s center has to be designed in a safe, and fun way from point A to Z.



Al-tallah Roundabout Competition Ajman - United Arab Emirates

Ajman’s government movement to become a smart/electronic city has given the inspiration of designing a main roundabout that features the Atom’s shape.


Pocket Wall (Student Center) Guiyang - China

In a charity contest to provide a low-income school’s needs of their daily requirements with regards to being efficient, economical, and smart.


Working Drawing (Villa)



#UAE_44 Stick Monument Ajman - United Arab Emirates

Designed an artwork to represent engineering department, using 12,000 pieces of ice-cream sticks.


Heritage Pavilion

Dubai - United Arab Emirates Being the Ajman University’s representative in the 4th International Conservation Conference And Exhibition, we designed a pavilion that exhibits the UAE heritage.


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