Graduation Book - Class of 2017
Contents Doctor’s Oath.........................................................................3 Dedication.............................................................................4 Acknowledgements................................................................4 Head of Egyptian medical syndicate speech.............................5 Egyptian medical syndicate board speech................................6 Head of Dakahlia medical syndicate speech.............................7 A message from the batch representative................................8 A message from the organizing committee...............................9 Members of the organizing committee....................................10 Admins of the batch’s facebook group....................................11 The awarded top ten graduates..............................................13 Mansoura faculty of medicine 50th class graduates.................14 Graduation party photo gallery..............................................59 Events and activities of the batch..........................................61 Childhood photo gallery........................................................65 Memories and group photos..................................................67 Autograph.............................................................................71
Mansoura Faculty of Medicine - 50th Class
Graduation Book - Class of 2017
ـب ـم ا َ قَ َ لطـبـيـــ ٌ ـســـ ٌ أقســم باهلل العظيم،،
أن أراقب اهلل يف مهنتي. وأن أصون حياة اإلنســان يف كافة أدوارها ..يف كل الظروف واألحوال ..باذال وســعي يف استنقاذها من الهالك واملرض واألمل والقلق. وأن أحفظ للناس كرامتهم ..وأســر عورتهم ..وأكتم سرهم. وأن أكون على الدوام من وســائل رحمة اهلل ..باذال رعايتي الطبيــة للقريب وللبعيد ..للصالح واخلاطئ ..والصديق والعدو. وأن أثابر على طلب العلم ..أســخره لنفع اإلنسان ال ألذاه. وأن أوقــر من علمني ..وأعلم من يصغرين ..وأكون أخا لــكل زميل يف املهنة الطبية ..متعاونني على الرب والتقوى. وأن تكون حياتي مصداق إمياين يف ســري وعالنيتي ..نقية مما يشــينها جتاه اهلل ورسوله واملؤمنني. واهلل على ما أقول شهيد
Mansoura Faculty of Medicine - 50th Class
Graduation Book - Class of 2017
Dedication This is to dedicate our work to the souls of our dear colleagues and friends who passed away during our journey in faculty of medicine, Mansoura University. It is our duty and our honor to keep them alive in memory for those who will come after us and those who will come after them. A good heart has stopped beating, a good soul ascended to heavens but our only condolences are that a good memory of them will last in our minds. May Allah bless their souls and grant them with mercy and forgiveness.
Merna Moustafa
Ayman Ali
For our beloved, for Merna and Ayman
1993 - 2015
1993 - 2017
Acknowledgements This is to thank all those who shared in making this graduation book, we should thank all the participants as well as the editorial team and we hope that this book will always remain a good memory for all of us. Editor in chief Mohammed Yasser
Content creators Shady Magdy Hasnaa Hosni Reham Tarek Mohamed Elzayat Ahmed Elsayad
Graphic designers Mohammed Yasser Merna Yasser
Proofreaders Eman Emara Mohammed Elgammal
Mansoura Faculty of Medicine - 50th Class
Graduation Book - Class of 2017
كـــلمة نــــقيب أطبـــاء مـصـر السالم عليكم ورحمه اهلل وبركاته،، إىل خريجــي الدفعــة اخلمســن بكليــة الطــب جامعــة املنصــورة ،أبــارك لكــم علــى كل هــذه الســنوات التــي جنحتــم بعبورهــا وحصلتــم علــى شــهادتكم يف األخــر ،بكالوريــوس الطــب واجلراحــة .وأبــارك لكــم علــي تخطيكــم لــكل الصعوبــات واألزمــات التــي واجهتموهــا أثنــاء رحلتكــم بحكمــة وعلــي قلــب رجــل واحــد .وأبــارك ألهلكــم وأوليــاء األمــور الذيــن شــاركوكم النجــاح والســعي يف هــذا الطريــق ،مبــارك عليكــم أبنائكــم ومبــارك عليكــم هــذا النشــئ اجلميــل. وأوصيكــم باألنســانيات واألخالقيــات ،ألنهمــا حزمــة واحــدة ال تتناقــض مــع حزمــة العلــم والتفــوق بــل تكملهــا .وأوصيكــم أيضــا بالعمــل اخلدمــي ،ألن الطب يف األخــر هــو خدمــة ،يبذلهــا كل طبيــب لصالــح أفــراد جمتمعــه .وأخــرا أوصيكــم خــرا باملرضــى وأنكــم حتملــون علــي عاتقكــم مســئولية كبــرة ومهمــة نبيلــة يجــب تأديتهــا دائمــا علــي أكمــل وجــه دون تهــاون أو تراخــي .أمتنــي أن آراكــم دائمــا متميزيــن يف شــتى جمــاالت الطــب واحليــاة. أمتنى لكم دائم النجاح والتوفيق،، د.حسني خريي -نقيب أطباء مصر
Prof. Hussien Khairy Head of Egyptian Medical Syndicate
Mansoura Faculty of Medicine - 50th Class
Graduation Book - Class of 2017
كـــلمة جملس النقـــابة العـــامة ألطبـاء مصـر أعزائي خريجي الدفعة اخلمسني بكلية الطب جامعة املنصورة،، ألــف ألــف مــروك ..الدفعــة الذهبيــة ،كنتــم دفعــة مميــزة يف التماســك و التضامــن ..كنتــم دفعــة مميــزة يف رفــض الظلــم و املطالبــة باحلــق .أُوصيكــم بالتمســك الدائــم بحــب العلــم و حــب العمــل ..و العطــاء للمريــض الــذي يجــب أن نتذكــر دائمــا قــدر احتياجــه لنــا وأُوصيكــم أن تتمســكوا دائمــا بوحــدة صفكــم و تضامنكــم علــى طريــق احلــق .أمتنــى لكــم دائمــا مســتقبال باهــرا ..حملــت بشــائره بالفعــل تشــرق يف ملعــة العيــون الشــابة اجلميلــة يــوم حفــل التخــرج الــذي تــوج أول حمطــات رحلتكــم املهنيــة بالنجــاح. و يا رب من جناح لنجاح ..و نلتقي معاكم يف األفراح دائما،، د.منـي ميـنا -عضو جملس نقابة أطباء مصر
Dr. Mona Mena
Member of Egyptian Medical Syndicate Board
Graduation Book - Class of 2017
Mansoura Faculty of Medicine - 50th Class
كـــلمة نــــقيب أطبـــاء الدقهـلية السالم عليكم ورحمه اهلل وبركاته،، مــروك ألســباب كثــرة ،مــروك التخــرج بعــد ســنني طويلــة مــن التعــب واالرهــاق .مــروك عــدة مــرات، مــرة بصفتــى نقيبــً ألطبــاء الدقهليــة ،مــرة بصفتــى حملتنــى أمانــة أحــد أفــراد الدفعــة الفضيــة التــى ّ نقــل التهنئــة للدفعــة الذهبيــة ،مــرة ثالثــة بشــخصى. مــروك االنتصــار وإعــادة حقكــم ،مــروك عليكــم ملتكــم ووحدتكــم ،مــروك ألهلكــم ،حتملــوا معكــم الكثــر ولهــم احلــق أن يفخــروا بكــم .الدفعــة الذهبيــة طــب املنصــورة ،وتســتحقون اللقــب عــن جــدارة ـن اهلل عليكــم بتجــارب يصعــب علــى الكبــار فقــد مـ ّ حتملهــا وأثبتــت التجربــة انكــم ناضجــون ،فعلــى قــدر أويل العــزم تؤتــى العزائــم .فخــور بكــم و بقربكــم مــن بعــض وكمــان عرفتــم مــكان النقابــة مــن بــدرى، النقابــة بيــت العيلــة الطبيــة الكبــر الــذى يســعد دائمــا بــكل مولــود جديــد يضــىء البيــت وميــاؤه بالبهجــة والفرحــة .اشــتد عودكــم واصبحتــم علــى اعتــاب احليــاة العمليــة بحلوهــا ومرهــا ،ســتظل النقابــة هــى بيــت العيلــة الكبــر الــذى يحتضنكــم فــى كل االوقــات. فتح اهلل لكم كل ابواب اخلري،، د.ابراهيم الزيات -نقيب أطباء الدقهلية
Dr. Ibrahim Elzayat Head of Dakahlyia Medical Syndicate
Mansoura Faculty of Medicine - 50th Class
Graduation Book - Class of 2017
A Message from the Batch Representative In the name of Allah, Dear readers, It is a great honor for me to write you these words on behalf of my colleagues. First, I want to thank those who organized this celebration, and I am sure they did not spare any effort to make all of this possible. We also have to remember our dear colleagues who shared the same exhausting journey with us, Merna and Ayman for whom we have nothing except praying for whom we have nothing but sincere prayers of mercy and paradise. Dear professors, we want to thank you for what you have taught us. You were the role model of a good doctor and showed us how good morals should be. We will be always grateful for what you did for us. Dear parents, You deserve all thanks & gratitude, you will harvest what you did for us and we are sure that you did not spare any effort to do everything you can for our sake.
Thanks for my father, mother, brother, sisters and dear colleagues you were all a great support to me through these sleepless nights. My dear colleagues, I wish this day lasts forever in your memory. Seven years have passed, through these years we all laughed, cried and shared every single moment together. let us remember our great joy when we finished secondary school and heard the phrase „Congratulation Doctor.“ Despite the hardships we faced throughout our faculty time and the feeling of ups and downs, let us take the chance to enjoy what is coming next as a reward for our effort. Time passed quickly and the journey came to an end but our professional career is lifelong and we should look forward to completing it with hard work and proficiency. Finally I ask Allah who blessed us always to crown all we did with more success for the sake of our beloved country. My greetings and best wishes - Hanan Mostafa
Hanan Mostafa
50th Class representative
Mansoura Faculty of Medicine - 50th Class
Graduation Book - Class of 2017
A Message from the Organizing Committee “The truth is that teamwork is at the heart of great achievement.„ - John C. Maxwell Dear colleagues,
Mohammed Yasser 9
Representative of the graduation party organizing committee
With great pleasure and on behalf of the organizing committee (OC), I would proudly like to express our deep happiness for your trust and support to help us making our graduation party an unforgettable day. I would also like to show my sincere gratitude to every OC member for every single moment and every tiny effort they had tirelessly exerted. It began with an idea to bring together a group of remarkable people, therefore our graduation party was the outcome of five months of enormous effort to make this idea solid reality, and we wish that this outcome has met your expectations. We could not achieve anything without the hard work of this crew, we had been together through a tough journey full of obstacles and disasters, thus we would like to thank every colleague who made this joureny easier for us. Finally we wish you all the best in your future life. always made with love and passion, on behalf of the OC - Mohammed Yasser
Mansoura Faculty of Medicine - 50th Class
Graduation Book - Class of 2017
Members of the Organizing Committee
Mohammed Yasser
Ahmed Elsayyad
Yasmin Mahany
Mai Hassan
Hasnaa Hosni
“Never forget what you are. The rest of the world will not„ – Tyrion Lannister
“I was always missing a part of my soul until I met her and since then I found out that S...„
“...he always completes me and together we make everything in our life perfect even this quote„
“It is a beautiful day to save lives„ - Derek Shepherd
“I feel nice like sugar and spice„
Shady Magdy
.... ُ“وأفضل الناس ما بني الورى رجل “حاجات تُقضى على يدهِ للناس ُ
Rasha Talaat
Eman El Refaey
“Minds are like parachutes, they only function when open„
“Never give up on your dreams. Keep sleeping„
Arwa Harga “
Omar Al-Hawwari
Ahmed Elsherbeny
Mohamed Fouad
“Live your life„
“You will never walk alone„
“We are 3anateels with no mercy in our hearts so do not give up life„
Mansoura Faculty of Medicine - 50th Class
Graduation Book - Class of 2017
admins of the batch’s facebook group
Osama Soliman
Aya Mazen
Mohammed Yasser
Lamees Saad
Hamed Zaghloul
Mohamed Elzayat
Mahrous Ayman
Esraa Moustafa
Hoda Shiha
AbdElRahman ElSaeed
Mohamed Gad
Ahmed Fared
Hani Soliman
Bassant Adel
Yasmen Elgazar
Aya Elaaidy
Moemen Usama
Ahmed Hesham
Mansoura Faculty of Medicine - 50th Class
Graduation Book - Class of 2017
admins of the batch’s facebook group
Mai Hassan
Rasha Talaat
Ahmed Elsayyad
A message from the Admins: Salma Shehab
Yasmine Emad
Shady Magdy
Mohamad Abdulwahed
Ahmed M.Hassan
Dear Colleagues, we are glad to inform you that our tough years have passed, they were tough but within their details lie our memories that may be the best moments we had during this journey, and this is the time when we should rejoice and celebrate what we have done through these seven years. We, the admins of our study group, have exerted our best effort to make this road easier for all of us. We succeded at this goal most of the time and couldn’t make any better at other times. But after all, we had great time that we spent in your service, and we hope that we managed to provide you with any sort of help during the past seven years. Finally, we wish you always all the best.
Mansoura Faculty of Medicine - 50th Class
Graduation Book - Class of 2017
The Awarded Top Ten graduates
Hanan Mostafa
Hadeer Ashraf
Abdullah Abdulwahab
Elsayed Hussein
Abeer Hashem
Islam Reda
“Just always do your best and god will do the rest„
حتــب أن متــد لغــرك ســوى مــا ُّ َّ “ال „ ـد لــك مـ ي َّ ُ
“Wounds heal. Love lasts. We remain.„ The Nightingale, Kristin Hannah
“You only live once but if you do it right, once is enough„
“Follow your dreams, they know the way„
“It is about having a purpose to fight for„
A message from Top ten graduates:
Ahmed Mandour
Nada M. Salah
Ahmed Shahin
Gamal Askar
“Why so serious?!„
“The key to success is to start before you are ready„
“Sometimes the wrong choices bring us to the right places„
“All comes with a price„
Dear Allah, you are the first and the last, so to you is all praise and gratitude, at first and at last. Our dear parents, words here can’t stand for what we owe to you. May Allah make us a delight to you. Our dear admins, No words are enough to honor you, but you’ll be in our prayers, and our hearts. Dear Colleagues, we have led a life together. It was not easy but at last we did it, and here we are, at a crossroads, hoping we will meet again. May Allah bless us all
Mansoura Faculty of Medicine - 50th Class
Graduation Book - Class of 2017
Mansoura faculty of medicine 50th class graduates
Adam Nassar
Ala’a Almahmoudi
Alaa Gamal
“To know more go to page 44„
“When it rains look for rainbows. when it’s dark look for stars„
Alaa Samy
Alaa Esam
Alaa Eid “Need a Break?? Call me or „Have a KitKat“„
Alaa M. Elsawi
Alaa Gaheen
“Brace yourself, winter has come„
“You think you have forever but unfortunately you don’t„
Alaa Allah Ali
Amaal khaled “„اعمل كما حتب فكما تدين تدان
Aya Ibrahim
Aya E.Marwan “If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.„
Mansoura Faculty of Medicine - 50th Class
Aya Elzamek
Aya Ashraf
“I found love in that hopeless place, so it’s worthy.„
Graduation Book - Class of 2017
Aya G. Souror
Aya Salama
“I can conquer the world from my balcony only with a cup of tea„
“Your smile is the way to success. Always Be Optimistic„
Aya Sharafeldin
Aya Abdelfatah
Aya Masoud
Aya Keshk “If you’ve lost your appetite today, „I think I have it“„
Ayah Saad
Aya Samir
“Learn how to be still & let life happen.. that stillness becomes a radiance„ - Morgan Freeman
Aya Ezz Al Regal
Aya Mazen “Keep your eyes on the stars and your feet on the ground„
Mansoura Faculty of Medicine - 50th Class
Graduation Book - Class of 2017
Aya Mossad
Aya Mortada
“أهــدى جناحــي إليــك يــا أبــي الغــايل كنــت أمتنــى وجــودك معــي„
Aya Dif
Aya Basiony
“ال جتــادل بليغــً وال ســفيهًا ..فالبليــغ يغلبــك والســفيه يؤذيــك (ال جتــادل)„
“ســكة الصــر نهايتهــا ســعادتك مهمــا طولــت„
Aya M. Elshaer
Aya Elaaidy “لــو ضاعــت فــرة يف عمــرك لســه األحلــي جمــاش„
Ebraheem Sulaiman Ebraheem Elshabrawy
Ibrahim Elsersy
Ebtehal Ouf “You can go as far as your dreams „can take you.
Ayah Nafea
Aya Elsehry “اغنم من احلاضر لذّ اته فليس من طبع الليايل األمان„.
Mansoura Faculty of Medicine - 50th Class
Graduation Book - Class of 2017
Ibrahim El-Tantawy
Ibrahim Nasr
Ahmed Elharoun
Ahmed Elbaz
Ahmed Aboshama
Ahmed Sharaf
“Stop chasing the money and start chasing the passion„
“Finally I’m a certified doctor thanks to Allah and to my beloved family„
“Should have burned this place down when I had the chance.„
“Sometimes you gotta run before you can walk.„ - Tony stark
“We found love in a hopeless place„
خلــق عايــزه.. بصاصــه ّ “العيــون كلهــا „يف عينهــا رصاصــه
Ahmed Elshprawy
Ahmed Ayman
Ahmed G. Eldanaf
Ahmed Hakem
Ahmed Shuaib
Ahmed H. Azmy
“Hell is filled with people like Mansoura’s professors„
“It wasn’t that bad afterall„
“There is no secret to success only keep your dreams alive„
“Quality without results is pointless, Results without quality is boring„ - Johan Cruyff
“Finally free to go... oops army„
Mansoura Faculty of Medicine - 50th Class
Ahmed Hamouda
Ahmed Ramzy
Graduation Book - Class of 2017
Ahmed Ramadan
“My choice, My dream („)انتظروين انا مش جاي
Ahmed Samir
Ahmed Sadek
Ahmed Salah
“Education is important but big biceps are importanter„
“I found my way out of these damn walls„
“This is not what I signed up for!!„
Ahmed Diaa
Ahmed Tarek Ali
Ahmed Tarek
Ahmed Abdelhamed
Ahmed ElBanby
Ahmed Abdellatif
“صــدر الطبيــب مقــرة لألســرار „ال تُنبــش أبــدًا
“You must be the change you wish to see in the world„
“I’ve nothing to lose. Well, I’m ninety percent sure about that„
Mansoura Faculty of Medicine - 50th Class
Ahmed Noureldeen
Ahmed Elbatal
Graduation Book - Class of 2017
Ahmed Mariy
“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams„
Ahmed Alaa
Ahmed M. Zaghloul
Ahmed Fawzy
“Pain.. you made a believer. pain.. you break me down. You build me up.. Believer.„
“Achieve your Goals, Set new ones and Keep Moving„
“Little by little, day by day what is meant for you will find its way„
Ahmed M. Elsayed
Ahmed Elmowafy
Ahmed Hamdi
Ahmed M. Elfarhaty
Ahmed Azam
Ahmed M. Hassan
“„ربنا يسهل
“Do not let making a living prevent you from making a life„
“Worldly life is short so turn to Allah before forcible return„
Mansoura Faculty of Medicine - 50th Class
Ahmed Zaki
Ahmed Ragheb
“All bleeding eventually stops.„ Mansoura Fuck.ulty Of Medicine
“It’s a hard continuous journey of unstoppable studying, please don’t try this„
Graduation Book - Class of 2017
Ahmed M. Saleh
Ahmed Afify
Ahmed Abdelsalam
Ahmed Fared
“واخرتهــا ايــه؟ مرتيــن يف مــر وكلــه „رايــح كلــه رايــح
Ahmed Mostafa
Ahmed El-Shishtawy
Ahmed Nagi
Ahmed Nasser
Ahmed Hisham
Ahmed Yasser
“Unbreakable guy„
“One needs courage to live than to kill himself„
“Every new day is another chance to change your life„
“Stars can’t shine without darkness„
“Pressure makes diamonds! so hold on, till it be your time to shine„
Mansoura Faculty of Medicine - 50th Class
Graduation Book - Class of 2017
Azda Atef
Osama A. Elmoslhy
Osama Mansour
Osama Abokahla
Osama Sakr
Osama Soliman
“One hug a day can keep the therapist away„
“It wasn’t easy, It won’t be, But failure was NEVER an option„
“I understand„
“Hi, I’m Abokahla and I leave exams when I’m uncomfortable„
“If you don’t sacrifice for what you want, what you want becomes the sacrifice„
“It always seems impossible until it’s done„
Esraa Nooh
Esraa Abd El-Aaty
Esraa Awad
Esraa Lotfy
Esraa Moustafa
Eslam Elmetwaly
صالح ابن الناظر- „“لف وارجع تانى
“Welcome to the real world, it sucks. You’re gonna love it„
“Why fit in when you were born to stand out?„
Mansoura Faculty of Medicine - 50th Class
Eslam Gamal
Eslam Said
Graduation Book - Class of 2017
Islam Hawash
Islam Shehab El-Dien
Asmaa Osama
Asmaa Ashraf
“The journey begins„
“Believe & follow your passion, there are no regrets in life, just lessons.„
Asma’a El-Sayed
Asmaa Gamal Eldin
Asmaa Hasanin
Asmaa khairy
“And so the adventure begins„
“Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in„
“Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory„
،، “قلــب أمــك يــا نــن عينــي مــن جــوه „حبيــب اختــك يــا مقلبــظ
Asmaa Rafek
Asmaa Saleh
Mansoura Faculty of Medicine - 50th Class
Asmaa Salah
Asmaa Taha
“Dare to dream big & have the courage to step out„
“اتركهــا تأتــي كمــا كتبهــا اهلل لــك „لعلهــا تأتــي كمــا يتمناهــا قلبــك
Asmaa Faisal
Asmaa Elshiha
“We screw our lives to fix yours„
“After all the tassel would worth the hassle, I wish„
Graduation Book - Class of 2017
Asmaa Abdelghany
Asmaa Behery
Asmaa Ali
“لســة الطريــق طويــل نفســى ابقــى „شــاطرة وأســاعد كل النــاس
Asmaa Fekry “ال تــدري لعــل اهلل يحــدث بعــد „ذلــك أمــرا
Asmaa M. Hassan
Asmaa Moustapha “Bumpy ride, friends for life, but a mistake needing a time machine„
Ismail Elsaied
Mansoura Faculty of Medicine - 50th Class
Amal Saber
Amal Mohsen
“Don’t spend time beating on a wall hoping to transform it into a door„ - coco chanel
“قــل بفضــل اهلل و برحمتــه فبذلــك „فليفرحــوا
Graduation Book - Class of 2017
Aml Yousry
Omnia lbrahim
Omnia Eltawargy
Omnia Alaa
“Every path you take leads to another choice, Some choices change everything„ - the choice movie
Omnia Mohamed “It was a difficult journey with wounderful people„
Omnia Montaser
Amira El-nabawy „أحبك جدًا....“إىل العظيمة أمى
Amira Samir
Amera Enan
Amira Abdelmageed
“The time is always right to do what is right„
“التأنــى دائمــا وابــدا ف كل خطــوة „هتخطيهــا وكل قــرار هتاخــده
Mansoura Faculty of Medicine - 50th Class
Amera Fikry
Amira M. Hamed
Graduation Book - Class of 2017
Amira M. Helal
Amira Mahmoud
Eman Abd Elaziz
Eman Edress
“أنــا فخــورة إين واحــدة منكــم ويــارب „نفتكــر بعــض داميــا باخلــر
Eman Elbash
Eman Elghareeb
Eman ElQatary
Eman El Menshawi
Eman Gamal
Eman Helmy
“Happy hunger games and may the odds be ever in your favor„
“Perhaps this is the moment for which you have been created„
“I’m not great at the advice, Can I interest you in a sarcastic comment?„
“It always seems impossible until it’s done„
“علميــا خلصنــا دراســة عمليــا لســه „ بنبتــدي املشــوار وربنــا يســر
“You must be the change you wish to see in the world„
Mansoura Faculty of Medicine - 50th Class
Eman Hamdy
Eman Khaled
Graduation Book - Class of 2017
Eman Emara
Eman Reda
“I wanted to graduate Hogwarts not med-school. Who are those muggles?!!„
“فصــر جميــل واهلل املســتعان علــى „مــا تصفــون
Eman Ramzy
Eman Ramadan
Eman Elnoty
Eman Rashed
Eman Ezat
Eman Atteya
Eman Magdy
Eman M. Rashad
„“أينما أنبتك اهلل أزهر
“Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations„
“اللهــم اســتعملنا وال تســتبدلنا واعنــا „علــي مــا وكلتنــا بــه
“The first step on the long road (l did it)„
“من اآلن كن ما تريد لغد وحسن وغري „ ويبقى االثر..إىل أقصى حد هلم بجِ د
“It wasn’t easy but it made me the person who I am„
Mansoura Faculty of Medicine - 50th Class
Graduation Book - Class of 2017
Eman Saad
Eman Marzouk
Eman No`man
“You didn’t come this far to only come this far„
“Believe in yourself and you will be unstoppable!„
Enas Abdallah
Enas Elshahat
Basma Ibrahim
„“دا ربنا جندها نوسة
“أســعد النــاس بالدنيــا التــارك لهــا „وأســعدهم باآلخــرة العامــل لهــا
Eman Wael
Enas Hassanein
Enas Adel
“Daughter of the best MOM and DAD in the world„
وأســعى لــأدب..“أدرس الطــب صبا ًحــا ومــا بينهمــا حمــاوالت عبثيــة..ليــلًا „للحيــاة
Basma Akram
Basma Eldeb
Bassant Adel
“Don’t get too close, it’s dark inside„
“كان نفســي اتنطــط مــن الفرحــة بــس „..ضهــرى بيوجعنــي
“„متألقة يا بسنت said Dr. Ayman Elsammanody
Scar - Lion king
Mansoura Faculty of Medicine - 50th Class
Bashaier Mohamed
Graduation Book - Class of 2017
Tasniem Sami
Tahany Elsherbiny
Gehad Nagah
Joseph Morris
“Campus. Brings back so many memories.. that I would’ve made„–Michael Gary Scott
َالــدا َر الْآخِ ــ َرة َ يمــا آت ِ “وا ْبت َ َ َِــغ ف َّ َــاك اللَّــ ُه ِ ِم الد ْن َيــا َوأَ ْح ِســن ـن ـ ـك ـ ب ي َص ن ـس َ َ َ َولَا تَنـ ُّ َ „ـن اللَّــ ُه إليــك َ َك َمــا أَ ْح َسـ
“ســيأتي احللــم يف مشــكاة فجـ ٍر وعنــد „الصبــح تبتســم األمــاين
“The best way to predict the future is to create it„
Hazem Mourad
Hamed Zaghloul “If you want the rainbow, you have to deal with the rain„
Hossam Elsegeny
Hossam Hassanein
Hossam Farid
Hassan Elmansy
“I wish it was over, but it is not!„
“If the plan doesn’t work, change the plan, but never the goal„
Hassnaa Hassan
Mansoura Faculty of Medicine - 50th Class
Hussien Ibrahim
Hanan Abo Elfotoh
Graduation Book - Class of 2017
Hanan Hassan
Hanan Samir
Hanan Abd Al Monem
Hanan Abd Allah
“بحــب دفعتــى جــدا وفخــورة أن „أنــا جــزء منهــا
“People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day.„ A. A. Milne
Hanan Adly “It always seems impossible until it’s done„
Hanan Maher
Khaled Ghanem
Khaled Eldesouky
“I don’t want to live forever, I want to create something that will„
“It always seems impossible until it’s done„
Khalid Elsherbiny
Khadiga Ahmed
Mansoura Faculty of Medicine - 50th Class
Khlood Ramadan
Graduation Book - Class of 2017
Dalia Hafez
Dalia Elmansy
“Things turn out best for people who make the best out of the way things turn out„
“Hello, sick people and their loved ones„ - House MD
Doaa Ahmed
Donia Masoud
Deenah Salah “Options are like mixtapes, I don’t want to hear yours„
Dina Essam
Dina Farahat
“Welcome to the real world, it sucks you’re gonna like it„
“Nothing is impossible, if you can dream it you can achieve it„
Dina M. Elmallah
Ramy Diab
Rami Hashem
Rana Hany
“Follow your fear„
“LOVE the LIFE you LIVE, LIVE the LIFE you LOVE„ - Bob Marley
“Don’t get too close, it is dark inside„
Mansoura Faculty of Medicine - 50th Class
Rania Elsayed
Rania Abdelhamed
Graduation Book - Class of 2017
Rania M. Bahloul
Rehab Elashry
Radwa Mohammed
Radwa Ahmed
“It wasn’t raining when Noah built the ark„ - HOWARD RUFF
“I have nothing to offer but Syrup, Vials, Tablets, and Awesomeness„
“I don’t think of all the misery, but of the beauty that still remains„
Rana Elkady
Rana Shakaria
Rana Y. Arafa
Reem Mohamed
Reham Elsawaf
“It’s cool to be different and just be who you are and shock people in a good way„
)ون َ ُوع ُد َ الس َماءِ ِرزْقُ ُك ْم َو َما ت َ َّ “(وفِ ي „فال حتزنوا و ال تيأسوا
كنــت ســأظل،“لــو مل أجــازف واقــرب „اعتقــد بــأن شــيئًا جميـاً قــد فاتنــي
إن.. “ليــس اجلمــال بأثــواب تزيننــا „اجلمــال جمــال العلــم واألدب
“You can read this only because it’s not a handwritten quote„
Raghda Adel
Mansoura Faculty of Medicine - 50th Class
Graduation Book - Class of 2017
Reham Samir
Riham Tarek
Rana Tarek
Reham Elhosiny
Zeinab Elsayed
Zeinab A. Ghorab
“We made „family“ in a hopeless place„
“I’m only ten minutes younger..„
“ ten minutes of my life.„
“Tomorrow is yours, just smile and believe in yourself„
“You can only go as far as you push„
“It never gets easier, You get stronger„
Zeinab Abdulhamied “Try to be a rainbow in someone‘s cloud„
Zeinb Emad ElDin
Sara Ahmed “Never stop, One day you will be someone’s hope, someone’s hero„
Sara A. Youssef
Sara G. Morgan “Live what you love„
Sara Ouf
Mansoura Faculty of Medicine - 50th Class
Graduation Book - Class of 2017
Sara Gamal
Sara Hamdy
Sara Elbasiouny
Sara Shawqi
Sara Tarek
“Seek, Or you will lose a lot„
“Life is about wandering into the unknown„
وبكــرة هنكــون، “احنــا النهــارده ســوا „فــن يف الدنيــا
“Oh, screw beautiful. I’m brilliant. If you want to appease me, compliment my brain„
“Gorgeous women don’t go to medical school but i did it„
Sarah Attiya
Sarah Aladdin
Sarah Fathy
Sara Mostafa
Sara Nayf
Sara Abdelaleem
“Surgery gave me big zero and a lifetime hero„
“Strength does not come from physical capacity, it comes from an indomitable will„
Sara A. Habib
Mansoura Faculty of Medicine - 50th Class
Sara Abdelbaset
Sara M. Abd Rabou
Graduation Book - Class of 2017
Sally Salah
Sahar Elbaz
Salma Mamdouh
Salwa Elsaied
“My nickname is „Zewaila“ and I wish to deserve this name one day!„
Salwa Mohamed
Samar Esmaeil
Samar Roshdy
Samar Abd Elraouf
Samar Elsherif
“لكــي تســتمتع بقــوس قــزح يجــب „أن تتحمــل املطــر أوال
“Only those who risk going so far, can probably know how far one can go„
“وبعــد الــروب والــكاب نقــدر نقــول „ابتــدا املشــوار فاللهــم عونــا
“Mission completed„
Samar Mahmoud
Mansoura Faculty of Medicine - 50th Class
Graduation Book - Class of 2017
Samar Makarem
Somia Awd
Somaya Mohamed
Sahar Hamada
Suzan Gameel
“You are so close to the victory, don’t you dare give up now„
“مــا أطــال النــوم ُع ْمــرًا ومــا قصــرت „“️الدهــر „بابتــي َّ األيــام طــول
“Golden targets need golden passion, faith, trust and smile„
“If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door„
“If you can dream it, you can do it, Never stop„
Shady Gamal
Shahy Alaa
Shorouk Raafat
Sherif Gamal
Sherrin Reda
Shady Ashraf
“Letting go is the easy part... it’s the moving on that’s painful„
“When you play a „game of medicine“ you win or you die„
Shawky Sherif
Mansoura Faculty of Medicine - 50th Class
Scherin Ashraf
Graduation Book - Class of 2017
Sheyam Ramadan
Shymaa Hassan
Shimaa Omar
“In all chaos there is a cosmos, in all disorder a secret order„ Carl Jung
“مازلــت أســتمتع يف انتظــار عطايــا فحتمــا يف ذلــك، ربــي مهمــا تأخــرت „كل اخلــر
أن..“أول ســر مــن أســرار النجــاح „تؤمــن بنفســك
Shaimaa Mossad
Shaimaa Abulfarag “I always get to where I am going by walking away from where I have been„
Safinaz AbouSamra „ حاجة حلوة بيننا، “فيها حاجة حلوة
Safwat Elyamany
Tarek Hanafy
Taher Ebead
“I don’t know where I’m going, but I am on my way„
“This journey wasn’t easy but Its end deserves the fight„
Adel Wagdi
Atef Osman
Mansoura Faculty of Medicine - 50th Class
Ayda M. Maryoud
Aisha Alajooz
“The horizon leans forward offering you space to place new steps of change„
„“أدخلتني القراءة حياة غري احلياة
Graduation Book - Class of 2017
Abdelrhman Samii Abdelrahman Fayez AbdulRahman Nasser AbdelAziz A. Sallam “Appreciate life, be better , everything passes„
“Life is too short to even care at all„
“I’m an expert at putting people to sleep.. I’m an anesthesiologist„
Abdo Mohamed
Abeer Ahmed
Abeer Eissa
Azmy Abdelhaii
“My hope was to get people not grades and I think I lost both„
“وكان رجــاؤه إن مــر ذِ كــ ُره بأحدهــم „ كان طيــب األثــر:قِ يــل
AbdElRahman ElSaeed Abdelrahman Montaser “ياســمينة وشــيماء همــا النــور اللــي „ خرجــت بيــه مــن كليــة الطــب
“Go big or go home„
“ As long as Allah wants something for you nothing will ever stand in your way„
Mansoura Faculty of Medicine - 50th Class
Graduation Book - Class of 2017
Azza Gamal
Ola Elmallah
Alaa eldien Mosadak
Ali Younes
Ali M.Yousef
فلنبــدأ مــن جديــد عندمــا..“احلمــد هلل „Never Give Up ..ننتهــي
“This wasn’t like Grey’s anatomy at all„
“نرفــع درجــات مــن نشــاء وفــوق „كل ذي علــم عليــم
“To practise medicine in Egypt, you should be patient & impolite„
لطاملــا.“ســام عليــك يف جنتــك فهــل،تصلنــي ســعادتك بنجاحــي „!تصلــك ســعادتي بتحقيقــي حللمك؟
Ali M. Hendawy
Aliaa Maamoun
Ammar Dorra
Omar Hazem
Omar Seddiq
أما ثم تطمحي لصنع ً “أن تكوين معا ً عاملك اخلاص حماولة دجمهما „ليست باألمر السهل لكنها تستحق
“Bye Bye Kambora„
“Graduation is not the end , it’s only the beginning„
“If you want a thing done well, do it yourself„
Omar AbdelRaouf
Omar Zaghloul “I Came, I Saw, I Conquered„ Julius Caesar
Mansoura Faculty of Medicine - 50th Class
Omar Elgazzar
Omar Samy
“Wish me better luck in my next life„
“Surround yourself with people who love you, motivate you and encourage you„
Ghada Adel
Fadia Mohamed “I didn’t choose the thug life .. the thug life choose me„
Graduation Book - Class of 2017
Amr Elgharbawy
Amr El-sebaey
Amr Sheair
“The only person you should try to be better than is the person you were yesterday„
“The most amazing things that can happen to a human being will happen to you.. if you just lower your expectations„ - Phil Dunphy
Fatma Elashry
Fatma Ali
Fatima Mahmoud
“Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game„
“You were born with ability to change someone’s life, Don’t waste it„
Ghada Ebrahim
Kareem Salah
Mansoura Faculty of Medicine - 50th Class
Karim M. Saber
Lina Essam
“Love all ,trust a few, do wrong to none„
“Graduation is not the end; it’s the beginning„
Graduation Book - Class of 2017
Mo’men Kamel
Mo’men Usama
Mark Nagy
Mohamed Alsharkawy
“لــو كان احلــظ رج ـاً ألخدتــه باحلضــن „عشــان عمــل معايــا أحلــى واجــب واهلل
“If you haven’t heard my ugly laugh then you’re not funny„
Mohamed El-hendawy Mohamed Abdelhafez Mohamed Elgammal “It is unjust to sentence someone for a mistake. Mercy recognizes falling is a natural part of growth„
“Five in the love„
“كلما ازددت علمًا „ازددت علمًا بجهلي
Mohamed Eldeeb
Mohamed Esmail “Fame is a vapor, riches take wings .. Only one thing endures i.e CHARACTER„
Mohamed Ismail
Mansoura Faculty of Medicine - 50th Class
Mohamed Elbanna Mohamed Shoshan “Visca Elbarca„
Graduation Book - Class of 2017
Mohamed Dewidar
Mohamed Etman
Mohamed Marghany
“Win or learn„
“Be young Hale life!„
Mohamed Hamed
Mohamed Emara
Mohamed Hosam
“Be with Allah.. Love Your Soul.. Breathe Freedom.. Praise Yourself..„
“I have no idea what’s going on but I am excited„
“It is absolutely still possible to make a difference„
Muhammad Gaber “Run away, don’t come here„
Muhammad Thabet Muhammad Arnous “Hi I am Thabet of house Targaryen, survivor from the battle of surgery„
“I’M A DOCTOR and I’M عرنوسso I will treat you or get you high„
Mohamed Reda
Mansoura Faculty of Medicine - 50th Class
Mohamed Samy
Mohamed Soltan
Graduation Book - Class of 2017
Mohamed Sabri
“It always seems impossible until its done, „انتظروين انا مش جاي
Mohamed Ayyad
Mohamed Adel
“Just because someone stumbles, doesn’t mean they are lost forever„
Mouhamed Adel “Live a life you will remember„
Mohamed Abdelglil Mohamed Elsamanody Mohamed Abdul-Fattah Mohammed Khidr “The hardest part of ending is starting again„
“Anything is possible – all you have to do is believe in yourself. Wishing you all the best in what lies ahead„
Mohamed Abdulwahed “Brothers, what we do in life.. echoes in eternity„ Maximus - Gladiator
Mohamed Ali
Mansoura Faculty of Medicine - 50th Class
Graduation Book - Class of 2017
Mohamed A. Komber
Mohamed Elzayat
Mohamed Gad
Mohamed Sharief
“Go forth, set the world on fire„
“Every beat, single pulse.. tells a story, Follow your heart„
“Find your hope again to teach it to patients, basically “Doctor is a teacher”„
“Manners makyth man„ - William of Wykeham
Mohamed Farag
Mohamed Maher
Mohamed Awad
Mohamed Ghaleb
Mohamed Elgammal Mohamed Al-Adarosy Mohamed Shaban “Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds„
“You become what you Believe„
“And that man shall have nothing but what he strives for„
Mohamed M. Fawzy “Cure sometimes, treat often, comfort always„ - Hippocrates
Mansoura Faculty of Medicine - 50th Class
Mohamed Nazif
M. Yousry kamel
“Reach for the stars so if you fall you land on a cloud„
“بحلــم وحلمــي بســيط مــش كــر مــال „وال صيــت بحلــم اكــون نفســي
Graduation Book - Class of 2017
Mahmoud Abu Elma’ty Mahmoud Abdelfattah “Life isn’t about finding yourself, Life is about creating yourself„
Mahmoud Elrefaie
Mahmoud Elmorsy
“No amount of money ever bought a second of time„
“We shall rest when we are dead„
Mahmoud Esmail
Mahmoud Yassin
Mahmoud Bedir
“Lifes goes on but not at mansoura med school„
“Be the change you want to see in the world„
Mahmoud Soliman Mahmoud shamseldeen “To know more go to page 14„
“It is exciting when you find parts of yourself in someone else„
Mahmoud Adel “I lost my eyes cheating MCQs„
Mansoura Faculty of Medicine - 50th Class
Mahmoud Abdelaziz “People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day„
Graduation Book - Class of 2017
Mahmoud Mashal Mahmoud Abdelnasser “Be patient, the lessons you learn today will benefit you tomorrow„
“تذكــروا أن الطــب بــا إنســانية „كالصــاة بــا وضــوء
Mahmoud Omar
Mahmoud Fathy
Mahmoud Moheb
“قلبــك ضعيــف قويــه جايلــك „وقلبــي راميــه
“what doesn’t break you, makes you stronger„
“حــرك شــفايفك علشــان مــش „شــايفك
Mahmoud El Sa’dany Mahmoud Abdelgawad Mahmoud Abo Dia “Once you choose hope, anything is possible„
“Hodor„ - Hodor
Mahmoud ALQatari Mahmoud Moustafa Mahmoud Mo’ness “Be the Muslim you want to see and leave your legacy„
Mansoura Faculty of Medicine - 50th Class
Madiha Wagdy
Maram Helal
Graduation Book - Class of 2017
Marwa Elsaeed
Marwa Gamal
Marwa Raafat
Marwa M. Ali
„“ومازلت احلم باملستحيل
“Keep going„
Marwa M. Lasheen
Marwa Elsaied
Marwa Safwat
Marwa Donia “Happiness means to be thankful to Allah for everything in life„
Mariam Hafez
Mariam Abdelsamie
Mansoura Faculty of Medicine - 50th Class
Mariam AbdELghany
Mariam Magdy
“And so the adventure begins just take a deep breath„
Graduation Book - Class of 2017
Mostafa Magdy
Mostafa Bialy
“The road was inhumane.., But we are finally here„
“الكنــز مكنــش انــك تنهــى الرحلــه قــد مــا كان فــى الرحلــة نفســها „فــى النــاس اللــى عرفتهــم
Manar Saad
Mennatallah Elmogy
Mostafa Mahmoud
Malak Ebrahim
Menna khaled
Menna Essam
“Don’t give up, follow your dreams.., keep sleeping„
“I am 100% certain that I am 0% sure of what I’m going to do„
Manar Metwalli “It has been a long sunny road, but true friends can make it rain„
Manar Belal
Mansoura Faculty of Medicine - 50th Class
Menna Samy
Mona Mohsen
“أجمــل شــعور حســيته حلظــة تخرجــى ومــش هقــول غــر خلقــت „ بلســما فــا تشــتكى
“خملصتــش بســهوله دي ســبع „ســنني احلدوتــه
Graduation Book - Class of 2017
Mona Hussiny
Mona Sayed
Maha Abdalla
Maha Arafa
“Be the change that you wish to see in the world„
“Things end but memories last forever„
Maha Mamdouh
Mohannad Mohammed
Mai El-Sawaf
„ “سوف تلهو بنا احلياة وتسخر
„“احلمد هلل
“Bye, Ross.. FOREVER„
Mai Elmashdd
Mai Elsayed
Mai Elshazly
“I believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge, and I believe that love is stronger than death„
„“بالتوفيق يف اللى جاى
Mansoura Faculty of Medicine - 50th Class
Mai Mokhtar
Graduation Book - Class of 2017
May Nasser
Meer Labib
“How quietly we endure all that falls upon us„
“At the end we all are gonna die and this won’t last forever„
Nadia Khalid
Nagwa Ibrahim
Nada M. Zakaria
“zero is where everything starts. while here, zero may be the end for everything„
“ هــب ىل يــا إلهــى منــك عونــا „يســاعدنى إذا صعــب املســر
Mirna Ayman
Merna Ateya
Nadia Fathi
“I’m not anti-social. I’m just not social.„ - Woody Allen
Nada Mohamed
Nada Roshdy
“كــي تصــل قمــة جبــل البــد أن تكــون اخلطــوة التاليــة متقدمــة علــى „ ســابقتها
“Let your faith be bigger than your fear„
Nada Abd El-Rafea
Mansoura Faculty of Medicine - 50th Class
Nada Fathy
Graduation Book - Class of 2017
Nada Mostafa
Nada Wahdan
Nada Wahdan
Nesma Desoky
Nesma ELzehery
“Life is my college. May l graduate well and earn some honours!„
“live the life you have imagined„
„“تخرجنا واهلل يعينا
“We don’t make mistakes, just happy little accidents„ - Bob Ross
“Strive for progress not perfection„
Nashaat Wahba “Be yourself; everyone else is already taken„
Noha Hassan
Noha M. Sadek
Nehal Ahmed
Nehal Elmahdy
“أخــروا مــن حتبــون مبحبتكــم قبــل فــوات األوان واجعلــوا مــن حمبتكــم „أمــا جديــدا تعيشــون لــه
اللمبى- „ افتح الباب،“صباعى جوا الباب
Nehal Reda
ريا إذا ما َ ً وع ًشا صغ ُ “وتبقني سرًا ِ فألقاك أمنًا إذا عاد أعود إليه تعبت ُ ّ „ ويحنو عليه.. يعانق خويف خويف ُ
Mansoura Faculty of Medicine - 50th Class
Nehal Abdelnaser
Graduation Book - Class of 2017
Nehal Alaa
Nehal Elgaml
“All it needs is some time, a little bit of sunshine and voila„
“Being a doctor is like riding a bicycle, The bicycle is on fire.. you’re on fire.. everything is on fire„
Noura Saad
Noran Hazem
“Next to creating a life, the finest thing a woman can do is save one„
“Sometimes I pretend to be normal! but it gets boring so I go back to being me..„
Noha Ahmed
Noha Abdelaziz
Nora Ayman
Nourhan Elsalamony
Norhan Hossam
Norhan Hamdy
“It does not do well to dwell on dreams and forget to live„
“Believe in yourself, work hard and have a heart that never hardens„
Nora Mohsen
Mansoura Faculty of Medicine - 50th Class
Nourhan Adel “Learn to let go„
Graduation Book - Class of 2017
Nourhan Abdelnasser Nourhan Moustafa “Be not afraid of going slowly, be afraid only of standing still„
Noureen Marzouk
Hager Elsayed
Hala Elsayed
“Wherever you go, go with all your heart„
Hala Hassan
Hala Rady
Hani M. Alkazzaz
Heba Ibrahim
Heba Wahba
Heba Allah Ramadan
“Master has given Heba a Bachelor’s degree. Heba is FREEEE!„
„!“ياتري هنخرج مع بعض؟
Mansoura Faculty of Medicine - 50th Class
Hebat-Allah Mohamed
Heba Gomaa
Graduation Book - Class of 2017
Heba M. Youssef
Heba M. Elsayegh
Heba Elseddiq
Heba Medhat
“Imagine that “ I found my love in that hopeless place”„
Hoda Sakr
Hadeer Sharaky
“If you don’t like where you are in life... move „انــت مــش شــجره
“مــا أجمــل أن يتحقــق احللــم ونحــن „بصحبــة مــن نحــب
Hadeer Soliman
Hadeer Abusamra
Hadeer Ezzat
„“إليك أبي
“I spent 113,880 hours of my life for a paper and a handshake!„
Hadir M. El Gendy
Mansoura Faculty of Medicine - 50th Class
Hadeer M. Elnagar
Hadeer Ghonem
Graduation Book - Class of 2017
Hadeer M. Darwish Hadeel Elshaarawy
Hamsa Akram
“Wherever you go ,go with all your heart „و ربنا يســر
Hisham Hazem “Now you have the ticket to start the journey and change the world„
Hisham Taher
Hisham Elnaghi
Hend Ghabour
Hend Adel
“Thanks for your attention.„
“Here I met the beast. I watched him grow„
“لــن نخلــق للبقــاء فاصنــع لروحــك „أثــرًا طيبــً يبقــي مــن بعــدك
Hend Abdallah
Wael Mamdouh “I am always last. I hate alphabetical order„
Mansoura Faculty of Medicine - 50th Class
Wedad Ibrahim
Wesam Nasim
Graduation Book - Class of 2017
Wafaa Abdelaleem
Wafaa Hassan
Wafaa Samy
Waleed Saad
“It is absolutely still possible to make a difference. We can save lives..„
“Truth lifts the heart like water refreshes thirst„
“There are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind„
“You only live once„
Yasmin Hamouda
Yasmine Ashraf
Yassmine Adel
Yassmine Alaa
Yara Abu-Ahmed “It’s only with the heart you can see rightly; what’s essential is invisible to eye„
Yara Magdi
“You can do the impossible with the will of the lover„
Mansoura Faculty of Medicine - 50th Class
Graduation Book - Class of 2017
Yasmine Emad
Yasmeen M. Elmowafy
Yasmin Mostafa
Yasmina Saad
“كانــت فركــة كعــب وهنعملهــا بــس تقريبــا الكعــب داس علــى „وشــنا رايــح جــاى
“Focus on your goal, don’t look at any direction, but ahead„
“Don’t ever cry when it’s over. laugh for what the next bitch has to go through„
“We didn’t realize we were making memories, we just knew we were having fun„
Amr Ragab
Basma Mahmoud
Shorok Ahmed
Rania Tarek
Youmna Shawky
“What feels like the end is often the beginning„
“She believed, she could, she did„
Youmna Elmiligy
Ahmed Elbery
Mansoura Faculty of Medicine - 50th Class
Graduation Party Photo Gallery
Graduation Book - Class of 2017
Mansoura Faculty of Medicine - 50th Class
Graduation Book - Class of 2017
Mansoura Faculty of Medicine - 50th Class
Graduation Book - Class of 2017
Mansoura Faculty of Medicine 50th class - Events and Activities صورة انتهاء الســنة الرابعة 19 -مايو 2015
حفل انتهاء الســنة الثالثة 2 -أغسطس 2014
حفل اســتقبال الدفعة اخلمسني 12 -سبتمرب 2011
رحلة القاهرة ودرمي بارك 8 -أغســطس 2015
حفل انتهاء الســنة األوىل 18 -يوليو 2012 رحلة األســكندرية 13 -سبتمرب 2015
قافلة د .مرينا مصطفى األوىل 4 -مارس 2015
Mansoura Faculty of Medicine - 50th Class
Graduation Book - Class of 2017
Mansoura Faculty of Medicine 50th class - Events and Activities
غرفة الدفعة مبستشفى 20 - 57357مارس 2016
Dish Partyالدفعة اخلمسني 25 -فرباير 2016
قافلة روس الفرخ-كفر الشــيخ 9 -أكتوبر 2015
مشــر و ع إ فطا ر صا ئــم -يو نيو 20 1 6
قافلة د .مرينــا مصطفى الثانية 11 -مارس 2016
ر حلــة ا لقا هر ة و ا حلســن 4 -فرب ا يــر 20 1 6
Mansoura Faculty of Medicine - 50th Class
Graduation Book - Class of 2017
Mansoura Faculty of Medicine 50th class - Events and Activities قافلــة أوالد ناصــر -املنزلة 26 -مايو 2017
صورة انتهاء الســنة اخلامســة 7 -ديسمرب 2016
إفطــار رمضان الســنوي 30 -يونيو 201 6
قا فلــة د .أ ميــن علي 1 1 -أ غســطس 20 17
صدقة جارية لروح د .أمين علي 27 -أغسطس 2017
باربكيــو الدفعة اخلمســن 23 -يناير 2017
معــرض مالبس كفر األبحــر 1 -يوليه 2016
Mansoura Faculty of Medicine - 50th Class
Graduation Book - Class of 2017
Mansoura Faculty of Medicine 50th class - Events and Activities حفــل تخرج الدفعة اخلمســن 19 -مارس 2019
صورة انتهاء الســنة السادسة 26 -ديسمرب 2017
أ عضــا ء فر يق حلــم حيا ة
Fun Dayالدفعة اخلمســن 10 -يناير 2018
فر يــق حســا ب ا لد فعــة علي ا لفيســبو ك
إ فطــا ر ر مضــا ن ا لســنو ي 1 2 -يو نيو 20 18
أزمــة امتحان مادة اجلراحــة 16 -نوفمرب 2017
حكــم القضاء اإلداري بالغاء صفر اجلراحة 17 -أكتوبر 2018
Mansoura Faculty of Medicine - 50th Class
Childhood Photo Gallery
Graduation Book - Class of 2017
Mansoura Faculty of Medicine - 50th Class
Graduation Book - Class of 2017
Mansoura Faculty of Medicine - 50th Class
Memories and Group Photos
Graduation Book - Class of 2017
Mansoura Faculty of Medicine - 50th Class
Graduation Book - Class of 2017
Mansoura Faculty of Medicine - 50th Class
Graduation Book - Class of 2017
Mansoura Faculty of Medicine - 50th Class
Graduation Book - Class of 2017
Mansoura Faculty of Medicine - 50th Class
Graduation Book - Class of 2017
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Funday Hoodie design - Copyrights reserved to Mohamed Elzayat