How Cautions Signs Reduce Risks And Accidents! Several accidents and casualties happen on roads and workplaces due to lack of adequate warning which otherwise would have reduced the number of injuries and fatalities. So, caution signs play major role in Australia in reducing the risk and make life safer for people. These signs denote the presence of potential hazards, risks and danger which need special attention. Such signs can be seen on roads representing dangers to draw attention of drivers. These signs are also used to warn people against unsafe practices. Generally triangular in shape, warning signs in some nations are made in diamond shape also.
Why are caution signs made in yellow colour? Yellow colour can be seen from distance. The colour has high visibility. Even fastmoving vehicles from afar can be able to recognise the colour and make changes in their course to avoid accidents. Hence countries around the world use this sign for forewarning purposes. Normally made in yellow background, the signboards have “CAUTION� written in bold header in black. Can we use caution signs in parking area? Pillars and walls of parking area are pained with yellow stripes to help drivers see the edges and park vehicles safely. Such caution signs are made by painting yellow and black stripes on walls and pillars. Warning signs such as speed limit can be installed in parking places where vehicles need to be driven slowly. What purposes caution signs are used in Australia? Workplaces are filled with lots of hazards, dangers and health risks. Such threats need to be properly communicated to employees, customers and visitors. For example, the movement of mobile lifts and hazards due to electrical, high noise and chemicals need to be forewarned by installing appropriate warning signboards. Similarly, trip and fall hazards due to wet floors should be communicated to people and employees in hotels, airports, or hospitals. It can cause serious injuries to old people. So, wet floor warning boards need to be put-up at places to forewarn against trip hazards. Though people take this hazard lightly, accidents are common and can be sometimes serious if proper precautions are not taken.Wet signs can also be seen on busy roads where roads become wet due to rain or oil spill from other vehicles and motorists need to drive carefully. Can we get custom-made caution signs in Australia? Signs can be customised or purchased over the counter. Several sign makers such as Create Signs in Australia offer signs for various purposes either offline or online. One can create signs using several templates and order for fast delivery. To know more information please visit