Custom Metal Signs: Safety signs vs. Private property signs Custom metal signs have become an ineluctable part of our daily lives. From the moment we step outside of home we see signages everywhere around us in parking lots, malls, hospitals used extensively both indoors and outdoors. These are essential communication tools directing people in that region to do or not to do something. While they were quite prevalent across the century, with the advent of online e-commerce, DIY or custom metal signs have become quite common with both individuals and businesses alike signing up and customizing signages as per their requirement. While most of them are legally permitted, not all can signages can be legally binding. For example, private property no parking signs – while there is no law against hanging this signage in front of the house, no vehicle parked outside a private property can be issued a ticket as it is not illegal parking. The road space outside a privately-owned property is public property and hence the private property no parking signs is only valid if placed within a privately own space. Although these private property no parking signs are usually in black and white it does not have set standards as they are not legally mandated. They might also be in red, blue or green as seemed fit to the users. However, there are certain important signs that have been made legally mandatory like Safety signs or Danger signs at construction sites and other such hazardous locations. Since these signs are absolutely crucial to the health and well-being of the people, they have to conform to the set standards and norms set by the respective department of that country. For example, Safety signs NZ conform to the Standard NZS/AS 1319:1994, as per which Safety Signs are an essential legal requirement and sets necessary requirements while customizing signs for workplaces in NZ. These standards mandate that all Danger signs be in red, black and white contrast colours, while all the Warning signs are in bright yellow and black so that the signs are visually attractive and are not easily missed. While designing custom metal signs it is important to ensure the messaging is concise and meaningful, and the font is big enough to be easily read from a distance. It could contain the common standard symbols and graphics, but not any sort of advertising or commercial message that could serve as a distraction. These signages should also be placed appropriately within an easily visible range.