Benefit of mulch films in agriculture.
The usage of Mulching Films is the best solution to protect the soil that is the prior point for the growth of crops. To supply the proper nutrition to the plant marking the territory is a really intelligent process and a Plastic Mulch Film can do that the best by controlling weed occurrence. Moreover this is excellent to prevent evaporation and retain the water to the soil that helps to upgrade the soil quality. As we know all that we eat, drink or cook basically depends on the soil quality. So if we think to grow qualified crops the first step of the process is making your soil ready to yield and mulching will you there by advance steps.
What are the uses of Mulch Films?

Mulching is a technique of covering soil for advance agriculture to grow the best crop possible. It disallows the contamination of plats and soil with the harmful natural hazardous agents. It has potential to lock water and nutrients to the soil thus it becomes able to supply the satisfactory output to the farmers. So mulching becomes the most essential part to the farmers as an essential part of advance sustainable agriculture techniques. So, we can understand that mulching is beneficial for the better yield but is this possible to farm without mulching? What if I avoid mulching and start yield?
So what is a Mulching?
Yes you farm without mulch but you must be ready with more water. Because without a cover the soil will lose moisture easily and there will not be any temperature control. With all these the crop needs to share the nutrients with the growing weed and other natural agents. So, the plant will take more time to grow. On the other hand installing mulch before you yield will take care of the moisture and temperature variation of the soil. Soil will be hydrated and full of nutrients from the underground organisms and worms. Now if you grow on this soil the crop will grow better and faster very normally.

So how do we learn how to mulch? Is it a very advanced new agricultural technic? This is not at all a very new agricultural technic. We are using agriculture mulching film naturally from long ago just by the name of “natural weed controlling system”. It was made by straw or grass by drying these material of sun. Then the grass, straw, dry leaves were paved on field by a number of layers that the layer can create a cover over the soil and be able to control the weed growth. So the mulching process is a long time agricultural process used by farmers. This is no new at all!!!

That is Plastic Mulching Sheet. Here is the difference.Thus the long journey of plastic film started in agriculture and the great contribution of plastic increased day by day for last 60 years and above. Hence looking at the per hectre profit we came to know about “Polyethylene” which is the most essential Raw material which takes part of making versatile of materials like “LDPE” & “LLDPE”.
So plastic mulching films are made of LDPE in India by 30 micron granules plastic. But while buying you must consider your purpose very clearly. Like, Black mulching films are perfect for those crops which grow better in hot weather condition like, melon, tomato, pepper etc. Silver one is good for cold weathered veggies like lettuce, peas, and cucumbers etc. Silver mulch reflects the sunlight and tries to keep the weather around the crop cool else heat can harm your crop.
“The idea of using polyethylene film as mulch in plant production saw its beginnings in the mid-1950s. Dr. Emery M. Emmert of the University of Kentucky was one of the first to recognize the benefits of using LDPE (low-density polyethylene) and HDPE (high-density polyethylene) film as mulch in vegetable production.” (Wikipedia)
So whats the new trend is growing?

Mulch Films Usage & Benefits
Mulch Films are mainly used for the weed control and ensure saplings protein and growth. The goal of using plastic agricultural mulch film is mainly convey the nutrients to the proper tree we need that it can supply a better yield and increase productivity. Researchers estimate that plastic mulch increases crop yields by a third. This film is made of LDPE or LLDPE that is able to protect soil from harsh weather condition and control the soil temperature as well. For soil environment managing Plastic Mulch Film comes in different colour like Transparent, Silver, and Black. These are used for different purposes of horticulture, like:

Black Mulch: For conserving moisture, controlling weed and reducing radiation. Applicable for dry soil. Reflective Silver Mulch: For maintenance of the root-zone temperature, keeping it cooler. Applicable for sunny and hot region. Transparent Mulch: For increasing the soil temperature and preferably used for solarisation. Applicable for cold region. **Biodegradable Mulch: The film which is not needed to tear out, automatically it is mixed with soil. Specification of a mulch film: Excellent barrier for weed Very good barrier against air and weather Good UV and Sun exposure resistant Helps to protect soil temperature and environment Perfect for outdoors usage and fields Very effective for soil preparation and fermentation

Must Check Properties: Greater Tear Strength, the plants must fit through the hole Must be totally UV resistant Environmentally Sustainable Mechanical Barrier Protection Environmental Impact resistance Must be able to control temperature Wide application is seen in onfieldsuppressweedgrowth,regulatemoistureand temperature,properchannelizethefertilizers. LDPE UV stabilised made available in Roll. Last but not the least this is asked, after all mulching film is a plastic, is it all good to use it for agriculture as we know the effect for plastic all over the world? So we must discuss about the advantage and disadvantages of using mulch films. Advantages: Improves nutrients Weed suppression Water retention in the soil Encourage favourable microbial activity Reduced soil erosion Increased soil quality Enhanced nitrogen availability Reduced fertilizer leaching Earlier higher overall yields High quality Crops Disadvantages: Slower-maturing costs Retards the heating of the soil by the sun Cooler temperatures above and below mulch Cover crop mulch re-growth Cover small slugs Removal and disposal (for plastic mulches) High production cost (for plastic mulches) Specialized management Special equipment required
As per the research the market of this films is growing rapidly. By the year 2026 it will reach a significant height of the nation’s high rise product markets. As the production of crops increasing by 3x ratio with the help of agricultural films, experts are saying this is the future only because consumers are not going to compromise with their demand anymore. From the above data and information now you must have a clear idea about Plastic Agricultural Films, its variation, market and usage. You can always go and have a check of a market for a fare idea. Else we are always there. Have a look into or call us +91-8584014147